53 research outputs found

    CERTH/CEA LIST at MediaEval Placing Task 2015

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    ABSTRACT We describe the participation of the CERTH/CEA LIST team in the Placing Task of MediaEval 2015. We submitted five runs in total to the Locale-based placing sub-task, providing the estimated locations for the test set released by the organisers. Out of five runs, two are based solely on textual information, using feature selection and weighting methods over an existing language model-based approach. One is based on visual content, using geo-spatial clustering over the most visually similar images, and two runs are based on hybrid approaches, using both visual and textual cues from the images. The best results (median error 22km, 27.5% at 1km) were obtained when both visual and textual features are combined, using external data for training

    Geotagging Text Content With Language Models and Feature Mining

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    Towards a traffic map of the Internet Connecting the dots between popular services and users: Connecting the dots between popular services and users

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    The impact of Internet phenomena depends on how they impact users, but researchers lack visibility into how to translate Internet events into their impact. Distressingly, the research community seems to have lost hope of obtaining this information without relying on privileged viewpoints. We argue for optimism thanks to new network measurement methods and changes in Internet structure which make it possible to construct an "Internet traffic map". This map would identify the locations of users and major services, the paths between them, and the relative activity levels routed along these paths. We sketch our vision for the map, detail new measurement ideas for map construction, and identify key challenges that the research community should tackle. The realization of an Internet traffic map will be an Internet-scale research effort with Internet-scale impacts that reach far beyond the research community, and so we hope our fellow researchers are excited to join us in addressing this challenge


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    Trend rasta i migracije stanovništva u gradska središta te kontinuirano povećanje broja motornih vozila uzrokuju prometne gužve i zagušenja u većini velikih svjetskih gradova. Jedan od prepoznatih uzroka navedenog negativnog učinka je kruženje u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom koji ne samo da doprinosi ukupnoj količini zagušenja u gradskim centrima već utječe na količinu vremena koje vozači bespotrebno provode u vozilu, razinu stresa vozača, količinu emisije štetnih plinova, te indirektno na zdravlje i sigurnost svih živih bića. U svrhu otklanjanja problema izazvanim kruženjem u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom, odnosno zagušenjem, provode se različite metode i pristupi. Prije svega su to odgovarajuće strategije i politike koje se donose s ciljem uređenja postojećeg stanja i demotiviranja dijela stanovništva čiji dolazak u gradski centar nije nužan. Drugi su načini, kojima se u ovome radu posvećuje najveća pažnja, inteligentni parkirališni sustavi. Inteligentni parkirni sustavi se koriste za upućivanje vozača na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta i pružanje informacija o njihovim karakteristikama. Redovito se koriste i za rezervaciju i naplatu parkiranja, no u najvećem broju slučajeva bili su vezani isključivo za zatvorena parkirališta i garaže. Tehnološkim napretkom i razvojem inteligentnih osjetila postalo je moguće kontrolirati i ulična parkirališna mjesta što se u ovome radu posebno ističe. U radu je analiziran klasičan model traženja raspoloživog parkirališnog mjesta, a zatim je predložen napredni model upućivanja na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta upotrebom kooperativnog pristupa. Izrađen je simulacijski model predloženog naprednog sustava i ispitani su pokazatelji uspješnosti za četiri različita scenarija u slučaju s i bez zagušenja prometnog toka. Provedena simulacija pokazala je sve prednosti ovakvog sustava u odnosu na klasičan pristup i istaknuti su vodeći čimbenici njegove učinkovitosti.The growth trend and the trend of population migration into city centers, as well as the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles cause traffic jams and congestions in most major cities in the world. One of the identified factors of the above mentioned negative effect is the circling in search of available parking space, which not only contributes to the total amount of congestion in city centers, but also affects the amount of time that drivers spend unnecessarily in vehicle, the stress level of drivers, the amount of emissions, and, indirectly, the health and safety of living beings. In order to eliminate the problems caused by the circling in search of available parking space, i.e. by the congestion, the different methods and approaches are implemented. First of all, these are the appropriate strategies and policies that are made in order to regulate the existing situation and to demotivate the arrival of part of the population in the city center, which does not represent a necessity. Another way to eliminate the above problem, which is the most emphasized in this paper, is represented by the intelligent parking systems. Intelligent parking systems are used to guide the driver to the available parking space and to provide the information on the characteristics of the same. Regularly they are also used for parking reservation and payment, but in most cases they were related exclusively to closed parking lots and garages. With the technological progress and the development of intelligent sensors it has become possible to even control street parking spaces, which is especially emphasized in this paper. Furthermore, the classic model of search of available parking spaces is analyzed, and then the advanced model of guidance to available parking spaces using a cooperative approach is proposed. The simulation model of the proposed advanced system is developed and indicators of effectivness for four different scenarious in the cases with and without traffic congestion are examined. The simulation analysis presents the advantages of this system compared to the classical approach and main factors of its effectiveness are highlighted


