225 research outputs found

    Analysis of Dental Teleconsulting in the Pediatric Dentistry Field of Telehealth Minas Gerais: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To analyze the profile of the dental teleconsulting in the Pediatric Dentistry field of Telehealth Brazil Networks Program, in Minas Gerais centers, Brazil. Material and Methods: Asynchronous dental teleconsulting was evaluated in the Pediatric Dentistry specialty, extracted from secondary databases of the telehealth centers: the Clinical Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and UFMG Medical School, from July 2015 to July 2017. The variables collected were: type of issues and area and sub-area of Pediatric Dentistry. The results were descriptively analyzed using the SPSS v.22,0 program by frequencies. Results: Most of the issues in the Pediatric Dentistry specialty were about clinical conduct (81.4%). There was a predominance of issues regarding prevention (16.6%), surgery (15.3%), tooth eruption (15.1%), endodontics (12.1%), harmful oral habits (9.7%), patient cooperation (8.7%), primary teeth trauma (7.2%) and dentistry (6.7%). Regarding sub-areas, most issues were related to child oral hygiene (68.5%), tooth extraction (92%), tooth eruption chronology (65.6%), pulp diagnosis (49.0%), bruxism (64%), patient management (74.3%), post-trauma treatment (79.3%), and restoration (88.9%). Conclusion: Pediatric Dentistry teleconsulting suggested a difficulty of the professionals in the pediatric patient approach. Continuing education programs and training courses for professionals working in primary health care are crucial for the comprehensive care of pediatric patients

    Med-e-Tel 2013

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    Telemedicine in Graduate Medical Education: a Vision of the Medical Courses in a Developing Country

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    This study mapped those Brazilian medical schools that could have a possible discipline related to telemedicine and/or telehealth, and analysed the curriculum of each. A survey was completed of the medical schools in Brazil (n=272) and a curriculum analysis performed to identify those disciplines with some relation to telemedicine and/or telehealth. A total of 71 medical schools were found within the inclusion criterion. These schools were distributed in the following regions of the country: Southeast (39.4%), Northeast (28.2%), South (15.5%), North (11.3%) and Midwest (5.6%). The highest number of public schools was found in the Northeast region (21.1%). Approximately 27.9% of medical schools have potential subjects related to telemedicine and telehealth in their curriculum, being similar its source of support. Greater attention should be given to training in telemedicine and/or telehealth

    Characterizing the Information Needs of Rural Healthcare Practitioners with Language Agnostic Automated Text Analysis

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    Objectives – Previous research has characterized urban healthcare providers\u27 information needs, using various qualitative methods. However, little is known about the needs of rural primary care practitioners in Brazil. Communication exchanged during tele-consultations presents a unique data source for the study of these information needs. In this study, I characterize rural healthcare providers\u27 information needs expressed electronically, using automated methods. Methods – I applied automated methods to categorize messages obtained from the telehealth system from two regions in Brazil. A subset of these messages, annotated with top-level categories in the DeCS terminology (the regional equivalent of MeSH), was used to train text categorization models, which were then applied to a larger, unannotated data set. On account of their more granular nature, I focused on answers provided to the queries sent by rural healthcare providers. I studied these answers, as surrogates for the information needs they met. Message representations were generated using methods of distributional semantics, permitting the application of k-Nearest Neighbor classification for category assignment. The resulting category assignments were analyzed to determine differences across regions, and healthcare providers. Results – Analysis of the assigned categories revealed differences in information needs across regions, corresponding to known differences in the distributions of diseases and tele-consultant expertise across these regions. Furthermore, information needs of rural nurses were observed to be different from those documented in qualitative studies of their urban counterparts, and the distribution of expressed information needs categories differed across types of providers (e.g. nurses vs. physicians). Discussion – The automated analysis of large amounts of digitally-captured tele-consultation data suggests that rural healthcare providers\u27 information needs in Brazil are different than those of their urban counterparts in developed countries. The observed disparities in information needs correspond to known differences in the distribution of illness and expertise in these regions, supporting the applicability of my methods in this context. In addition, these methods have the potential to mediate near real-time monitoring of information needs, without imposing a direct burden upon healthcare providers. Potential applications include automated delivery of needed information at the point of care, needs-based deployment of tele-consultation resources and syndromic surveillance. Conclusion – I used automated text categorization methods to assess the information needs expressed at the point of care in rural Brazil. My findings reveal differences in information needs across regions, and across practitioner types, demonstrating the utility of these methods and data as a means to characterize information needs

