5,578 research outputs found

    Lossy Kernelization

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    In this paper we propose a new framework for analyzing the performance of preprocessing algorithms. Our framework builds on the notion of kernelization from parameterized complexity. However, as opposed to the original notion of kernelization, our definitions combine well with approximation algorithms and heuristics. The key new definition is that of a polynomial size α\alpha-approximate kernel. Loosely speaking, a polynomial size α\alpha-approximate kernel is a polynomial time pre-processing algorithm that takes as input an instance (I,k)(I,k) to a parameterized problem, and outputs another instance (I′,k′)(I',k') to the same problem, such that ∣I′∣+k′≤kO(1)|I'|+k' \leq k^{O(1)}. Additionally, for every c≥1c \geq 1, a cc-approximate solution s′s' to the pre-processed instance (I′,k′)(I',k') can be turned in polynomial time into a (c⋅α)(c \cdot \alpha)-approximate solution ss to the original instance (I,k)(I,k). Our main technical contribution are α\alpha-approximate kernels of polynomial size for three problems, namely Connected Vertex Cover, Disjoint Cycle Packing and Disjoint Factors. These problems are known not to admit any polynomial size kernels unless NP⊆coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/poly. Our approximate kernels simultaneously beat both the lower bounds on the (normal) kernel size, and the hardness of approximation lower bounds for all three problems. On the negative side we prove that Longest Path parameterized by the length of the path and Set Cover parameterized by the universe size do not admit even an α\alpha-approximate kernel of polynomial size, for any α≥1\alpha \geq 1, unless NP⊆coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/poly. In order to prove this lower bound we need to combine in a non-trivial way the techniques used for showing kernelization lower bounds with the methods for showing hardness of approximationComment: 58 pages. Version 2 contain new results: PSAKS for Cycle Packing and approximate kernel lower bounds for Set Cover and Hitting Set parameterized by universe siz

    Structural parameterizations for boxicity

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    The boxicity of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an intersection model of axis-aligned dd-dimensional boxes. Boxicity, the problem of deciding whether a given graph GG has boxicity at most dd, is NP-complete for every fixed d≥2d \ge 2. We show that boxicity is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the cluster vertex deletion number of the input graph. This generalizes the result of Adiga et al., that boxicity is fixed-parameter tractable in the vertex cover number. Moreover, we show that boxicity admits an additive 11-approximation when parameterized by the pathwidth of the input graph. Finally, we provide evidence in favor of a conjecture of Adiga et al. that boxicity remains NP-complete when parameterized by the treewidth.Comment: 19 page

    Guarantees and Limits of Preprocessing in Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning under structural restrictions. All these problems involve two tasks: (i) identifying the structure in the input as required by the restriction, and (ii) using the identified structure to solve the reasoning task efficiently. We show that for most of the considered problems, task (i) admits a polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, in contrast to task (ii) which does not admit such a reduction to a problem kernel of polynomial size, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption. As a notable exception we show that the consistency problem for the AtMost-NValue constraint admits a polynomial kernel consisting of a quadratic number of variables and domain values. Our results provide a firm worst-case guarantees and theoretical boundaries for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.2541, arXiv:1104.556

    Linear-time algorithms for scattering number and Hamilton-connectivity of interval graphs.

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    We prove that for all inline image an interval graph is inline image-Hamilton-connected if and only if its scattering number is at most k. This complements a previously known fact that an interval graph has a nonnegative scattering number if and only if it contains a Hamilton cycle, as well as a characterization of interval graphs with positive scattering numbers in terms of the minimum size of a path cover. We also give an inline image time algorithm for computing the scattering number of an interval graph with n vertices and m edges, which improves the previously best-known inline image time bound for solving this problem. As a consequence of our two results, the maximum k for which an interval graph is k-Hamilton-connected can be computed in inline image time

    On Structural Parameterizations of Hitting Set: Hitting Paths in Graphs Using 2-SAT

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    Hitting Set is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization. Its input consists of a set system F over a finite universe U and an integer t; the question is whether there is a set of t elements that intersects every set in F. The Hitting Set problem parameterized by the size of the solution is a well-known W[2]-complete problem in parameterized complexity theory. In this paper we investigate the complexity of Hitting Set under various structural parameterizations of the input. Our starting point is the folklore result that Hitting Set is polynomial-time solvable if there is a tree T on vertex set U such that the sets in F induce connected subtrees of T. We consider the case that there is a treelike graph with vertex set U such that the sets in F induce connected subgraphs; the parameter of the problem is a measure of how treelike the graph is. Our main positive result is an algorithm that, given a graph G with cyclomatic number k, a collection P of simple paths in G, and an integer t, determines in time 2^{5k} (|G| +|P|)^O(1) whether there is a vertex set of size t that hits all paths in P. It is based on a connection to the 2-SAT problem in multiple valued logic. For other parameterizations we derive W[1]-hardness and para-NP-completeness results.Comment: Presented at the 41st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2015. (The statement of Lemma 4 was corrected in this update.
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