5 research outputs found

    The Genealogy of Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana in Jayapura, Papua

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    Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana in Jayapura is the eastern part of Padma Buana temple. Its establishment was initiated by Balinese Hindus and has become the center of Balinese Hindu socio-cultural activities and an important icon of Jayapura. This article discusses the establishment of Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana from the beginning and its development into the center of Balinese Hindus’ social and cultural-religious activities in Jayapura of Papua. This article based on qualitative research, in which all data was collected through observation, document studies, interviews, and FGD with several members of the pengempon (the temple’s servants) as informants and observers of Papuan culture. Data analyzed descriptively by applying symbol theory and structural-functional theory. The results showed that Hindus established the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana at Jayapura in 1962. Before, the Hindus of Papua, whose dominantly Balinese migrant, carried out religious activities at Matra’s house. I Made Matra was a civil servant at the Papua Province government office. Over time, the number of Hindus who migrate to the city of Jayapura continues to increase. Therefore in 1979, Hindu leaders in Jayapura built the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana for the needs of Hindus. Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana was built on Skyline hill in 1982 and it was inaugurated in 1990. In 2012, the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana was renovated to be more majestic than before, and later on became a center of Hindu worship, the center of Balinese socio-cultural activities, arts center, Hindu religious education centers, and tourist attractions in Papua

    PROCEEDING BOOK: Visual Cartoon "De Romon" as an Awareness Effort for the Importance of a Clean Environment

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    Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world consisting of 17,504 islands with 1,340 ethnic groups and 652 regional languages. Bali as one of the islands in Indonesia with a population of 3,890,757 inhabitants in 2010 has a long history. According to its history, Bali is divided into prehistoric period, ancient Bali, Bali in the middle of the XIV-XVIII century, the colonial period and the revolutionary period. Besides having a long history, Bali also has its local language. Balinese language is an Austronesian language from the Sundik branch and is more specific than the Bali-Sasak subsidiary. This language is mainly spoken on the island of Bali, the western island of Lombok, and a little at the eastern end Java island. The Balinese language in its usage has several levels, namely Bali alus, Bali madya, and Bali kasar. Bali is also known to have unique arts and culture. One of the famous forms of arts is cartoons. Cartoons in Bali have been developing since 1977. Bali Post as the oldest printed media born in Bali has published cartoons in its opinion page since 1977. Since then a number of cartoonists emerged such as Wied N., Tu Suarya, Gus Martin, Toni Tantra, Armin Jaya, IB. Loleck, and others. This research uses ethnomethodology. The analysis used is semiotics by observing the cultural signs that exist in the cartoon. The interviewee is Kadek Jango Paramartha, a cartoonist and also is the maker of the desk calendar cartoon of the municipality of Denpasar. Based on the semiotic analysis of the visual cartoon "DE ROMON" there is an expansion of the meaning "not polluting" to "not polluting the air, water and soil on earth". The expansion of the meaning is the result of contemplation by the cartoonist in interpreting "DE ROMON" from his perspective. Cartoonists have the power to interpret various meanings. When creating works, artists have absolute power in interpreting various phenomena around them through the visuals they create. Keywords : cartoon, Balinese cartoon, cartoon visualizatio

    Similarity Education Values in Wayang Wong Innovative Arts‘Cupu Manik Astagina’

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    The Genealogy Of Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana In Jayapura, Papua

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    Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana in Jayapura is the eastern part of Padma Buana temple. Its establishment was initiated by Balinese Hindus and has become the center of Balinese Hindu socio-cultural activities and an important icon of Jayapura. This article discusses the establishment of Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana from the beginning and its development into the center of Balinese Hindus’ social and cultural-religious activities in Jayapura of Papua. This article based on qualitative research, in which all data was collected through observation, document studies, interviews, and FGD with several members of the pengempon (the temple’s servants) as informants and observers of Papuan culture. Data analyzed descriptively by applying symbol theory and structural-functional theory. The results showed that Hindus established the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana at Jayapura in 1962. Before, the Hindus of Papua, whose dominantly Balinese migrant, carried out religious activities at Matra’s house. I Made Matra was a civil servant at the Papua Province government office. Over time, the number of Hindus who migrate to the city of Jayapura continues to increase. Therefore in 1979, Hindu leaders in Jayapura built the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana for the needs of Hindus. Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana was built on Skyline hill in 1982 and it was inaugurated in 1990. In 2012, the Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana was renovated to be more majestic than before, and later on became a center of Hindu worship, the center of Balinese socio-cultural activities, arts center, Hindu religious education centers, and tourist attractions in Papua