2,282 research outputs found

    Steinitz Theorems for Orthogonal Polyhedra

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    We define a simple orthogonal polyhedron to be a three-dimensional polyhedron with the topology of a sphere in which three mutually-perpendicular edges meet at each vertex. By analogy to Steinitz's theorem characterizing the graphs of convex polyhedra, we find graph-theoretic characterizations of three classes of simple orthogonal polyhedra: corner polyhedra, which can be drawn by isometric projection in the plane with only one hidden vertex, xyz polyhedra, in which each axis-parallel line through a vertex contains exactly one other vertex, and arbitrary simple orthogonal polyhedra. In particular, the graphs of xyz polyhedra are exactly the bipartite cubic polyhedral graphs, and every bipartite cubic polyhedral graph with a 4-connected dual graph is the graph of a corner polyhedron. Based on our characterizations we find efficient algorithms for constructing orthogonal polyhedra from their graphs.Comment: 48 pages, 31 figure

    Polyhedra with few 3-cuts are hamiltonian

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    In 1956, Tutte showed that every planar 4-connected graph is hamiltonian. In this article, we will generalize this result and prove that polyhedra with at most three 3-cuts are hamiltonian. In 2002 Jackson and Yu have shown this result for the subclass of triangulations. We also prove that polyhedra with at most four 3-cuts have a hamiltonian path. It is well known that for each k≥6k \ge 6 non-hamiltonian polyhedra with kk 3-cuts exist. We give computational results on lower bounds on the order of a possible non-hamiltonian polyhedron for the remaining open cases of polyhedra with four or five 3-cuts.Comment: 21 pages; changed titl

    Vertex-Facet Incidences of Unbounded Polyhedra

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    How much of the combinatorial structure of a pointed polyhedron is contained in its vertex-facet incidences? Not too much, in general, as we demonstrate by examples. However, one can tell from the incidence data whether the polyhedron is bounded. In the case of a polyhedron that is simple and "simplicial," i.e., a d-dimensional polyhedron that has d facets through each vertex and d vertices on each facet, we derive from the structure of the vertex-facet incidence matrix that the polyhedron is necessarily bounded. In particular, this yields a characterization of those polyhedra that have circulants as vertex-facet incidence matrices.Comment: LaTeX2e, 14 pages with 4 figure

    Vertex adjacencies in the set covering polyhedron

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    We describe the adjacency of vertices of the (unbounded version of the) set covering polyhedron, in a similar way to the description given by Chvatal for the stable set polytope. We find a sufficient condition for adjacency, and characterize it with similar conditions in the case where the underlying matrix is row circular. We apply our findings to show a new infinite family of minimally nonideal matrices.Comment: Minor revision, 22 pages, 3 figure

    Quadratic diameter bounds for dual network flow polyhedra

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    Both the combinatorial and the circuit diameters of polyhedra are of interest to the theory of linear programming for their intimate connection to a best-case performance of linear programming algorithms. We study the diameters of dual network flow polyhedra associated to bb-flows on directed graphs G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and prove quadratic upper bounds for both of them: the minimum of (∣V∣−1)⋅∣E∣(|V|-1)\cdot |E| and 16∣V∣3\frac{1}{6}|V|^3 for the combinatorial diameter, and ∣V∣⋅(∣V∣−1)2\frac{|V|\cdot (|V|-1)}{2} for the circuit diameter. The latter strengthens the cubic bound implied by a result in [De Loera, Hemmecke, Lee; 2014]. Previously, bounds on these diameters have only been known for bipartite graphs. The situation is much more involved for general graphs. In particular, we construct a family of dual network flow polyhedra with members that violate the circuit diameter bound for bipartite graphs by an arbitrary additive constant. Further, it provides examples of circuit diameter 43∣V∣−4\frac{4}{3}|V| - 4
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