4 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Realistic Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

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    The investigation of the performance of different positron emission tomography (PET) reconstruction and motion compensation methods requires accurate and realistic representation of the anatomy and motion trajectories as observed in real subjects during acquisitions. The generation of well-controlled clinical datasets is difficult due to the many different clinical protocols, scanner specifications, patient sizes, and physiological variations. Alternatively, computational phantoms can be used to generate large data sets for different disease states, providing a ground truth. Several studies use registration of dynamic images to derive voxel deformations to create moving computational phantoms. These phantoms together with simulation software generate raw data. This paper proposes a method for the synthesis of dynamic PET data using a fast analytic method. This is achieved by incorporating realistic models of respiratory motion into a numerical phantom to generate datasets with continuous and variable motion with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-derived motion modeling and high resolution MRI images. In this paper, data sets for two different clinical traces are presented, Ā¹āøF-FDG and ā¶āøGa-PSMA. This approach incorporates realistic models of respiratory motion to generate temporally and spatially correlated MRI and PET data sets, as those expected to be obtained from simultaneous PET-MRI acquisitions

    The application of a statistical shape model to diaphragm tracking in respiratory-gated cardiac PET images

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    Respiratory-induced diaphragm mismatch between positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) has been identified as a source of attenuation-correction artifact in cardiac PET. Diaphragm tracking in gated PET could therefore form part of a mismatch correction technique, where a single CT is transformed to match each PET frame. To investigate the feasibility of such a technique, a statistical shape model of the diaphragm was constructed from gated CT and applied to two gated (18)F-FDG PET-CT datasets. A poor level of accuracy was obtained when the model was fitted to landmarks obtained from PET, with errors of 3.6 and 5.0 mm per landmark for the two patients, despite inclusion of the data within the model construction. However, errors were reduced to 2.4 and 1.9 mm with the incorporation of a single frame of CT landmarks. These values are closer to the baseline measure of fitting solely to CT landmarks, found to be 2.2 and 1.2 mm in this case. Excluding the datasets from the model yielded similar trends but with higher overall residual errors, indicating the need for a larger training set. Therefore, a highly trained diaphragm model could negate the need for a gated CT for diaphragm tracking, provided that information from a static CT is incorporated

    Characterisation and correction of respiratory-motion artefacts in cardiac PET-CT

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    Respiratory motion during cardiac Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Computed Tomography (CT) imaging results in blurring of the PET data and can induce mismatches between the PET and CT datasets, leading to attenuation-correction artefacts. The aim of this project was to develop a method of motion-correction to overcome both of these problems. The approach implemented was to transform a single CT to match the frames of a gated PET study, to facilitate respiratory-matched attenuation-correction, without the need for a gated CT. This is benecial for lowering the radiation dose to the patient and in reducing PETCT mismatches, which can arise even in gated studies. The heart and diaphragm were identied through phantom studies as the structures responsible for generating attenuation-correction artefacts in the heart and their motions therefore needed to be considered in transforming the CT. Estimating heart motion was straight-forward, due to its high contrast in PET, however the poor diaphragm contrast meant that additional information was required to track its position. Therefore a diaphragm shape model was constructed using segmented diaphragm surfaces, enabling complete diaphragm surfaces to be produced from incomplete and noisy initial estimates. These complete surfaces, in combination with the estimated heart motions were used to transform the CT. The PET frames were then attenuation-corrected with the transformed CT, reconstructed, aligned and summed, to produce motion-free images. It was found that motion-blurring was reduced through alignment, although benets were marginal in the presence of small respiratory motions. Quantitative accuracy was improved from use of the transformed CT for attenuation-correction (compared with no CT transformation), which was attributed to both the heart and the diaphragm transformations. In comparison to a gated CT, a substantial dose saving and a reduced dependence on gating techniques were achieved, indicating the potential value of the technique in routine clinical procedures


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    Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment method that employs high-energy radiation beams to destroy cancer cells by damaging the ability of these cells to reproduce. Thoracic and abdominal tumors may change their positions during respiration by as much as three centimeters during radiation treatment. The prediction of respiratory motion has become an important research area because respiratory motion severely affects precise radiation dose delivery. This study describes recent radiotherapy technologies including tools for measuring target position during radiotherapy and tracking-based delivery systems. In the first part of our study we review three prediction approaches of respiratory motion, i.e., model-based methods, model-free heuristic learning algorithms, and hybrid methods. In the second part of our work we propose respiratory motion estimation with hybrid implementation of extended Kalman filter. The proposed method uses the recurrent neural network as the role of the predictor and the extended Kalman filter as the role of the corrector. In the third part of our work we further extend our research work to present customized prediction of respiratory motion with clustering from multiple patient interactions. For the customized prediction we construct the clustering based on breathing patterns of multiple patients using the feature selection metrics that are composed of a variety of breathing features. In the fourth part of our work we retrospectively categorize breathing data into several classes and propose a new approach to detect irregular breathing patterns using neural networks. We have evaluated the proposed new algorithm by comparing the prediction overshoot and the tracking estimation value. The experimental results of 448 patientsā€™ breathing patterns validated the proposed irregular breathing classifier