488 research outputs found

    Fast Hybrid Network Algorithms for Shortest Paths in Sparse Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing shortest paths in hybrid networks, in which nodes can make use of different communication modes. For example, mobile phones may use ad-hoc connections via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi in addition to the cellular network to solve tasks more efficiently. Like in this case, the different communication modes may differ considerably in range, bandwidth, and flexibility. We build upon the model of Augustine et al. [SODA \u2720], which captures these differences by a local and a global mode. Specifically, the local edges model a fixed communication network in which O(1) messages of size O(log n) can be sent over every edge in each synchronous round. The global edges form a clique, but nodes are only allowed to send and receive a total of at most O(log n) messages over global edges, which restricts the nodes to use these edges only very sparsely. We demonstrate the power of hybrid networks by presenting algorithms to compute Single-Source Shortest Paths and the diameter very efficiently in sparse graphs. Specifically, we present exact O(log n) time algorithms for cactus graphs (i.e., graphs in which each edge is contained in at most one cycle), and 3-approximations for graphs that have at most n + O(n^{1/3}) edges and arboricity O(log n). For these graph classes, our algorithms provide exponentially faster solutions than the best known algorithms for general graphs in this model. Beyond shortest paths, we also provide a variety of useful tools and techniques for hybrid networks, which may be of independent interest

    Community structure in industrial SAT instances

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    Modern SAT solvers have experienced a remarkable progress on solving industrial instances. It is believed that most of these successful techniques exploit the underlying structure of industrial instances. Recently, there have been some attempts to analyze the structure of industrial SAT instances in terms of complex networks, with the aim of explaining the success of SAT solving techniques, and possibly improving them. In this paper, we study the community structure, or modularity, of industrial SAT instances. In a graph with clear community structure, or high modularity, we can find a partition of its nodes into communities such that most edges connect variables of the same community. Representing SAT instances as graphs, we show that most application benchmarks are characterized by a high modularity. On the contrary, random SAT instances are closer to the classical Erdös-Rényi random graph model, where no structure can be observed. We also analyze how this structure evolves by the effects of the execution of a CDCL SAT solver, and observe that new clauses learned by the solver during the search contribute to destroy the original structure of the formula. Motivated by this observation, we finally present an application that exploits the community structure to detect relevant learned clauses, and we show that detecting these clauses results in an improvement on the performance of the SAT solver. Empirically, we observe that this improves the performance of several SAT solvers on industrial SAT formulas, especially on satisfiable instances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Deterministic Edge Connectivity in Near-Linear Time

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    We present a deterministic near-linear time algorithm that computes the edge-connectivity and finds a minimum cut for a simple undirected unweighted graph G with n vertices and m edges. This is the first o(mn) time deterministic algorithm for the problem. In near-linear time we can also construct the classic cactus representation of all minimum cuts. The previous fastest deterministic algorithm by Gabow from STOC'91 took ~O(m+k^2 n), where k is the edge connectivity, but k could be Omega(n). At STOC'96 Karger presented a randomized near linear time Monte Carlo algorithm for the minimum cut problem. As he points out, there is no better way of certifying the minimality of the returned cut than to use Gabow's slower deterministic algorithm and compare sizes. Our main technical contribution is a near-linear time algorithm that contract vertex sets of a simple input graph G with minimum degree d, producing a multigraph with ~O(m/d) edges which preserves all minimum cuts of G with at least 2 vertices on each side. In our deterministic near-linear time algorithm, we will decompose the problem via low-conductance cuts found using PageRank a la Brin and Page (1998), as analyzed by Andersson, Chung, and Lang at FOCS'06. Normally such algorithms for low-conductance cuts are randomized Monte Carlo algorithms, because they rely on guessing a good start vertex. However, in our case, we have so much structure that no guessing is needed.Comment: This is the full journal version. Has been accepted for J.AC

    The Weighted k-Center Problem in Trees for Fixed k

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    We present a linear time algorithm for the weighted k-center problem on trees for fixed k. This partially settles the long-standing question about the lower bound on the time complexity of the problem. The current time complexity of the best-known algorithm for the problem with k as part of the input is O(n log n) by Wang et al. [Haitao Wang and Jingru Zhang, 2018]. Whether an O(n) time algorithm exists for arbitrary k is still open

    Continuous mean distance of a weighted graph

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    We study the concept of the continuous mean distance of a weighted graph. For connected unweighted graphs, the mean distance can be defined as the arithmetic mean of the distances between all pairs of vertices. This parameter provides a natural measure of the compactness of the graph, and has been intensively studied, together with several variants, including its version for weighted graphs. The continuous analog of the (discrete) mean distance is the mean of the distances between all pairs of points on the edges of the graph. Despite being a very natural generalization, to the best of our knowledge this concept has been barely studied, since the jump from discrete to continuous implies having to deal with an infinite number of distances, something that increases the difficulty of the parameter. In this paper we show that the continuous mean distance of a weighted graph can be computed in time quadratic in the number of edges, by two different methods that apply fundamental concepts in discrete algorithms and computational geometry. We also present structural results that allow a faster computation of this continuous parameter for several classes of weighted graphs. Finally, we study the relation between the (discrete) mean distance and its continuous counterpart, mainly focusing on the relevant question of the convergence when iteratively subdividing the edges of the weighted graph
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