6 research outputs found

    The adaptation of the harmony search algorithm to the ATSP with the evaluation of the influence of the pitch adjustment place on the quality of results

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    The paper is an extended version of the conference article, which presents a modification of the Harmony Search algorithm, adapted to the effective resolution of the asymmetric case of the Traveling Salesman Problem. The efficacy of the proposed approach was measured with benchmarking tests and in a comparative study based on the results obtained with the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, Greedy Local Search and Hill Climbing. The discussion also embraced the study of the convergence of the proposed algorithm and the analysis of the impact of the pitch adjustment place on the quality of the solutions

    The Pheromone-Based Harmony Search Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents a modification of the Harmony Search algorithm (HS) adjusted to an effective solving of instances of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem. The improvement of the technique spans the application of a pheromone, which, by serving the role of long-term memory, enables the improvement of the quality of determined results, especially for tasks characterized by a significant number of vertices. The publication includes the results of tests that suggest the achievement of effectiveness improvement through the modification of the HS and recommendations concerning the proper configuration of the algorithm

    A novel approach to the Orienteering Problem based on the Harmony Search algorithm

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    This article presents a new approach to designing a Harmony Search (HS) algorithm, adapted to solve Orienteering Problem (OP) instances. OP is a significant N P-hard problem that has considerable practical application, requiring the development of an effective method for determining its solutions. The proposed HS has demonstrated its effectiveness through determined optimum results for each task from the six most popular benchmarks; a marginal number approximated the best results, with the average error below 0.01%. The article details the application of this described algorithm, comparing its results with those of state-of-the-art methods, indicating the significant efficiency of the proposed approach

    Prüfer-Karagül algorithm: A novel approach for travelling salesman problem

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    Kombinatoryal optimizasyon alanında temel bir model olduğu için literatürde oldukça yaygın çalışılan gezgin satıcı probleminin etkin ve hızlı çözümü için yeni sezgisel yöntemler geliştirilmesine devam edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, gezgin satıcı problemi için Prüfer-Karagül adı verilen yeni bir yapısal çözüm yaklaşımı önerilmiştir. Önerilen yöntemin performansını değerlendirmek için literatürde yaygın olarak kullanılan gezgin satıcı test problemleri ile analizler yapılmıştır. Yapılan testler sonucunda elde edilen en iyi çözümler optimal çözümden %2, ortalama çözüm değerleri ise %2,50 sapma göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, önerilen yöntem çözüm performansı ve hızı açısından başarılı çözümler üretmektedir

    Combining an artificial intelligence algorithm and a novel vehicle for sustainable e-waste collection

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    Mobile collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment is a collection method that is convenient for residents and companies. New opportunities to use mobile apps and internet applications facilitate the ordering of waste pickups from households and preparation of a collection plan for a waste collection company. It improves the secondary raw materials collection in a circular economy approach after recycling waste equipment. This study presents a combined methodology for improving the efficiency of e-waste collection. An online ewaste collection supporting systemuses a Harmony Search algorithm for route optimization of waste collection vehicles. The results of the optimization are better compared to other artificial intelligence algorithms presented in the literature and the number of visited collection points is higher from1.2%–6.6% depending on the compared algorithm. To increase the efficiency ofwaste loading and packing, a novel collection vehicle body construction is presented. The design includes the convenient loading of waste from both sides of the vehicle and the rear side being equippedwith a hydraulic lift. The proposed vehiclemodel can be used for e-waste collection in placeswith limited parking spaces or where the parking time is limited, such as in densely populated city centers. The waste equipment packing efficiency increases and eliminates the necessity of including a container loading problem in the algorithm and allows increasing waste equipment number loaded in a collection vehicle

    Multiple probabilistic traveling salesman problem in the coordination of drug transportation - In the context of sustainability goals and Industry 4.0

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    Improving the effectiveness of route planning, especially in road transport deliveries is a challenge we need to face in the context of advancing climate change and the sustainable development goals. The main aim of the paper is to demonstrate the above average and utilitarian significance of the multiple probabilistic traveling salesman problem (MPTSP) in the coordination and modeling of sustainable product transportation, which is a novelty at the theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical level. We propose a new, hybrid algorithm of solving MPTSP instances (it connects harmony search, k-means and 2-opt), which can be successfully used in economic practice for coordination and modeling of Industry 4.0. The effectiveness of proposed approach is tested using a case study of drugs distribution services and datasets obtained from the transportation enterprise located in Poland. The study focuses on the issue of planning routes, with particular emphasis on the changing demand of customers. It should be stressed that this work may be of interest to researchers but also to management practitioners. The value added of this research lies in the innovative modeling the coordination of sustainable drug transportation as an instance of MPTSP and proposing an effective method to solve it. The main research results confirm that proposed method contributes to overall sustainability of studied supply chain