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    Trend rasta i migracije stanovništva u gradska središta te kontinuirano povećanje broja motornih vozila uzrokuju prometne gužve i zagušenja u većini velikih svjetskih gradova. Jedan od prepoznatih uzroka navedenog negativnog učinka je kruženje u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom koji ne samo da doprinosi ukupnoj količini zagušenja u gradskim centrima već utječe na količinu vremena koje vozači bespotrebno provode u vozilu, razinu stresa vozača, količinu emisije štetnih plinova, te indirektno na zdravlje i sigurnost svih živih bića. U svrhu otklanjanja problema izazvanim kruženjem u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom, odnosno zagušenjem, provode se različite metode i pristupi. Prije svega su to odgovarajuće strategije i politike koje se donose s ciljem uređenja postojećeg stanja i demotiviranja dijela stanovništva čiji dolazak u gradski centar nije nužan. Drugi su načini, kojima se u ovome radu posvećuje najveća pažnja, inteligentni parkirališni sustavi. Inteligentni parkirni sustavi se koriste za upućivanje vozača na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta i pružanje informacija o njihovim karakteristikama. Redovito se koriste i za rezervaciju i naplatu parkiranja, no u najvećem broju slučajeva bili su vezani isključivo za zatvorena parkirališta i garaže. Tehnološkim napretkom i razvojem inteligentnih osjetila postalo je moguće kontrolirati i ulična parkirališna mjesta što se u ovome radu posebno ističe. U radu je analiziran klasičan model traženja raspoloživog parkirališnog mjesta, a zatim je predložen napredni model upućivanja na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta upotrebom kooperativnog pristupa. Izrađen je simulacijski model predloženog naprednog sustava i ispitani su pokazatelji uspješnosti za četiri različita scenarija u slučaju s i bez zagušenja prometnog toka. Provedena simulacija pokazala je sve prednosti ovakvog sustava u odnosu na klasičan pristup i istaknuti su vodeći čimbenici njegove učinkovitosti.The growth trend and the trend of population migration into city centers, as well as the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles cause traffic jams and congestions in most major cities in the world. One of the identified factors of the above mentioned negative effect is the circling in search of available parking space, which not only contributes to the total amount of congestion in city centers, but also affects the amount of time that drivers spend unnecessarily in vehicle, the stress level of drivers, the amount of emissions, and, indirectly, the health and safety of living beings. In order to eliminate the problems caused by the circling in search of available parking space, i.e. by the congestion, the different methods and approaches are implemented. First of all, these are the appropriate strategies and policies that are made in order to regulate the existing situation and to demotivate the arrival of part of the population in the city center, which does not represent a necessity. Another way to eliminate the above problem, which is the most emphasized in this paper, is represented by the intelligent parking systems. Intelligent parking systems are used to guide the driver to the available parking space and to provide the information on the characteristics of the same. Regularly they are also used for parking reservation and payment, but in most cases they were related exclusively to closed parking lots and garages. With the technological progress and the development of intelligent sensors it has become possible to even control street parking spaces, which is especially emphasized in this paper. Furthermore, the classic model of search of available parking spaces is analyzed, and then the advanced model of guidance to available parking spaces using a cooperative approach is proposed. The simulation model of the proposed advanced system is developed and indicators of effectivness for four different scenarious in the cases with and without traffic congestion are examined. The simulation analysis presents the advantages of this system compared to the classical approach and main factors of its effectiveness are highlighted


