8 research outputs found

    The asymptotic spectra of banded Toeplitz and quasi-Toeplitz matrices

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    Toeplitz matrices occur in many mathematical, as well as, scientific and engineering investigations. This paper considers the spectra of banded Toeplitz and quasi-Toeplitz matrices with emphasis on non-normal matrices of arbitrarily large order and relatively small bandwidth. These are the type of matrices that appear in the investigation of stability and convergence of difference approximations to partial differential equations. Quasi-Toeplitz matrices are the result of non-Dirichlet boundary conditions for the difference approximations. The eigenvalue problem for a banded Toeplitz or quasi-Toeplitz matrix of large order is, in general, analytically intractable and (for non-normal matrices) numerically unreliable. An asymptotic (matrix order approaches infinity) approach partitions the eigenvalue analysis of a quasi-Toeplitz matrix into two parts, namely the analysis for the boundary condition independent spectrum and the analysis for the boundary condition dependent spectrum. The boundary condition independent spectrum is the same as the pure Toeplitz matrix spectrum. Algorithms for computing both parts of the spectrum are presented. Examples are used to demonstrate the utility of the algorithms, to present some interesting spectra, and to point out some of the numerical difficulties encountered when conventional matrix eigenvalue routines are employed for non-normal matrices of large order. The analysis for the Toeplitz spectrum also leads to a diagonal similarity transformation that improves conventional numerical eigenvalue computations. Finally, the algorithm for the asymptotic spectrum is extended to the Toeplitz generalized eigenvalue problem which occurs, for example, in the stability of Pade type difference approximations to differential equations

    A fast algorithm for solving diagonally dominant symmetric quasi-pentadiagonal Toeplitz linear systems

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    In this paper, we develop a new algorithm for solving diagonally dominant symmetric quasi-pentadiagonal Toeplitz linear systems. Numerical experiments are given in order to illustrate the validity and efficiency of our algorithm.The authors would like to thank the supports of the Portuguese Funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the Project UID/MAT/00013/2013

    On the stability of totally upwind schemes for the hyperbolic initial boundary value problem

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    In this paper, we present a numerical strategy to check the strong stability (or GKS-stability) of one-step explicit totally upwind scheme in 1D with numerical boundary conditions. The underlying approximated continuous problem is a hyperbolic partial differential equation. Our approach is based on the Uniform Kreiss-Lopatinskii Condition, using linear algebra and complex analysis to count the number of zeros of the associated determinant. The study is illustrated with the Beam-Warming scheme together with the simplified inverse Lax-Wendroff procedure at the boundary