    Telehealth in the Amazon Region in Latin America: an Overview

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    Purpose: This paper describes the current status of telehealth in the Latin American Amazon and displays the result of a distance course on malaria, focused on physicians and healthcare professionals from nine countries of the Amazon region. Methods: Data were collected on telehealth implementation and course participation for the following countries in the Amazon region: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Bolivia. Results: There are 808 Municipalities in the Amazon region. Over half (51.9%) of the Municipalities have implemented or are implementing telehealth projects in the region. Among these 6 countries, Brazil has the highest percentage of municipalities with telehealth projects implemented (498 of 808, 61,6%;), Venezuela  (38 of 91, 41.7%) and  following by Bolívia  (5 of 39; 12,8%). Participation in the distance course on malaria has included 868 students: Brazil, 291 participants (33.5%); Bolivia, 28 (3.2%); Colombia, 104 (12.0%); Ecuador, 52 (6.0%); Guyana, 2 (0.2%); Paraguay 1 (0.1%), 270 Peru (31,1%); 102 Venezuela (11.8%) and others (2.1%). Nearly all (99.1%) of learners would recommend the course to colleagues. Conclusion: Shared action between countries is an important framework that can lead to incorporation of telehealth resources and training for a common, remote setting, as exemplified by international activities in the Amazon region

    Follow up of the Legislation Advancement Along the Implementation of the Brazilian Telehealth Programme

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    Purpose: Brazil has adopted e-Health as a national policy applied to healthcare and education since 2006. The aim of the present study is to present the evolution of the legislation as it reflects the evolution of the Brazilian Telehealth Program along this period of time, as well as some learned lessons. Methods: To describe the evolution of the program, a model was adopted, and analysed  in parallel to the three main edicts that oriented the evolution of the  program. Results: The life cycle stages of e-health implementation were identified in the evolution of the 3 different stages of the Brazilian Telehealth Program and also reflected in the evolution of its legislation. The results of pilot project from the first stage was followed and guided the implementation of the National Program applied to primary health care in the second stage. The Program has been implemented all over the country, developed new concepts, became integrated to the Unified Health Systems not only in primary health care, but also include median and high complexity level of care. Conclusion: The Brazilian Telehealth Program, along his implementation and consolidation, established new concepts and had telehealth included in its roll of services. These accomplishments are reflected in the Brazilian legislation, which considers and applies e-Health as a national policy

