88 research outputs found

    Optimization of discrete wavelet transform features using artificial bee colony algorithm for texture image classification

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    Selection of appropriate image texture properties is one of the major issues in texture classification. This paper presents an optimization technique for automatic selection of multi-scale discrete wavelet transform features using artificial bee colony algorithm for robust texture classification performance. In this paper, an artificial bee colony algorithm has been used to find the best combination of wavelet filters with the correct number of decomposition level in the discrete wavelet transform.  The multi-layered perceptron neural network is employed as an image texture classifier.  The proposed method tested on a high-resolution database of UMD texture. The texture classification results show that the proposed method could provide an automated approach for finding the best input parameters combination setting for discrete wavelet transform features that lead to the best classification accuracy performance

    Analysis of GLCM Parameters for Textures Classification on UMD Database Images

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    Texture analysis is one of the most important techniques that have been used in image processing for many purposes, including image classification. The texture determines the region of a given gray level image, and reflects its relevant information. Several methods of analysis have been invented and developed to deal with texture in recent years, and each one has its own method of extracting features from the texture. These methods can be divided into two main approaches: statistical methods and processing methods. Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is the most popular statistical method used to get features from the texture. In addition to GLCM, a number of equations of Haralick characteristics will be used to calculate values used as discriminate features among different images in this study. There are many parameters of GLCM that should be taken into consideration to increase the discrimination between images belonging to different classes. In this study, we aim to evaluate GLCM parameters. For three decades now, GLCM is popular method used for texture analysis. Neural network which is one of supervised methods will also be used as a classifier. And finally, the database for this study will be images prepared from UMD (University of Maryland database)

    Identification of cashmere and superfine merino wool with wavelet texture analysis

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    This paper presents the use of the wavelet transform to extract fibre surface texture features for classifying cashmere and superfine merino wool fibres. To extract features from brightness variations caused by the cuticular scale height, shape and interval provides an effective way for characterising different animal fibres and subsequently classifying them. This may enable the development of a completely automated and objective system for animal fibreidentification.<br /

    Texture descriptor combining fractal dimension and artificial crawlers

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    Texture is an important visual attribute used to describe images. There are many methods available for texture analysis. However, they do not capture the details richness of the image surface. In this paper, we propose a new method to describe textures using the artificial crawler model. This model assumes that each agent can interact with the environment and each other. Since this swarm system alone does not achieve a good discrimination, we developed a new method to increase the discriminatory power of artificial crawlers, together with the fractal dimension theory. Here, we estimated the fractal dimension by the Bouligand-Minkowski method due to its precision in quantifying structural properties of images. We validate our method on two texture datasets and the experimental results reveal that our method leads to highly discriminative textural features. The results indicate that our method can be used in different texture applications.Comment: 12 pages 9 figures. Paper in press: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    Caracterização espectral de solos utilizando espectrorradiômetro em laboratório e imagem de satélite hiperespectral.

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    Data obtained with hyperspectral remote sensors have the advantage of containing a great spectral resolution, offering more details about spectral behavior of a particular target. The use of these images show high potential to describe soil mineralogical attributes. The main objective of this study was to obtain the spectral and mineralogical attributes of soils using hyperspectral satellite imagery and with data acquired at ground level; evaluation of a supervised classification routine for determination of soils texture; and estimate clay using multivariate analysis. Soil samples were collected at a 0-20cm depth and spectral measurements, texture and mineralogy analysis were made. Using GIS software, image processing and statistical packages, the information obtained in the laboratory has been analyzed. The use of hyperspectral imagery enhanced the mineralogical characterization of the studied area. The maximum likelihood classification algorithm showed great skill in distinguishing between four textures class created with the aim of hyperspectral data. The statistical method PLSR provided a satisfactory prediction of clay and sand, using data collected in the laboratory, with high coefficients of determination and low error values (RMSE)

    A Novel Texture Classification Procedure by using Association Rules

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    Texture can be defined as a local statistical pattern of texture primitives in observer's domain of interest. Texture classification aims to assign texture labels to unknown textures, according to training samples and classification rules. Association rules have been used in various applications during the past decades. Association rules capture both structural and statistical information, and automatically identify the structures that occur most frequently and relationships that have significant discriminative power. So, association rules can be adapted to capture frequently occurring local structures in textures. This paper describes the usage of association rules for texture classification problem. The performed experimental studies show the effectiveness of the association rules. The overall success rate is about 98%