3 research outputs found

    Enhanced SOAP Performance for low bandwidth environments

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    It is desirable that SOAP performs efficiently in environments where there are a large number of transactions. However, SOAP is based on XML and therefore inherits XML's disadvantage of having voluminous messages. Firstly, the performance of different SOAP bindings is investigated. A benchmark of different SOAP bindings in wireless environments demonstrates the unsuitability of HTTP and TCP bindings in limited bandwidth environments. UDP is recommended as an alternative transport protocol for SOAP. Secondly, the thesis examines the use of multicast in reducing the traffic caused by SOAP messages in low bandwidth environments to deal with challenges described. A novel SOAP-level multicast protocol based on the similarity of SOAP messages, called SMP (Similarity-based SOAP Multicast Protocol), is proposed. In particular, issues of traffic, network optimization, response time and scalability are investigated. Lastly, two extensions of SMP are proposed to further improve the performance of SMP. SMP's extensions are two algorithms, greedy and incremental tc-SMP, for traffic-constrained similarity-based SOAP multicast. Tc-SMP optimizes network traffic by building its own spanning trees instead of using the one built by traditional methods, such as Dijkstra's algorithm. A new client is added to a tc-SMP tree through an existing tc-SMP node that causes minimal additional traffic for that connection. Detailed analytical models and experimental evaluations of the proposed methods demonstrate that combining SOAP messages of similar content and multicasting them as aggregated messages can significantly lower total network traffic. These improvements are advantageous for Web service applications that involve a high number of simultaneous similar transactions such as stock quotes, weather and sport event reports

    The APPROXML Tool Demonstration

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    The approach presented in this paper is aimed at a flexible search and processing technique, capable to extract relevant information from a possibly huge set of XML documents. ApproXML is a software tool supporting approximate pattern-based querying, able to locate and extract XML information dealing flexibly with differences in structure and tag vocabulary

    The APPROXML Tool Demonstration

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    XML information items collected from heterogeneous sources often carry similar semantics but turn out to be structured in different ways. Variations in structure make effective search of information across multiple datasources hard to achieve. Our approach is aimed at a flexible search and processing technique, capable to extract relevant information from a possibly huge set of XML documents. ApproXML is a software tool supporting approximate pattern-based querying, able to locate and extract XML information dealing flexibly with differences in structure and tag vocabulary. Our method relies on representing XML documents as graphs, through a variant of the DOM model. The relevant information is selected as follows [Dam00a]: first, a XML pattern, i.e. a partially specified subtree, is provided by the user. Then, the XML documents of the target dataset are scanned; XML fragments are located and sorted according to their similarity to the pattern