380 research outputs found

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    Louisville Science Center

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    The Louisville Science Center a leading resource for informal science education and is the largest hands-on science center in Kentucky, with 150 interactive exhibits and activity stations, a four-story IMAX Theatre, teaching laboratories, a variety of educational programs, and distance learning capabilities. The World We Create is a 12,500 square-foot permanent exhibit lets visitors make use of their creative and problem-solving skills with activity stations involving the fields of chemistry, physics, engineering, telecommunications, and manufacturing encourage visitors to discover how math, science, and technology are at work in their everyday lives. The World Within Us explores the life sciences, and The World Around Us is a natural and earth sciences exhibit where visitors explore their connections to, and impacts on, the world around us. Center Stage serves as a gateway to three major ecological galleries, including Atmosphere, Air That Surrounds Us, Aquasphere, Water That Sustains Us, and Terrasphere, Environments That Support Us. The Center has also developed some traveling exhibits available for rent. There are online games, links, and educational resources for teachers, as well as information on teacher professional development, activities, workshops and special events. Educational levels: Informal education

    A Guide to the Literature of the Southwest

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    Suffolk Journal, vol. 70, no. 13, 2/3/2010

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    Del "Ars grammaticae" al "Ars epistolaris" : el "De componendis epistolis" de Niccolò Perotti

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    El propósito de este trabajo es poner de relieve el papel primordial que algunas artes grammaticae, como los Rudimenta grammatices de Niccolo Perotti, representaron en el desarrollo y evolución del arte epistolar en los albores del Renacimiento. Numerosas ediciones del De componendis epistolis, última sección del ars de Perotti, permanecen inéditas en las bibliotecas, siendo objeto de lecturas parciales que han minusvalorado su significación en la historia de la epistolografia. La carta-modelo que cierra el tratado es el verdadero eje nuclear de cuantas enseñanzas gramaticales inserta en su tercer libro el preceptista italiano. El análisis de esta epístola conclusiva nos permite advertir en su justa medida el espíritu humanista que alienta la concepción esencialmente globalizadora y pedagógica que el autor tenía del género epistolar.The object of this paper is to show the fundamental role that some artes grammaticae, such as, Rudimenta grammatices de Niccolo Perotti, had in the unfolding of the epistolary art at the beginnings of the Renaissance. However, still many copies on Perotti's last section of his ars, De componendis epistolis, continue to hide unpublished in libraries, being the object of neglet and partial readings that understimate the role ot the work in the history of epistolography. The model letter which ends the thirde book of this treatise is the true centre of all his grammatical teaching. A closed analysis of this epistle allows us to fully appreciate the humanistic spint that permeates the global and pedagogial conception the Italian author had on the epistolary genre

    Del "Ars grammaticae" al "Ars epistolaris" : el "De componendis epistolis" de Niccolò Perotti

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    El propósito de este trabajo es poner de relieve el papel primordial que algunas artes grammaticae, como los Rudimenta grammatices de Niccolo Perotti, representaron en el desarrollo y evolución del arte epistolar en los albores del Renacimiento. Numerosas ediciones del De componendis epistolis, última sección del ars de Perotti, permanecen inéditas en las bibliotecas, siendo objeto de lecturas parciales que han minusvalorado su significación en la historia de la epistolografia. La carta-modelo que cierra el tratado es el verdadero eje nuclear de cuantas enseñanzas gramaticales inserta en su tercer libro el preceptista italiano. El análisis de esta epístola conclusiva nos permite advertir en su justa medida el espíritu humanista que alienta la concepción esencialmente globalizadora y pedagógica que el autor tenía del género epistolar.The object of this paper is to show the fundamental role that some artes grammaticae, such as, Rudimenta grammatices de Niccolo Perotti, had in the unfolding of the epistolary art at the beginnings of the Renaissance. However, still many copies on Perotti's last section of his ars, De componendis epistolis, continue to hide unpublished in libraries, being the object of neglet and partial readings that understimate the role ot the work in the history of epistolography. The model letter which ends the thirde book of this treatise is the true centre of all his grammatical teaching. A closed analysis of this epistle allows us to fully appreciate the humanistic spint that permeates the global and pedagogial conception the Italian author had on the epistolary genre

    The Murray Ledger and Times, July 21, 2007

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, July 21, 2007

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