14 research outputs found

    Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact?

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    While many authors believe that their work has a greater research impact if it is freely available, studies to demonstrate that impact are few. This study looks at articles in four disciplines at varying stages of adoption of open access—philosophy, political science, electrical and electronic engineering and mathematics—to see if they have a greater impact, as measured by citations in the ISI Web of Science database, if their authors make them freely available on the Internet. The finding is that, across all four disciplines, freely available articles do have a greater research impact. Shedding light on this category of open access reveals that scholars in diverse disciplines are both adopting open access practices and being rewarded for it

    Persistent Identifiers for Scholarly Assets and the Web: The Need for an Unambiguous Mapping

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    Do Open Access Articles Have a Greater Research Impact?

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    While many authors believe that their work has a greater research impact if it is freely available, studies to demonstrate that impact are few. This study looks at articles in four disciplines at varying stages of adoption of open access—philosophy, political science, electrical and electronic engineering and mathematics—to see if they have a greater impact, as measured by citations in the ISI Web of Science database, if their authors make them freely available on the Internet. The finding is that, across all four disciplines, freely available articles do have a greater research impact. Shedding light on this category of open access reveals that scholars in diverse disciplines are both adopting open access practices and being rewarded for it

    Persistent Identifiers for Scholarly Assets and the Web: The Need for an Unambiguous Mapping

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    Persistent IDentifiers (PIDs), such as DOIs, Handles and ARK identifiers, play a significant role in the identification of a wide variety of assets that are created and used in scholarly endeavours, including research papers, datasets, images, etc. Motivated by concerns about long-term persistence, among others, PIDs are minted outside the information access protocol of the day, HTTP. Yet, value-added services targeted at both humans and machines routinely assume or even require resources identified by means of HTTP URIs in order to make use of off-the-shelf components like web browsers and servers. Hence, an unambiguous bridge is required between the PID-oriented paradigm that is widespread in research communication and the HTTP-oriented web, semantic web and linked data environment. This paper describes the problem, and a possible solution towards defining and deploying such an interoperable bridge

    The aDORe federation architecture: digital repositories at scale

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    Access Interfaces for Open Archival Information Systems based on the OAI-PMH and the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services

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    In recent years, a variety of digital repository and archival systems have been developed and adopted. All of these systems aim at hosting a variety of compound digital assets and at providing tools for storing, managing and accessing those assets. This paper will focus on the definition of common and standardized access interfaces that could be deployed across such diverse digital respository and archival systems. The proposed interfaces are based on the two formal specifications that have recently emerged from the Digital Library community: The Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and the NISO OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services (OpenURL Standard). As will be described, the former allows for the retrieval of batches of XML-based representations of digital assets, while the latter facilitates the retrieval of disseminations of a specific digital asset or of one or more of its constituents. The core properties of the proposed interfaces are explained in terms of the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS).Comment: Accepted paper for PV 2005 "Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data" (http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/events/pv-2005/

    The aDORe Federation Architecture

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    The need to federate repositories emerges in two distinctive scenarios. In one scenario, scalability-related problems in the operation of a repository reach a point beyond which continued service requires parallelization and hence federation of the repository infrastructure. In the other scenario, multiple distributed repositories manage collections of interest to certain communities or applications, and federation is an approach to present a unified perspective across these repositories. The high-level, 3-Tier aDORe federation architecture can be used as a guideline to federate repositories in both cases. This paper describes the architecture, consisting of core interfaces for federated repositories in Tier-1, two shared infrastructure components in Tier-2, and a single-point of access to the federation in Tier-3. The paper also illustrates two large-scale deployments of the aDORe federation architecture: the aDORe Archive repository (over 100,000,000 digital objects) at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Ghent University Image Repository federation (multiple terabytes of image files).Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    aDORe: a modular, standards-based Digital Object Repository

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    This paper describes the aDORe repository architecture, designed and implemented for ingesting, storing, and accessing a vast collection of Digital Objects at the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The aDORe architecture is highly modular and standards-based. In the architecture, the MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Language is used as the XML-based format to represent Digital Objects that can consist of multiple datastreams as Open Archival Information System Archival Information Packages (OAIS AIPs).Through an ingestion process, these OAIS AIPs are stored in a multitude of autonomous repositories. A Repository Index keeps track of the creation and location of all the autonomous repositories, whereas an Identifier Locator registers in which autonomous repository a given Digital Object or OAIS AIP resides. A front-end to the complete environment, the OAI-PMH Federator, is introduced for requesting OAIS Dissemination Information Packages (OAIS DIPs). These OAIS DIPs can be the stored OAIS AIPs themselves, or transformations thereof. This front-end allows OAI-PMH harvesters to recurrently and selectively collect batches of OAIS DIPs from aDORe, and hence to create multiple, parallel services using the collected objects. Another front-end, the OpenURL Resolver, is introduced for requesting OAIS Result Sets. An OAIS Result Set is a dissemination of an individual Digital Object or of its constituent datastreams. Both front-ends make use of an MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing Engine to apply services to OAIS AIPs, Digital Objects, or constituent datastreams that were specified in a dissemination request.Comment: Draft of submission to Computer Journa