973 research outputs found

    Enumeration formulas for generalized q-Euler numbers

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    We find an enumeration formula for a (t,q)(t,q)-Euler number which is a generalization of the qq-Euler number introduced by Han, Randrianarivony, and Zeng. We also give a combinatorial expression for the (t,q)(t,q)-Euler number and find another formula when t=±qrt=\pm q^r for any integer rr. Special cases of our latter formula include the formula of the qq-Euler number recently found by Josuat-Verg\`es and Touchard-Riordan's formula.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    The condition number of join decompositions

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    The join set of a finite collection of smooth embedded submanifolds of a mutual vector space is defined as their Minkowski sum. Join decompositions generalize some ubiquitous decompositions in multilinear algebra, namely tensor rank, Waring, partially symmetric rank and block term decompositions. This paper examines the numerical sensitivity of join decompositions to perturbations; specifically, we consider the condition number for general join decompositions. It is characterized as a distance to a set of ill-posed points in a supplementary product of Grassmannians. We prove that this condition number can be computed efficiently as the smallest singular value of an auxiliary matrix. For some special join sets, we characterized the behavior of sequences in the join set converging to the latter's boundary points. Finally, we specialize our discussion to the tensor rank and Waring decompositions and provide several numerical experiments confirming the key results

    On Degenerate Secant and Tangential Varieties and Local Differential Geometry

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    We study the local differential geometry of varieties Xn⊂CPn+aX^n\subset \Bbb C\Bbb P^{n+a} with degenerate secant and tangential varieties. We show that the second fundamental form of a smooth variety with degenerate tangential variety is subject to certain rank restrictions. The rank restrictions imply a slightly refined version of Zak's theorem on linear normality and a short proof of the Zak-Fantecchi theorem on the superadditivity of multisecant defects. We show there is a vector bundle defined over general points of TXTX whose fibers carry the structure of a Clifford algebra. This structure implies additional restrictions of the size of the secant defect. The Clifford algebra structure, combined with further local computations, yields a new proof of Zak's theorem on Severi varieties that is substantially shorter than the original. We also prove local and global results on the dimension of the Gauss image of degenerate tangential varieties, refining the results in [GH].Comment: Exposition altered according to the helpful recommendations of the referee. AMSTe
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