650 research outputs found

    Internationalisation and global citizenship in higher education - reflections from four case studies in Brazil, Poland, UK and USA

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    Internationalisation and global citizenship (GC) have been under exploration by researchers, practitioners and policy makers over the last two decades because of their profound impact on globalising contemporary higher education (HE). As a result, there are many conceptualisations of and empirical studies into internationalisation and GC in HE, and this area is rapidly expanding, uncovering the need for further research. In this thesis, by investigating strategies and staff opinions at four selected universities in Brazil, Poland, UK and USA, which are attempting to internationalise and foster GC. I engage with and build on existing theories and concepts about globalising HE, internationalisation and global citizenship in HE. I build a model to conceptualise the relationships between internationalisation practices and graduate GC attributes, which uses an analytical tool of three conceptual lenses: neoliberal, liberal and critical. I conclude by explaining how the relationships between internationalisation and GC at each institution depend on the context, institutional particularities, people and a creative use of the third space to conceptualise and practice. This thesis contributes to the discussions about modern HE with a study of four universities that practice internationalisation and fostering GC in four different contexts and it further unravels the nuances and complexities influencing the practical and conceptual relationships between internationalisation and GC

    Contemporary theory of metaphor: an analysis of lakoffian echoes in Brazil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2010Nos últimos trinta anos, a metáfora tem sido observada sob aspectos mais psicológicos e cognitivos, tornando-se objeto de interesse central nas ciências humanas, principalmente na psicologia cognitiva que tem desenvolvido uma grande quantidade de pesquisas dedicadas ao processo de compreensão da metáfora. O objetivo deste estudo é contribuir com um mapeamento das diferentes perspectivas dos pesquisadores brasileiros dedicados à Teoria Contemporânea da Metáfora. Os dados consistem de trezentos e cinco estudos empíricos publicados entre 1998 e março, 2010. A análise mostra que (1) São Paulo foi o estado brasileiro mais frutífero a desenvolver pesquisas no tema e PUC-SP foi a universidade com o maior número de publicações, seguida pela UFJF e a UFSC. Também o GEIM - Grupo de Estudos da Indeterminação e da Metáfora - demonstrou ser o grupo de pesquisa com contribuições mais significantes para o campo; (2) a maioria dos estudos foi conduzida em português como língua materna - principalmente os baseados em Lingüística de Corpus; (3) a investigação brasileira tem sido conduzida de forma qualitativa e possui abundantes pesquisas etnográficas e de ação; (4) há uma tendência em favor do uso da metodologia de Lingüística de Corpus com ênfase no uso das ferramentas fornecidas pelos Laboratórios de língua brasileiros; (5) existe um leque de investigadores que têm observado a metáfora conceitual sob uma perspectiva mais filosófica e semântica; (6) a maioria dos pesquisadores selecionados neste estudo analisaram a indeterminação de significados na língua (real) em uso; (7) Metaphors we live by (Lakoff & Johnson 1980) e sua tradução ao português - pelo GEIM - demonstrou ser indispensável na literatura brasileira. Resultados gerais sugerem que Brasil é um campo fértil e tem explorado a abordagem Lakoffiana da metáfora nas mais diversas áreas de estudo

