2,922 research outputs found

    Plant image retrieval using color, shape and texture features

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    We present a content-based image retrieval system for plant image retrieval, intended especially for the house plant identification problem. A plant image consists of a collection of overlapping leaves and possibly flowers, which makes the problem challenging.We studied the suitability of various well-known color, shape and texture features for this problem, as well as introducing some new texture matching techniques and shape features. Feature extraction is applied after segmenting the plant region from the background using the max-flow min-cut technique. Results on a database of 380 plant images belonging to 78 different types of plants show promise of the proposed new techniques and the overall system: in 55% of the queries, the correct plant image is retrieved among the top-15 results. Furthermore, the accuracy goes up to 73% when a 132-image subset of well-segmented plant images are considered

    A Novel Active Contour Model for Texture Segmentation

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    Texture is intuitively defined as a repeated arrangement of a basic pattern or object in an image. There is no mathematical definition of a texture though. The human visual system is able to identify and segment different textures in a given image. Automating this task for a computer is far from trivial. There are three major components of any texture segmentation algorithm: (a) The features used to represent a texture, (b) the metric induced on this representation space and (c) the clustering algorithm that runs over these features in order to segment a given image into different textures. In this paper, we propose an active contour based novel unsupervised algorithm for texture segmentation. We use intensity covariance matrices of regions as the defining feature of textures and find regions that have the most inter-region dissimilar covariance matrices using active contours. Since covariance matrices are symmetric positive definite, we use geodesic distance defined on the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices PD(n) as a measure of dissimlarity between such matrices. We demonstrate performance of our algorithm on both artificial and real texture images

    Rotationally invariant texture based features

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    Analysis of a biologically-inspired system for real-time object recognition

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    We present a biologically-inspired system for real-time, feed-forward object recognition in cluttered scenes. Our system utilizes a vocabulary of very sparse features that are shared between and within different object models. To detect objects in a novel scene, these features are located in the image, and each detected feature votes for all objects that are consistent with its presence. Due to the sharing of features between object models our approach is more scalable to large object databases than traditional methods. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we train our system to recognize any of 50 objects in everyday cluttered scenes with substantial occlusion. Without further optimization we also demonstrate near-perfect recognition on a standard 3-D recognition problem. Our system has an interpretation as a sparsely connected feed-forward neural network, making it a viable model for fast, feed-forward object recognition in the primate visual system
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