    O uso das TICs para a capacitação dos profissionais da saúde

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    The accumulated experience with the incorporation of ICTs present a high resolubility. Objective: This study aimed to report the experience with the training process for health professionals mediated by ICTs in Portugal and Brazil. Method: He carried out the implementation of a training for the nurses inserted in the Hospital of Braga / Braga / Portugal with the participation of pro- fessors of the Federal University of Minas Gerais / Brazil, using the ICTs. Results: The evaluation of experience and analysis of the reference framework allowed us to understand that distance education (DLE) presents itself as a possibility for the democratization of knowledge for health professionals, serving as a strategy that assists in decision-making in the day-to-day health care. ICT is an important tool in the process of work and permanent education, making it a learning-work possibility that happens in the daily lives of people and organizations. Conclusion: The process of training health professionals should be based on the problems of praxis, considering the knowledge and experiences that people bring in their professional experience.Introdução: A experiência acumulada com a incorporação de TICS na saúde apresenta uma alta resolutibilidade. Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou relatar a experiência com o processo de formação para profissionais da saúde mediada pela TICs em Portugal e no Brasil. Método: Foi realizada a implantação de uma formação para os enfermeiros inseridos no Hospital de Braga/Braga/Portugal com a participação de docentes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/ Brasil, utilizando as TICs. Resultados: A avaliação da experiência e análise do referencial permitiu compreender que educação a distância (EAD) apresenta-se como uma possibilidade de democratização do saber para os profissionais de saúde, servindo como uma estratégia que auxilia na tomada de decisões no dia a dia da prestação da assistência a saúde. A TICs é uma ferramenta importante no processo de trabalho e educação permanente, tornando uma possibilidade de aprendizagem-trabalho, que acontece no cotidiano das pessoas e organizações. Conclusão: O processo de formação dos profissionais da saúde deve ser elaborado a partir dos problemas da práxis, considerando os conhecimentos e as experiências que as pessoas trazem na sua vivência profissionalIntroducción: una ayuda de teléfono y una educación permanente estandariza conductas terapéuticas y facilita un trámite de co-nocimientos en el ámbito de la atención básica de los locales remotos y los profesionales de la salud de los centros hospitalarios. Objetivo: analizar los efectos de la comunicación en la forma de la práctica básica de la atención básica de Brasil. Método: El diseño metodológico utilizado fue realizar una bibliografía bibliográfica sobre telesalud. Realizamos una busca en el Scopus, Cochrane BVS, LILACS y MEDLINE en el sentido de encontrar experiencias de comunicación. Resultados: La telesalud es importante en el feedback del ciclo de investigación translacional; fortalece la gestión de los cuidados y la vigilancia de la salud; incentiva la organi-zación más rápida y propicia troca de conocimientos; acelera la implementación de innovaciones en la red de cuidados de salud. Conclusión: un sistema de telecomunicaciones es una función eficaz de la capacitación de los trabajadores y las compañías en la seguridad de la calidad en el servicio al cliente y, por último, en el beneficio de las instituciones para el desarrollo. La formación con la telessaúde posibilita una acción práctica en el desarrollo de la solución de problemas frente a las situaciones nuevas de la atención básica de salud en BrasiCIED-Centro de |investigação em Educaçã

    Technology enabling the largest free and accessible event worldwide on COVID-19 management: experience report: Tecnologia viabilizando o maior evento gratuito e acessível do mundo sobre gestão da COVID-19: relato de experiência

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    Introdução: O uso das redes sociais como fonte de informação durante a pandemia de Covid-19 possibilitou o acesso do grande público a informações atualizadas, mas também permitiu uma intensa disseminação de notícias falsas no Brasil e no mundo. Objetivo: Este relatório tem como objetivo apresentar a experiência da tecnologia que possibilita a organização e implantação de um evento científico online gratuito de grande escala sobre a Covid-19, com foco em informações baseadas em evidências, atendimento e gestão do paciente. Métodos: O "Primeiro Congresso Brasileiro de Evidências Clínicas sobre Covid-19" aconteceu entre os dias 03 e 07 de maio de 2021 e foi realizado pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, a principal universidade federal do Brasil. Resultados: Houve 27.102 cadastros. A transmissão teve 29.170 visualizações no primeiro dia. Em 25 de junho de 2021, foram 80.923 visualizações para a versão original em áudio e 10.352 visualizações para a tradução simultânea. Os tópicos compreenderam prevenção da Covid-19, gestão na atenção primária, atendimento pré-hospitalar, assistência hospitalar, unidade de terapia intensiva, longa-COVID-19, vacinas, saúde mental e custos. Minipalestras foram seguidas de discussão e interação com os participantes. Palestrantes e moderadores de todo o Brasil e do exterior foram escolhidos de acordo com sua expertise em temas de Covid-19 e em medicina baseada em evidências. Entre as sessões, foram apresentados depoimentos em vídeo de pessoas que não puderam trabalhar em casa sobre o que tocou seu coração durante a pandemia. A acessibilidade foi garantida por meio de tradução simultânea para a Língua Brasileira de Sinais. A satisfação dos participantes foi avaliada, com 2.228 respondentes, dos quais 97,4% disseram que suas expectativas foram superadas e 86,8% relataram adquirir novos conhecimentos sobre a Covid-19. Final considerations: Essa experiência mostrou que a tecnologia possibilitou a divulgação de evidências científicas acessíveis sobre a Covid-19 para um grande público por meio de um evento online gratuito