    Technology of the Oppressed

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    How Brazilian favela residents engage with and appropriate technologies, both to fight the oppression in their lives and to represent themselves in the world. Brazilian favelas are impoverished settlements usually located on hillsides or the outskirts of a city. In Technology of the Oppressed, David Nemer draws on extensive ethnographic fieldwork to provide a rich account of how favela residents engage with technology in community technology centers and in their everyday lives. Their stories reveal the structural violence of the information age. But they also show how those oppressed by technology don't just reject it, but consciously resist and appropriate it, and how their experiences with digital technologies enable them to navigate both digital and nondigital sources of oppression—and even, at times, to flourish. Nemer uses a decolonial and intersectional framework called Mundane Technology as an analytical tool to understand how digital technologies can simultaneously be sites of oppression and tools in the fight for freedom. Building on the work of the Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire, he shows how the favela residents appropriate everyday technologies—technological artifacts (cell phones, Facebook), operations (repair), and spaces (Telecenters and Lan Houses)—and use them to alleviate the oppression in their everyday lives. He also addresses the relationship of misinformation to radicalization and the rise of the new far right. Contrary to the simplistic techno-optimistic belief that technology will save the poor, even with access to technology these marginalized people face numerous sources of oppression, including technological biases, racism, classism, sexism, and censorship. Yet the spirit, love, community, resilience, and resistance of favela residents make possible their pursuit of freedom

    Organising innovation between multinational companies and innovation systems: the Brazilian ICT sector in the late 1990s and early 2000s

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    This thesis is concerned with the organisation of innovation in the interaction between multinational companies and host-country innovation systems. It proposes a framework for characterising the decentralised governance of innovation projects in sectors and identifying emerging organisational configurations in this specific context. The general characteristics of the project-based knowledge networks are examined in terms of (i) the shifting boundaries between subsidiaries and technological partners, (ii) the specialisation of actors in types of activities and (iii) the speed of change in the collaborations between multinational companies and technological institutes. The emerging configurations are classified in terms of (i) the knowledge and resources flows in different innovation projects and (ii) the common aims of the different groups of stakeholders. This framework is applied on the decentralised networks of innovation projects in the Brazilian ICT sector promoted by tax incentives to innovation activities (―Brazilian ICT Law‖). The empirical analysis combines the data of more than 10,000 innovation projects and in-depth case studies on the organisation of innovative activities in 11 R&D laboratories in subsidiaries of multinational companies and 11 of their main technological partners. The analysis of the project-based knowledge networks and emerging configurations is recognised as a useful tool for examining the dynamics promoted by the sectoral policy. This research provides insights on how the institutional framework such as the Brazilian ICT Law provided the space for the decentralised interaction between different organisations with very different interests. The analysis also shows that the regulation may support higher investments in R&D, but it does not necessarily enforce a project portfolio that promotes a sustainable knowledge flow between multinational companies and the sectoral innovation system. Finally, the thesis includes specific recommendations for addressing key challenges such as the organisational development of the subsidiaries, the emergence of private research institutes and the coordination of sectoral policies. Keywords: sectoral innovation systems, knowledge network, organisation of innovation, economic sociology, R&D policy, innovation projects, project-based learning, interorganisational networks

    Conflicts, integration, hybridization of subcultures: An ecological approach to the case of queercore

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    This paper investigates the case study of queercore, providing a socio-historical analysis of its subcultural production, in the terms of what Michel Foucault has called archaeology of knowledge (1969). In particular, we will focus on: the self-definition of the movement; the conflicts between the two merged worlds of punk and queer culture; the \u201cinternal-subcultural\u201d conflicts between both queercore and punk, and between queercore and gay\lesbian music culture; the political aspects of differentiation. In the conclusion, we will offer an innovative theoretical proposal about the interpretation of subcultures in ecological and semiotic terms, combining the contribution of the American sociologist Andrew Abbot and of the Russian semiologist Jurij Michajlovi\u10d Lotma

    Perspectivas minimalistas en la investigación psicolingüística

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    Se presenta una aproximación particular al estudio de los procesos psicolingüísticos, la cual está basada en una aproximación minimalista del lenguaje. Se esboza un modelo procedimental de la adquisición del lenguaje, el cual reconcilia el procesamiento del habla en los niños, y la idea del aprendizaje innatamente guiado, con una visión minimalista del estado inicial de la adquisición del lenguaje en una explicación del problema del arranque. La adquisición del lenguaje es vista como procedente con la especificación progresiva de los rasgos formales de las categorías funcionales del léxico. Se discute la posibilidad de que una derivación minimalista sea incorporada en un modelo de producción y/o comprensión de frases. Se consideran posibles fuentes de impedimentos del lenguaje, como los manifestados en el síndrome TEL (Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje), a la luz de esta aproximación integrativa. Se hace referencia al trabajo experimental llevado a cabo en portugués brasileño, con alguna extensión al portugués europeo y al español del Río de la Plata

