4 research outputs found

    Considerations around transport header confidentiality, network operations, and the evolution of Internet transport protocols

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    To protect user data and privacy, Internet transport protocols have supported payload encryption and authentication for some time. Such encryption and authentication are now also starting to be applied to the transport protocol headers. This helps avoid transport protocol ossification by middleboxes, mitigate attacks against the transport protocol, and protect metadata about the communication. Current operational practice in some networks inspect transport header information within the network, but this is no longer possible when those transport headers are encrypted. This document discusses the possible impact when network traffic uses a protocol with an encrypted transport header. It suggests issues to consider when designing new transport protocols or features

    Аналіз механізмів керування перенавантаженням в комп’ютерних мережах на основі засобів планування

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    Метою роботи є комплексне вивчення та аналіз методів контролю перевантажень у комп’ютерних мережах, особливо зосереджуючись на методах на основі планування, FIFO, RR та методах FIFO та RR на основі пріоритетів. Окрім розуміння тонкощів цих методів, ми прагнемо визначити їхні переваги та недоліки, щоб розробити стратегії вдосконалення механізмів керування перевантаженнями. В даній роботі розглядаються загальні відомості про комп’ютерні мережі їх структура, класифікація, визначаються причини перевантаження комп’ютерної мережі, цілі керування перевантаженнями, вивчаються принципи роботи механізмів керування перевантаженням в комп’ютерних мережах на основі засобів планування, особливо зосереджуючись на методах FIFO, RR та їх варіантів з пріоритетами, визначаються їхні переваги та недоліки для подальшого покращення цих методів.The aim of the work is to comprehensively study and analyze methods for controlling overloads in computer networks, with a particular focus on planning-based methods, FIFO, RR, and FIFO and RR methods based on priorities. In addition to understanding the intricacies of these methods, we strive to identify their advantages and disadvantages in order to develop strategies for improving overload management mechanisms. This work discusses general information about computer networks, including their structure and classification. It identifies the causes of network congestion, the objectives of overload management, and examines the principles of overload management mechanisms in computer networks based on scheduling techniques, with a particular emphasis on FIFO, RR, and their priority-based variants. Their advantages and disadvantages are determined for further enhancement of these methods

    Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques towards Intelligent Networking Automation

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    In this thesis, we address some of the challenges that the Intelligent Networking Automation (INA) paradigm poses. Our goal is to design schemes leveraging Machine Learning (ML) techniques to cope with situations that involve hard decision-making actions. The proposed solutions are data-driven and consist of an agent that operates at network elements such as routers, switches, or network servers. The data are gathered from realistic scenarios, either actual network deployments or emulated environments. To evaluate the enhancements that the designed schemes provide, we compare our solutions to non-intelligent ones. Additionally, we assess the trade-off between the obtained improvements and the computational costs of implementing the proposed mechanisms. Accordingly, this thesis tackles the challenges that four specific research problems present. The first topic addresses the problem of balancing traffic in dense Internet of Things (IoT) network scenarios where the end devices and the Base Stations (BSs) form complex networks. By applying ML techniques to discover patterns in the association between the end devices and the BSs, the proposed scheme can balance the traffic load in a IoT network to increase the packet delivery ratio and reduce the energy cost of data delivery. The second research topic proposes an intelligent congestion control for internet connections at edge network elements. The design includes a congestion predictor based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and an Active Queue Management (AQM) parameter tuner. Similarly, the third research topic includes an intelligent solution to the inter-domain congestion. Different from second topic, this problem considers the preservation of the private network data by means of Federated Learning (FL), since network elements of several organizations participate in the intelligent process. Finally, the fourth research topic refers to a framework to efficiently gathering network telemetry (NT) data. The proposed solution considers a traffic-aware approach so that the NT is intelligently collected and transmitted by the network elements. All the proposed schemes are evaluated through use cases considering standardized networking mechanisms. Therefore, we envision that the solutions of these specific problems encompass a set of methods that can be utilized in real-world scenarios towards the realization of the INA paradigm