4,549 research outputs found

    Computer Education Support Structures in Victorian Schools in the 1980s

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    Early computer awareness courses in australian secondary schools : Curricula from the late 1970s and early 1980s

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    Today there is no need to introduce secondary school students to computer technology, but in the early 1980s, the situation was quite different. In Australia in the late 1970s and early 1980s considerable importance was put on the introduction of Computer Awareness courses in secondary schools. The justification for such courses was the perceived need for children to be prepared for living in a society which was fast becoming dependant on the widespread application of computer technology, and that few people then understood the use and implications of this technology. Unlike in parts of the United States, no distinction was made in Australia between Computer Awareness and Computer Literacy, with the Australian curricula involving elements of each. This paper outlines the reasons for the development of Computer Awareness courses in Australia and describes their content. It discusses the consequences of these courses and why they were prominent in the 1980s.2nd IFIP Conference on the History of Computing and EducationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Educating managers for business and government : a review of international experience

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    Managers, in both the private and public sectors, are increasingly recognized as critical in the use of scarce resources for national development. There is no unanimity of opinion, however, regarding the models or approaches to management education that are most appropriate in different environmental settings. This report encompasses management education for each of the following groups: the managers and future managers of large scale enterprises; entrepreneurs and small businessmen; and public administrators. It reviews worldwide trends and developments in management education for lessons in such areas as curriculum design, research and teaching methodology, and institutional policies and administration. Experience is drawn from recognized universities, educational organizations, civil service institutes, and corporations in several major countries and regions of the world.ICT Policy and Strategies,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Teaching and Learning,Curriculum&Instruction,Primary Education

    Human choice and computers : an ever more intimate relationship

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    Since 1974, the Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference series has firmly remained at the cutting edge of innovative thinking about the interface between the social and technology. This introductory chapter to the proceedings of the 12th Human Choice and Computers conference points out that what has set HCC conferences apart is the critical perspective that is its hallmark. HCC12 continues this tradition


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    Transitioning business school accounting from binary divide to unified national system: a historical case study

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    Purpose: This paper aims to provide a historical case study of strategic changes in accounting at an Australian university’s business school department during 1972-1992 when it was repositioning itself in the early stages of major changes in the Australian and international tertiary accounting education environment. The study is conducted within the context of the university history within which the department operated as well as major government policy and global education shifts shaping university structures and focus. Design/methodology/approach: This study offers a historical analysis of early stage changes in university focus at the business school’s accounting department, developed through departmental and university reports and oral history interviews. A narrative analytical methodology is adopted to portray a history of an academic accounting department in transition. Findings: This case study illuminates the impacts of and responses to the beginning of marketisation and globalisation of higher education, and the commercialisation of universities and explains the strategic implementation processes in one university’s business school departmental during a period of significant formative change in the Australian accounting education landscape. Originality/value: This study deepens our understanding of environmental, structural, educational and research changes at the operational departmental level of academic institutions, paying particular attention to the organisational culture and human capital dimensions

    ACER 1998-1999 Annual Report

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    Optimizacija provedbe vojne izobrazbe metodom učenja na daljinu

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    The purpose of the research is to analyse the current data and experience of the Slovenian Armed Forces’ E-Learning Centre, and to examine the possibility of increasing the positive impacts of distance education by introducing it into the regular forms and programmes of education in the Slovenian Armed Forces. Based on the results of the data analysis and the experience of the E-Learning Centre and the estimated financial impacts, it can be confidently stated that the introduction of distance education has been financially beneficial for the Slovenian Armed Forces. The savings achieved so far have more than justified the development and construction of the SAF’s own e-learning capabilities. The results of the US analysis also speak in favour of the use of the distance learning method in military education. The introduction of the distance learning method in the military education system shows the positive impacts of e-learning in its integration into the regular forms and programmes of education in the Slovenian Armed Forces. It increases the likelihood of the successful implementation of digital transformation of education programmes, and guides education providers to address key content challenges.Svrha je istraživanja analizirati trenutne podatke i iskustvo Središta za e-učenje Slovenske vojske te ispitati mogućnost povećanja pozitivnih učinaka izobrazbe na daljinu njegovim uvođenjem u redovite oblike i programe izobrazbe u Slovenskoj vojsci. Na temelju rezultata analize podataka i iskustva Središta za e-učenje te procijenjenih financijskih učinaka, može se pouzdano tvrditi da je uvođenje izobrazbe na daljinu bilo financijski korisno za Slovensku vojsku. Dosadašnje uštede više su nego opravdale razvoj i izgradnju vlastitih sposobnosti e-učenja Slovenske vojske. U prilog primjeni metode učenja na daljinu u vojnoj izobrazbi govore i rezultati američke analize. Uvođenje metode učenja na daljinu u sustav vojne izobrazbe pokazuje pozitivne učinke e-učenja u njegovoj integraciji u redovite oblike i programe izobrazbe u Slovenskoj vojsci. Njime se povećava vjerojatnost uspješne provedbe digitalne transformacije programa izobrazbe i usmjerava se obrazovne institucije na rješavanje problematike ključnih sadržaja izobrazbe

    The Information Systems Academic Discipline in Australia

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    This book represents the second phase of a multi-method, multi-study of the ‘Information Systems Academic Discipline in Australia’. Drawing on Whitley’s Theory of Scientific Change, the study analysed the degree of ‘professionalisation’ of the Information Systems Discipline, the overarching research question being ‘To what extent is Information Systems a distinct and mature discipline in Australia?’ The book chapters are structured around three main sections: a) the context of the study; b) the state case studies; and c) Australia-wide evidence and analysis. The book is crafted to be accessible to IS and non-IS types both within and outside of Australia. It represents a ‘check point’; a snapshot at a point in time. As the first in a hoped for series of such snap-shots, it includes a brief history of IS in Australia, bringing us up to the time of this report. The editorial team comprises Guy Gable, architect and leader; Bob Smyth, project manager; Shirley Gregor, sponsor, host and co-theoretician; Roger Clarke, discipline memory; and Gail Ridley, theoretician. In phase two, the editors undertook to examine each component study, with a view to arriving at an Australia-wide perspective