109 research outputs found

    Toward a Crip Provenance: Centering disability in archives through its absence

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    Using the records that document the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition as a case study, this article discusses the messiness and unknowability of provenance. Drawing attention to how the concept of provenance can emphasize the reconstruction of a fonds when records have been moved, rearranged, and dispersed, this article draws attention to the ‘curative’ and ‘rehabilitative’ orientations of established notions of provenance. Put in conversation with disability studies scholarship, which critiques rehabilitating, curing, and restoring, this article outlines the theoretical scaffolding of a crip provenance: a disability-centered framework of resisting the desire to restore and instead meets records where they are at. By acknowledging archival realities (where provenance is messy, partial, rumored, or nonexistent), this article emphasizes relationships that exist precisely because records are always already dispersed, duplicated, and partial. A crip provenance highlights four central facets of archival and crip relationships—people, systems, materials, and spaces—as a way to grapple with archival realities and tell disability history when there is little or no evidence of disabled people. Together these facets demonstrate how a crip provenance opens up multiple avenues for addressing disability in history: from highlighting moments of living disabled people experiencing archival material to expansive tangential histories that connect language and materials to politics and ableism within the colonial history of the Exposition

    More than Information, other than Knowledge: the Nature of Archives in the Digital Era

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    The nature of archives has been defined over time according to the use made of them. The records of an archival fonds have been considered facts, acts, sources, evidences and, in more recent times, equated with information and even knowledge. This evolution is mostly linked to the use of digital technology for creating records and the consequent blurring of the boundaries among the various types of digital objects generated within electronic systems. This trend is undermining our ability to create records that are reliable and to maintain archives so that they can be proven authentic over the long term. It is therefore essential to re-establish a concept of archives based on the circumstances of its creation, to define the characteristics that distinguish records from any other digital entity, and to protect them in trusted recordkeeping system capable of ensuring that their nature will be altered intentionally or accidentally

    Documents in the Dynarchive: Questioning the Total Revolution of the Digital Archive

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    The digital archive is often described in opposition to its physical counterpart. Media theorist Wolfgang Ernst has coined the term “dynarchive” to describe the former, a phrase that neatly contrasts digital archival remixability with the statis of the physical archive and its hierarchical fond structure. The article both uses and questions this characterization by examining the archive’s physical and digital document practices in three areas: (1) Hierarchical collection description versus individual document description; (2) Original order versus relevance-based results; and (3) Archival selection practices and the illusion of completeness. Archival structure and description have been central to the authority and evidentiary value of archival documents. Yet both the market logics of the internet and criticism from historically oppressed groups have challenged these connections. Using the dynarchive as a conceptual frame, this article examines archival digitization\u27s potential for decolonization of the archive via its fragmentation into a non-hierarchical web of interrelated documents

    The defensible deletion of government email

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    PURPOSE - Two rival approaches to email have emerged from information governance thought: the defensible deletion approach, in which emails are routinely deleted from email accounts after a set period of time; and the Capstone approach, in which the email accounts of important government officials are selected for permanent preservation. This paper aims to assess the extent to which the defensible deletion approach, when used in conjunction with efforts to move important emails into corporate records systems, will meet the needs of originating government departments and of wider society. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH - The paper forms the first stage of a realist evaluation of policy towards UK government email. FINDINGS - The explanation advanced in this paper predicts that the routine deletion of email from email accounts will work for government departments even where business email is inconsistently or haphazardly captured into records systems, provided officials have access to their own emails for a long enough period to satisfy their individual operational requirements. However the routine deletion of email from email accounts will work for wider society only if and when business email is consistently captured into other systems. ORIGINALITY/VALUE - The paper looks at the policy of The National Archives (TNA) towards UK government email and maps it against the approaches present in records management and information governance thought. It argues that TNA’s policy is best characterised as a defensible deletion approach. The paper proposes a realist explanation as to how defensible deletion policies towards email work in a government context

    New Recordkeeping on the Block: An Assessment of 2 Blockchain- Based Recordkeeping Systems

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    This study explores the application of blockchain technology to recordkeepingpractices. To that end, two blockchain-based recordkeeping platforms—ARCHANGEL and RecordsKeeper—were evaluated according to the three criteriaoutlined in T. D. Smith’s evaluation framework for blockchain-based recordkeepingplatforms—dependabilty, security, and trust.The results of these two evaluations demonstrate blockchain technology’s inability toprovide viable long-term solutions for sustainable records management as yet. Thisstudy also suggests supplementing Smith’s framework with more blockchain-specificquestions to ensure a more comprehensive evaluation of the use of blockchain in suchplatforms. Finally, this study recommends adding a fourth criteria, sustainability, tothe framework.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Je fais confiance Ă  l'intelligence artificielle : Les enjeux, le projet, l'impact