    Perspectivas minimalistas na pesquisa psicolingüística

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    A particular approach to the study of psycholinguistic processes is presented, which is based on a minimalist conception of language. A procedural model of language acquisition is sketched, which reconciles infants speech processing and the idea of innately guided learning with a minimalist view of the initial state of language acquisition in an account of the bootstrapping problem. Language acquisition is viewed as proceeding with the progressive specification of formal features of the functional categories of the lexicon. The possibility of a minimalist derivation to be incorporated in a sentence production and/or comprehension model is discussed. Possible sources of language impairment, as manifested in SLI (Specific Language Impairment) syndrome, are considered in the light of this integrative approach. Reference is made to experimental work carried out in Brazilian Portuguese, with some extension to European Portuguese and River-Plate Spanish.Se presenta una aproximación particular al estudio de los procesos psicolingüísticos, la cual está basada en una aproximación minimalista del lenguaje. Se esboza un modelo procedimental de la adquisición del lenguaje, el cual reconcilia el procesamiento del habla en los niños, y la idea del aprendizaje innatamente guiado, con una visión minimalista del estado inicial de la adquisición del lenguaje en una explicación del problema del arranque. La adquisición del lenguaje es vista como procedente con la especificación progresiva de los rasgos formales de las categorías funcionales del léxico. Se discute la posibilidad de que una derivación minimalista sea incorporada en un modelo de producción y/o comprensión de frases. Se consideran posibles fuentes de impedimentos del lenguaje, como los manifestados en el síndrome TEL (Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje), a la luz de esta aproximación integrativa. Se hace referencia al trabajo experimental llevado a cabo en portugués brasileño, con alguna extensión al portugués europeo y al español del Río de la Plata.Apresentase uma abordagem particular para o estudo de processos psicolinguísticos, que tem por base uma concepção minimalista de língua. um modelo procedimental da aquisição da linguagem é esboçado, no qual se conciliam, no tratamento do problema do desenca- deamento da sintaxe, o processamento da fala por infantes aliado à ideia de aprendizagem guiada por fatores inatos, com uma visão minimalista do estado inicial da aquisição da linguagem. A aquisição da linguagem é concebida como a progressiva especificação dos traços formais das categorias funcionais do léxico. Discutese a possibilidade de incorporação de uma derivação minimalista em modelos de produção/compreensão de sentenças. Possíveis fontes de problemas de linguagem, tais como os manifestos no quadro do DEL (Défict Específico da Linguagem), são consideradas à luz dessa abordagem integrada. Remetese a resultados obtidos em experimentos conduzidos em Português Brasileiro, alguns dos quais replicados em Português Europeu e Espanhol Rioplatense.

    University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic

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    Based on twenty case studies of universities worldwide, and on a survey administered to leaders in 101 universities, this open access book shows that, amidst the significant challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, universities found ways to engage with schools to support them in sustaining educational opportunity. In doing so, they generated considerable innovation, which reinforced the integration of the research and outreach functions of the university. The evidence suggests that universities are indeed open systems, in interaction with their environment, able to discover changes that can influence them and to change in response to those changes. They are also able, in the success of their efforts to mitigate the educational impact of the pandemic, to create better futures, as the result of the innovations they can generate. This challenges the view of universities as “ivory towers” being isolated from the surrounding environment and detached from local problems. As they reached out to schools, universities not only generated clear and valuable innovations to sustain educational opportunity and to improve it, this process also contributed to transform internal university processes in ways that enhanced their own ability to deliver on the third mission of outreach