117 research outputs found

    Constraint-Based Qualitative Simulation

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    We consider qualitative simulation involving a finite set of qualitative relations in presence of complete knowledge about their interrelationship. We show how it can be naturally captured by means of constraints expressed in temporal logic and constraint satisfaction problems. The constraints relate at each stage the 'past' of a simulation with its 'future'. The benefit of this approach is that it readily leads to an implementation based on constraint technology that can be used to generate simulations and to answer queries about them.Comment: 10 pages, to appear at the conference TIME 200

    GenePath: a System for Automated Construction of Genetic Networks from Mutant Data

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    Motivation: Genetic pathways are often used in the analysis of biological phenomena. In classical genetics, they are constructed manually from experimental data on mutants. The field lacks formalism to guide such analysis, and accounting for all the data becomes complicated when large amounts of data are considered. Results: We have developed GenePath, an intelligent assistant that mimics expert geneticists in the analysis of genetic data. GenePath employs expert-defined patterns to uncover gene relations from the data, and uses these relations as constraints that guide the search for a plausible genetic network. GenePath provides formalism to genetic data analysis, facilitates the consideration of all the available data in a consistent and systematic manner, and aids in the examination of the large number of possible consequences of a planned experiment. It also provides an explanation mechanism that traces back every finding to the pertinent data. GenePath was successfully tested on several genetic problems. Availability: GenePath can be accessed at http://genepath.org. Supplementary information: Supplementary material is available at http://genepath.org/bi-supp

    Perangkat Lunak Diagnosa Penyakit Pada Manusia Berbasis Sistem Pakar

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    Intisari — Kesehatan merupakan hal yang penting bagi manusia. Sistem pelayanan yang dimaksud disini akan membahas tentang sistem pelayanan kesehatan. Sistem pelayanan kesehatan seperti ini sebenarnya dapat diganti dengan sistem baru yang berbasiskan perangkat lunak asalkan diketahui pola kerja seorang dokter dalam mendiagnosa suatu penyakit. Sehingga sistem ini akan sangat mudah dijangkau oleh setiap orang dalam pengaksesannya dengan menggunakan metode sistem pakar. Sistem pakar ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Amzi Prolog dengan cara mengadopsi dasar teori yang digunakan seperti, tahap analisa, perancangan (desain), pengodean, pengujian, dan maintenance (pemeliharaan). Hasil pengujian sistem ini yang mengacu pada hasil user acceptance test dan functionality test dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa perangkat lunak (software) pada penggunaan sistem ini dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan berdasar tanggapan pengguna sistem ini dapat dijalankan dengan baik, selain sistem ini diperlukan oleh pengguna juga hasil yang diberikan oleh sistem ini sudah cukup akurat. Kata kunci — Bahasa Prolog (Program Logic), berbasis sistem pakar. Abstract — Health is the essential point for humans. Care system here is discussing about the health care system. A service system like this can be replaced by a new system which is based on software as long as the work patterns of a doctor are known in diagnosing a disease. So that this system will be easily accessible by everyone in accessing it using an expert system. This expert system created by using a programming language Amzi Prolog by adopting the basic theory such as, the analysis stage, the design, coding, testing, and maintenance. The test results of this system which refers to the results of user acceptance test and functionality test can be concluded that the software on the use of this system can be run properly and based on user’s opinion of this system can be run well, in addition to the system is required by the user also the results showed by this system is quite accurate. Keywords— Prologue language (Program Logic), based on expert system

    A review of the state of the art in Machine Learning on the Semantic Web: Technical Report CSTR-05-003

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    The shared data-object model as a paradigm for programming distributed systems

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    Web Queries: From a Web of Data to a Semantic Web?

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    Introduction to the Literature on Programming Language Design

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    This is an introduction to the literature on programming language design and related topics. It is intended to cite the most important work, and to provide a place for students to start a literature search