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    The project aims to use AI to establish and maintain the trustworthiness of digital records. To this purpose it uses the concepts and methods of archival diplomatics and Deep Learning (DL), a subfield of machine learning and AI. DL is achieved by creating artificial neural networks in multiple layers that learn from input data through supervised learning. The objectives are to improve existing tools and create new machine learning tools for various records needs, using image recognition, optical character recognition, text summarization and classification, and more. The decision-making responsibilities are shared among academic and non-academic partners.Several studies are conducted to achieve the projects objectives objectives. One study aims to identify Private Personal Information (PPI) in records and link the labeling to diplomatics labeling. another study focuses on using DL to recognize the identity attributes of digitized parchments from medieval times through a tool called PERGANET. This tool could have a wide range of applications, including recognizing individual writing styles, analyzing archival annotations, and making AI datasets publicly available.Another study focuses on documenting the AI process, drawing on multiple fields, including social sciences, explainable AI, and archival studies. The goal is to answer questions regarding accountability and transparency in the use of AI and provide guidelines for creating and preserving records of AI processes and their outcomes.The I Trust AI project aims to combine the strengths of different fields and produce practical results that benefit society and address the challenges posed by the rapidly advancing field of AI, and DL in particular, ensuring its responsible and ethical use while realizing its potential benefits in various fields such as archives, cultural heritage, and governance.Le projet I Trust AI vise Ă  utiliser l'IA et le deep learning pour garantir la fiabilitĂ© des archives numĂ©riques. Le projet combine les concepts et les mĂ©thodes de la diplomatie archivistique et du deep learning pour amĂ©liorer les outils d'apprentissage automatique existants et en crĂ©er de nouveaux pour rĂ©pondre aux divers besoins archivistiques, tels que la reconnaissance d'images, la reconnaissance optique de caractĂšres, la synthĂšse et la classification de texte. Le projet implique des partenaires acadĂ©miques et non acadĂ©miques qui partagent les responsabilitĂ©s de prise de dĂ©cision.Plusieurs Ă©tudes sont menĂ©es pour atteindre les objectifs du projet, telles que l'identification des informations personnelles privĂ©es (IPP) dans les archives et leur association Ă  l'Ă©tiquetage diplomatique. Une autre Ă©tude se concentre sur l'utilisation du deep learning pour reconnaĂźtre les attributs d'identitĂ© des parchemins numĂ©risĂ©s du Moyen Âge Ă  l'aide de PERGANET. Cet outil a de nombreuses applications potentielles, telles que la reconnaissance des styles d'Ă©criture individuels et l'analyse des annotations archivistiques.Le projet vise Ă©galement Ă  documenter le processus d'IA en s'appuyant sur les sciences sociales, l'IA explicative et les Ă©tudes archivistiques pour rĂ©pondre aux questions de responsabilitĂ© et de transparence dans l'utilisation de l'IA et fournir des lignes directrices pour la crĂ©ation et la conservation d'archives des processus d'IA et de leurs rĂ©sultats.Dans l'ensemble, le projet I Trust AI vise Ă  produire des rĂ©sultats pratiques bĂ©nĂ©fiques pour la sociĂ©tĂ© et Ă  relever les dĂ©fis posĂ©s par le domaine en Ă©volution rapide de l'IA, en particulier le deep learning. Le projet vise Ă  garantir l'utilisation responsable et Ă©thique de l'IA tout en rĂ©alisant ses avantages potentiels dans divers domaines tels que les archives, le patrimoine culturel et la gouvernance

    ANALISIS TOKOH KEARSIPAN (Barbara L. Craig dan Luciana Duranti)

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai tokoh kearsipan berkebangsaan Kanada yaitu Barbara L. Craig dan Luciana Duranti. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan Studi Pustaka dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui artikel dari jurnal maupun artikel yang berkaitan dengan tema penulisan kemudian di analisis oleh penulis. Artikel ini membahas mengenai biografi, karya dan kontribusi tokoh dari dunia kearsipan. Hasil dari artikel ini menyebutkan yaitu bahwa Barbara L. Craig merupakan tokoh arsiparis yang selalu berperan aktif pada kegiatan kearsipan dan medapatkan beberapa penghargaan dari oragnisasi kearsipan, sedangkan Luciana Duranti merupakan tokoh yang berperan penting dalam bidang kearsipan juga memberikan kontribusi mengenai salah satu diantaranya yaitu ikatan arsip

    The Trend and Intellectual Structure of Digital Archives Research

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    Archives are an extremely valuable part of cultural heritage since they represent the trace of the activities of a juridical person or organization in the course of their business. Through various information technology (IT), tremendous amount of digital archives (DA) are created. These archives are the basis for providing evidence and knowledge in everlasting memory of human society. The management of digital archives becomes a fast growing field throughout last decade and introduces abundant articles in academia. However, their trend and intellectual structure have remained obscure in the research community. To map the trend and intellectual structure of DA research, this study identifies the high-impact articles as well as the correlations among these scholar publications. In this study, text mining techniques, such as co-word and cluster analysis, have been deployed to investigate the intellectual pillars of the DA literature. This study exposes researchers to a new way of profiling knowledge networks and their relationships in the research area of DA, thereby helping academia and practitioners better understand up-to-date studies. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of DA research, provide a valuable tool for researchers to access DA literature, and act as an exemplary model for future research
