347 research outputs found

    An iterative algorithm for parametrization of shortest length shift registers over finite rings

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    The construction of shortest feedback shift registers for a finite sequence S_1,...,S_N is considered over the finite ring Z_{p^r}. A novel algorithm is presented that yields a parametrization of all shortest feedback shift registers for the sequence of numbers S_1,...,S_N, thus solving an open problem in the literature. The algorithm iteratively processes each number, starting with S_1, and constructs at each step a particular type of minimal Gr\"obner basis. The construction involves a simple update rule at each step which leads to computational efficiency. It is shown that the algorithm simultaneously computes a similar parametrization for the reciprocal sequence S_N,...,S_1.Comment: Submitte

    Minimal Polynomial Algorithms for Finite Sequences

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    We show that a straightforward rewrite of a known minimal polynomial algorithm yields a simpler version of a recent algorithm of A. Salagean.Comment: Section 2 added, remarks and references expanded. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    Decoding Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes and Its Application to RLCE Encryption Schemes

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    This paper compares the efficiency of various algorithms for implementing quantum resistant public key encryption scheme RLCE on 64-bit CPUs. By optimizing various algorithms for polynomial and matrix operations over finite fields, we obtained several interesting (or even surprising) results. For example, it is well known (e.g., Moenck 1976 \cite{moenck1976practical}) that Karatsuba's algorithm outperforms classical polynomial multiplication algorithm from the degree 15 and above (practically, Karatsuba's algorithm only outperforms classical polynomial multiplication algorithm from the degree 35 and above ). Our experiments show that 64-bit optimized Karatsuba's algorithm will only outperform 64-bit optimized classical polynomial multiplication algorithm for polynomials of degree 115 and above over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). The second interesting (surprising) result shows that 64-bit optimized Chien's search algorithm ourperforms all other 64-bit optimized polynomial root finding algorithms such as BTA and FFT for polynomials of all degrees over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). The third interesting (surprising) result shows that 64-bit optimized Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm only outperforms 64-bit optimized classical matrix multiplication algorithm for matrices of dimension 750 and above over finite field GF(210)GF(2^{10}). It should be noted that existing literatures and practices recommend Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm for matrices of dimension 40 and above. All our experiments are done on a 64-bit MacBook Pro with i7 CPU and single thread C codes. It should be noted that the reported results should be appliable to 64 or larger bits CPU architectures. For 32 or smaller bits CPUs, these results may not be applicable. The source code and library for the algorithms covered in this paper are available at http://quantumca.org/

    Fast algorithm for border bases of Artinian Gorenstein algebras

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    Given a multi-index sequence σ\sigma, we present a new efficient algorithm to compute generators of the linear recurrence relations between the terms of σ\sigma. We transform this problem into an algebraic one, by identifying multi-index sequences, multivariate formal power series and linear functionals on the ring of multivariate polynomials. In this setting, the recurrence relations are the elements of the kerne lII\sigma of the Hankel operator $H$\sigma associated to σ\sigma. We describe the correspondence between multi-index sequences with a Hankel operator of finite rank and Artinian Gorenstein Algebras. We show how the algebraic structure of the Artinian Gorenstein algebra AA\sigmaassociatedtothesequence associated to the sequence \sigma yields the structure of the terms $\sigma\alphaforall for all α\alpha ∈\in N n.Thisstructureisexplicitlygivenbyaborderbasisof. This structure is explicitly given by a border basis of Aσ\sigma,whichispresentedasaquotientofthepolynomialring, which is presented as a quotient of the polynomial ring K[x 1 ,. .. , xn]bythekernel] by the kernel Iσ\sigmaoftheHankeloperator of the Hankel operator Hσ\sigma.Thealgorithmprovidesgeneratorsof. The algorithm provides generators of Iσ\sigmaconstitutingaborderbasis,pairwiseorthogonalbasesof constituting a border basis, pairwise orthogonal bases of Aσ\sigma$ and the tables of multiplication by the variables in these bases. It is an extension of Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata (BMS) algorithm, with improved complexity bounds. We present applications of the method to different problems such as the decomposition of functions into weighted sums of exponential functions, sparse interpolation, fast decoding of algebraic codes, computing the vanishing ideal of points, and tensor decomposition. Some benchmarks illustrate the practical behavior of the algorithm

    On Sequences, Rational Functions and Decomposition

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    Our overall goal is to unify and extend some results in the literature related to the approximation of generating functions of finite and infinite sequences over a field by rational functions. In our approach, numerators play a significant role. We revisit a theorem of Niederreiter on (i) linear complexities and (ii) 'nthn^{th} minimal polynomials' of an infinite sequence, proved using partial quotients. We prove (i) and its converse from first principles and generalise (ii) to rational functions where the denominator need not have minimal degree. We prove (ii) in two parts: firstly for geometric sequences and then for sequences with a jump in linear complexity. The basic idea is to decompose the denominator as a sum of polynomial multiples of two polynomials of minimal degree; there is a similar decomposition for the numerators. The decomposition is unique when the denominator has degree at most the length of the sequence. The proof also applies to rational functions related to finite sequences, generalising a result of Massey. We give a number of applications to rational functions associated to sequences.Comment: Several more typos corrected. To appear in J. Applied Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. The final publication version is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00200-015-0256-
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