275,703 research outputs found

    Misconception and scientific attitude of teacher towards elementary school geometry assessed from information technology transformation

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    There is a misconception about elementary school geometry material that makes the teacher's scientific attitude in implementing learning in the classroom still not optimal and causes the application of IT transformation to be uneven. This research aims to describe the misconceptions about geometry among elementary school teachers, the scientific attitudes of elementary school teachers in the process of learning geometry, and how elementary school teachers overcome misconceptions and optimize scientific attitudes learned from the role of IT. The subjects of this study were 171 teachers from 18 districts and cities. The research was conducted in a descriptive qualitative form by giving questionnaires about elementary school geometry concepts and teachers' scientific attitudes toward learning, analyzing answers according to criteria, and exploring the relationship between misconceptions and scientific attitudes learned from IT transformation. The results of this study indicate that conceptual errors were found in the research subjects, which included generalization and specialization misconceptions; the teacher's scientific attitude influences the misconceptions experienced; and the role of IT can help calculate and visualize abstract things in learning. The application of IT in the learning process shows good results for overcoming teachers' misconceptions and scientific attitudes, and of course, it can be an option for teachers to be able to apply it with various IT-based learning media that attract students' learning interests

    Hadronic interactions from effective chiral Lagrangians of quarks and gluons

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    Effective chiral Lagrangians involving constituent quarks, Goldstone bosons and long-distance gluons are believed to describe the strong interactions in an intermediate energy region between the confinement scale and the chiral symmetry breaking scale. Baryons and mesons in such a description are bound states of constituent quarks. We discuss the combined use of the techniques of effective chiral field theory and of the field theoretic method known as Fock-Tani representation to derive effective hadron interactions. The Fock-Tani method is based on a change of representation by means of a unitary transformation such that the composite hadrons are redescribed by elementary-particle field operators. Application of the unitary transformation on the microscopic quark-quark interaction derived from a chiral effective Lagrangian leads to chiral effective interactions describing all possible processes involving hadrons and their constituents. The formalism is illustrated by deriving the one-pion-exchange potential between two nucleons using the quark-gluon effective chiral Lagrangian of Manohar and Georgi. We also present the results of a study of the saturation properties of nuclear matter using this formalism

    Multipurpose S-shaped solvable profiles of the refractive index: application to modeling of antireflection layers and quasi-crystals

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    A class of four-parameter solvable profiles of the electromagnetic admittance has recently been discovered by applying the newly developed Property & Field Darboux Transformation method (PROFIDT). These profiles are highly flexible. In addition, the related electromagnetic-field solutions are exact, in closed-form and involve only elementary functions. In this paper, we focus on those who are S-shaped and we provide all the tools needed for easy implementation. These analytical bricks can be used for high-level modeling of lightwave propagation in photonic devices presenting a piecewise-sigmoidal refractive-index profile such as, for example, antireflection layers, rugate filters, chirped filters and photonic crystals. For small amplitude of the index modulation, these elementary profiles are very close to a cosine profile. They can therefore be considered as valuable surrogates for computing the scattering properties of components like Bragg filters and reflectors as well. In this paper we present an application for antireflection layers and another for 1D quasicrystals (QC). The proposed S-shaped profiles can be easily manipulated for exploring the optical properties of smooth QC, a class of photonic devices that adds to the classical binary-level QC.Comment: 14 pages, 18 fi

    Second quantization approach to composite hadron interactions in quark models

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    Starting from the Fock space representation of hadron bound states in a quark model, a change of representation is implemented by a unitary transformation such that the composite hadrons are redescribed by elementary-particle field operators. Application of the unitary transformation to the microscopic quark Hamiltonian gives rise to effective hadron-hadron, hadron-quark, and quark-quark Hamiltonians. An effective baryon Hamiltonian is derived using a simple quark model. The baryon Hamiltonian is free of the post-prior discrepancy which usually plagues composite-particle effective interactions.Comment: Correction on titl

    External Inversion, Internal Inversion, and Reflection Invariance

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    Having in mind that physical systems have different levels of structure we develop the concept of external, internal and total improper Lorentz transformation (space inversion and time reversal). A particle obtained from the ordinary one by the application of internal space inversion or time reversal is generally a different particle. From this point of view the intrinsic parity of a nuclear particle (`elementary particle') is in fact the external intrinsic parity, if we take into account the internal structure of a particle. We show that non-conservation of the external parity does not necessarily imply non-invariance of nature under space inversion. The conventional theory of beta-decay can be corrected by including the internal degrees of freedom to become invariant under total space inversion, though not under the external one.Comment: 15 pages. An early proposal of "mirror matter", published in 1974. This is an exact copy of the published paper. I am posting it here because of the increasing interest in the "exact parity models" and its experimental consequence

    Pemanfaatan linguistik generatif transformasional dalam pengajaran pengembangan kalimat berbasis muatan lokal pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This research uses a library research approach that prioritizes philosophical analysis over empirical data testing. There are three important points studied in this research, namely learning sentence analysis in elementary school students using a transformative generative linguistic approach, the application of types of transformation in learning sentence analysis, and the relevance of learning sentence analysis by utilizing local content. The results of this study are projected to be used as a reference source for language teaching guidelines that further develop language creativity, especially the use of sentences. The generative transformational linguistic approach developed by Chomsky, offers an interesting theoretical framework for understanding sentence variation and its underlying structural transformations. Implementation of sentence analysis teaching based on a transformational generative linguistic approach to elementary school students requires implementation steps that are appropriate to the level of cognitive development and language skills of students at the elementary school level, namely the initial stage (first and second grade students), the middle stage (third grade students and four), and advanced stages (fifth and sixth grade students). Implementation of the transformational generative linguistic approach can be carried out through several stages, namely introducing the basic ideas of generative grammar, understanding the basic structure of sentences, understanding syntactic transformations, transformation exercises and case studies. Local cultural inclusion can be utilized in teaching sentences to elementary school students. Students can use language in their own cultural context, consider variations in linguistic expression, and explore the cultural strengths of sentence structure