9,352 research outputs found

    For the Jubilee of Vladimir Mikhailovich Chernov

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    On April 25, 2019, Vladimir Chernov celebrated his 70th birthday, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing of the Image Processing Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPSI RAS), a branch of the Federal Science Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics RAS and part-Time Professor at the Department of Geoinformatics and Information Security of the Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). The article briefly describes the scientific and pedagogical achievements of the hero of the day. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Construction of Doubly Periodic Solutions via the Poincare-Lindstedt Method in the case of Massless Phi^4 Theory

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    Doubly periodic (periodic both in time and in space) solutions for the Lagrange-Euler equation of the (1+1)-dimensional scalar Phi^4 theory are considered. The nonlinear term is assumed to be small, and the Poincare-Lindstedt method is used to find asymptotic solutions in the standing wave form. The principal resonance problem, which arises for zero mass, is solved if the leading-order term is taken in the form of a Jacobi elliptic function. It have been proved that the choice of elliptic cosine with fixed value of module k (k=0.451075598811) as the leading-order term puts the principal resonance to zero and allows us constructed (with accuracy to third order of small parameter) the asymptotic solution in the standing wave form. To obtain this leading-order term the computer algebra system REDUCE have been used. We have appended the REDUCE program to this paper.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX 2.09. This paper have been published in the Electronic Proceedings of the Fourth International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA'98) {Prague (Czech Republic)} at http://math.unm.edu/ACA/1998/sessions/dynamical/verno

    Bases for qudits from a nonstandard approach to SU(2)

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    Bases of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces (in dimension d) of relevance for quantum information and quantum computation are constructed from angular momentum theory and su(2) Lie algebraic methods. We report on a formula for deriving in one step the (1+p)p qupits (i.e., qudits with d = p a prime integer) of a complete set of 1+p mutually unbiased bases in C^p. Repeated application of the formula can be used for generating mutually unbiased bases in C^d with d = p^e (e > or = 2) a power of a prime integer. A connection between mutually unbiased bases and the unitary group SU(d) is briefly discussed in the case d = p^e.Comment: From a talk presented at the 13th International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (Dubna, Russia, 6-9 July 2009) organized in memory of Prof. Yurii Fedorovich Smirnov by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the JINR and the ICAS at Yerevan State University

    Forgotten Motives: the Varieties of Scientific Experience

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    Personal recollections about Alexandre Grothendieck and early days of his theory of motivesComment: 10 pages. Small corrections inserted. Published in: "Alexandre Grothendieck: A Mathematical Portrait." Ed. by Leila Schneps, International Press of Boston, 2014, 307 p