21,717 research outputs found

    Combining textual and visual information processing for interactive video retrieval: SCHEMA's participation in TRECVID 2004

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    In this paper, the two different applications based on the Schema Reference System that were developed by the SCHEMA NoE for participation to the search task of TRECVID 2004 are illustrated. The first application, named ”Schema-Text”, is an interactive retrieval application that employs only textual information while the second one, named ”Schema-XM”, is an extension of the former, employing algorithms and methods for combining textual, visual and higher level information. Two runs for each application were submitted, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 3, I A 2 SCHEMA-Text 4 for Schema-Text and I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 1, I A 2 SCHEMA-XM 2 for Schema-XM. The comparison of these two applications in terms of retrieval efficiency revealed that the combination of information from different data sources can provide higher efficiency for retrieval systems. Experimental testing additionally revealed that initially performing a text-based query and subsequently proceeding with visual similarity search using one of the returned relevant keyframes as an example image is a good scheme for combining visual and textual information

    The aceToolbox: low-level audiovisual feature extraction for retrieval and classification

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    In this paper we present an overview of a software platform that has been developed within the aceMedia project, termed the aceToolbox, that provides global and local lowlevel feature extraction from audio-visual content. The toolbox is based on the MPEG-7 eXperimental Model (XM), with extensions to provide descriptor extraction from arbitrarily shaped image segments, thereby supporting local descriptors reflecting real image content. We describe the architecture of the toolbox as well as providing an overview of the descriptors supported to date. We also briefly describe the segmentation algorithm provided. We then demonstrate the usefulness of the toolbox in the context of two different content processing scenarios: similarity-based retrieval in large collections and scene-level classification of still images

    Inviwo -- A Visualization System with Usage Abstraction Levels

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    The complexity of today's visualization applications demands specific visualization systems tailored for the development of these applications. Frequently, such systems utilize levels of abstraction to improve the application development process, for instance by providing a data flow network editor. Unfortunately, these abstractions result in several issues, which need to be circumvented through an abstraction-centered system design. Often, a high level of abstraction hides low level details, which makes it difficult to directly access the underlying computing platform, which would be important to achieve an optimal performance. Therefore, we propose a layer structure developed for modern and sustainable visualization systems allowing developers to interact with all contained abstraction levels. We refer to this interaction capabilities as usage abstraction levels, since we target application developers with various levels of experience. We formulate the requirements for such a system, derive the desired architecture, and present how the concepts have been exemplary realized within the Inviwo visualization system. Furthermore, we address several specific challenges that arise during the realization of such a layered architecture, such as communication between different computing platforms, performance centered encapsulation, as well as layer-independent development by supporting cross layer documentation and debugging capabilities