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    Trend rasta i migracije stanovništva u gradska središta te kontinuirano povećanje broja motornih vozila uzrokuju prometne gužve i zagušenja u većini velikih svjetskih gradova. Jedan od prepoznatih uzroka navedenog negativnog učinka je kruženje u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom koji ne samo da doprinosi ukupnoj količini zagušenja u gradskim centrima već utječe na količinu vremena koje vozači bespotrebno provode u vozilu, razinu stresa vozača, količinu emisije štetnih plinova, te indirektno na zdravlje i sigurnost svih živih bića. U svrhu otklanjanja problema izazvanim kruženjem u potrazi za raspoloživim parkirališnim mjestom, odnosno zagušenjem, provode se različite metode i pristupi. Prije svega su to odgovarajuće strategije i politike koje se donose s ciljem uređenja postojećeg stanja i demotiviranja dijela stanovništva čiji dolazak u gradski centar nije nužan. Drugi su načini, kojima se u ovome radu posvećuje najveća pažnja, inteligentni parkirališni sustavi. Inteligentni parkirni sustavi se koriste za upućivanje vozača na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta i pružanje informacija o njihovim karakteristikama. Redovito se koriste i za rezervaciju i naplatu parkiranja, no u najvećem broju slučajeva bili su vezani isključivo za zatvorena parkirališta i garaže. Tehnološkim napretkom i razvojem inteligentnih osjetila postalo je moguće kontrolirati i ulična parkirališna mjesta što se u ovome radu posebno ističe. U radu je analiziran klasičan model traženja raspoloživog parkirališnog mjesta, a zatim je predložen napredni model upućivanja na raspoloživa parkirališna mjesta upotrebom kooperativnog pristupa. Izrađen je simulacijski model predloženog naprednog sustava i ispitani su pokazatelji uspješnosti za četiri različita scenarija u slučaju s i bez zagušenja prometnog toka. Provedena simulacija pokazala je sve prednosti ovakvog sustava u odnosu na klasičan pristup i istaknuti su vodeći čimbenici njegove učinkovitosti.The growth trend and the trend of population migration into city centers, as well as the continuous increase in the number of motor vehicles cause traffic jams and congestions in most major cities in the world. One of the identified factors of the above mentioned negative effect is the circling in search of available parking space, which not only contributes to the total amount of congestion in city centers, but also affects the amount of time that drivers spend unnecessarily in vehicle, the stress level of drivers, the amount of emissions, and, indirectly, the health and safety of living beings. In order to eliminate the problems caused by the circling in search of available parking space, i.e. by the congestion, the different methods and approaches are implemented. First of all, these are the appropriate strategies and policies that are made in order to regulate the existing situation and to demotivate the arrival of part of the population in the city center, which does not represent a necessity. Another way to eliminate the above problem, which is the most emphasized in this paper, is represented by the intelligent parking systems. Intelligent parking systems are used to guide the driver to the available parking space and to provide the information on the characteristics of the same. Regularly they are also used for parking reservation and payment, but in most cases they were related exclusively to closed parking lots and garages. With the technological progress and the development of intelligent sensors it has become possible to even control street parking spaces, which is especially emphasized in this paper. Furthermore, the classic model of search of available parking spaces is analyzed, and then the advanced model of guidance to available parking spaces using a cooperative approach is proposed. The simulation model of the proposed advanced system is developed and indicators of effectivness for four different scenarious in the cases with and without traffic congestion are examined. The simulation analysis presents the advantages of this system compared to the classical approach and main factors of its effectiveness are highlighted

    Smarter pregnancy: The impact of nutrition, lifestyle and mHealth coaching on periconception outcomes

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    The impact of nutrition and lifestyle behavior on pregnancy and pregnancy related outcomes was studied. Moreover, the effectiveness of the online coaching program 'Smarter Pregnancy' for improving nutrition and lifestyle was studied

    Life cycle of the X chromosome

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    Life cycle of the X chromosome

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