6,192 research outputs found

    Bounded Determinization of Timed Automata with Silent Transitions

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    Deterministic timed automata are strictly less expressive than their non-deterministic counterparts, which are again less expressive than those with silent transitions. As a consequence, timed automata are in general non-determinizable. This is unfortunate since deterministic automata play a major role in model-based testing, observability and implementability. However, by bounding the length of the traces in the automaton, effective determinization becomes possible. We propose a novel procedure for bounded determinization of timed automata. The procedure unfolds the automata to bounded trees, removes all silent transitions and determinizes via disjunction of guards. The proposed algorithms are optimized to the bounded setting and thus are more efficient and can handle a larger class of timed automata than the general algorithms. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated on several examples. To our best knowledge, this is the first implementation of this type of procedure for timed automata.Comment: 25 page

    MONAA: A Tool for Timed Pattern Matching with Automata-Based Acceleration

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    We present monaa, a monitoring tool over a real-time property specified by either a timed automaton or a timed regular expression. It implements a timed pattern matching algorithm that combines 1) features suited for online monitoring, and 2) acceleration by automata-based skipping. Our experiments demonstrate monaa's performance advantage, especially in online usage.Comment: Published in: 2018 IEEE Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems (MT-CPS

    Re-verification of a Lip Synchronization Protocol using Robust Reachability

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    The timed automata formalism is an important model for specifying and analysing real-time systems. Robustness is the correctness of the model in the presence of small drifts on clocks or imprecision in testing guards. A symbolic algorithm for the analysis of the robustness of timed automata has been implemented. In this paper, we re-analyse an industrial case lip synchronization protocol using the new robust reachability algorithm. This lip synchronization protocol is an interesting case because timing aspects are crucial for the correctness of the protocol. Several versions of the model are considered: with an ideal video stream, with anchored jitter, and with non-anchored jitter

    Re-verification of a Lip Synchronization Algorithm using robust reachability

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    The timed automata formalism is an important model for specifying and analysing real-time systems. Robustness is the correctness of the model in the presence of small drifts on clocks or imprecision in testing guards. A symbolic algorithm for the analysis of the robustness of timed automata has been implemented. In this paper we re-analyse an industrial case lip synchronization protocol using the new robust reachability algorithm.This lip synchronization protocol is an interesting case because timing aspect are crucial for the correctness of the protocol. Several versions of the model are considered, with an ideal video stream, with anchored jitter, and with non-anchored jitter

    Test Generation from Timed Pushdown Automata with Inputs and Outputs

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    International audienceWe consider in this paper the model of Timed Pushdown Automata with Inputs and Outputs (TPAIO), for which state reachability can only be solved in exponential time. We compute by means of a polynomial algorithm a reachability timed automaton (RTA), thus partial, of a TPAIO. When the algorithmis applied to untimed pushdown automata, the reachability is equivalent in both automata. But with the addition of clock constraints, reachability in the RTA is only a sufficient condition. To decide if a succession of timed transitions can be executed, we compute the backward closures of the clock constraints, and evaluate them by means of satisfiability decision procedures. Additionally, we compute a path table that relates a feasibletransition of the RTA to the corresponding path of the TPAIO. We accept the incompleteness of our method as a price to pay for efficiency. It can be used in test generation since testing is incomplete by nature. Test generation relies on unfolding the transitions of the reachability timed automaton thanks to the path table. Keywords: Timed Pushdown Automata; Reachability Timed Automata; Clock Constraints Backward Closure; Test Generationfrom Automata; Conformance Relation for TPAIO

    Membership Questions for Timed and Hybrid Automata

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    Timed and hybrid automata are extensions of finite-state machines for formal modeling of embedded systems with both discrete and continuous components. Reachability problems for these automata are well studied and have been implemented in verification tools. In this paper, for the purpose of effective error reporting and testing, we consider the membership problems for such automata. We consider different types of membership problems depending on whether the path (i.e. edge-sequence), or the trace (i.e. event-sequence), or the timed trace (i.e. timestamped event-sequence), is specified. We give comprehensive results regarding the complexity of these membership questions for different types of automata, such as timed automata and linear hybrid automata, with and without ε-transitions. In particular, we give an efficient O (n.m2) algorithm for generating timestamps corresponding a path of length n in a timed automaton with m clocks. This algorithm is implemented in the verifier COSPAN to improve its diagnostic feedback during timing verification. Second, we show that for automata without ε-transitions, the membership question is NP-complete for different types of automata whether or not the timestamps are specified along with the trace. Third, we show that for automata with ε-transitions, the membership question is as hard as the reachability question even for timed traces: it is PSPACE-complete for timed automata, and undecidable for slight generalizations

    PRM113 - Timed Automata Modeling of The Personalized Treatment Decisions In Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer

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    Objectives\ud The Timed Automata modeling paradigm has emerged from Computer Science as a mature tool for the functional analysis and performance evaluation of timed distributed systems. This study is a first exploration of the suitability of Timed Automata for health economic modeling, using a case study on personalized treatment for metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC).\ud \ud Methods\ud The treatment process has been modeled by creating several independent timed automata, where an automaton represents a patient, a physician, a test, or a treatment/testing guideline schedule. These automata interact via message passing and are fully parameterized with quantitative information. Messages can be passed, asynchronously, from one automaton to one or more other automata, at any point in time, thereby triggering events and decisions in the treatment process. In the automata time is continuous, and both QALYs and costs can be incorporated using (assignable) local clocks. Uncertainty can be modeled using probabilities and timing intervals that can be uniformly or exponentially distributed. Software for building timed automata is freely available for academic use and includes procedures for statistical model checking (SMC) to validate the (internal) behavior and results of the model.\ud \ud Results\ud In several days a Timed Automata model has been produced that is compositional, easy to understand and easy to update. The behavior and results of the model have been assessed using the SMC tool. Actual results for the mCRPC case study obtained from the Timed Automata model are compared with results of a Discrete Event Simulation model in a separate study.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud The Timed Automata paradigm can be successfully applied to evaluate the potential benefits of a personalized treatment process of mCRPC. The compositional nature of the resulting model provides a good separation of all relevant components. This leads to models that are easy to formulate, validate, understand, maintain and update

    Testing Membership for Timed Automata

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    Given a timed automata which admits thick components and a timed word xx, we present a tester which decides if xx is in the language of the automaton or if xx is ϵ\epsilon-far from the language, using finitely many samples taken from the weighted time distribution μ\mu associated with an input xx. We introduce a distance between timed words, the {\em timed edit distance}, which generalizes the classical edit distance. A timed word xx is ϵ\epsilon-far from a timed language if its relative distance to the language is greater than ϵ\epsilon.Comment: 26 page