7 research outputs found

    Metric-based method of software requirements correctness improvement

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    The work highlights the most important principles of software reliability management (SRM). The SRM concept construes a basis for developing a method of requirements correctness improvement. The method assumes that complicated requirements contain more actual and potential design faults/defects. The method applies a newer metric to evaluate the requirements complexity and double sorting technique evaluating the priority and complexity of a particular requirement. The method enables to improve requirements correctness due to identification of a higher number of defects with restricted resources. Practical application of the proposed method in the course of demands review assured a sensible technical and economic effect

    Implementing smoke test technique on online application

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    Software testing primarily has two purposes (1) evaluate an attribute or capability of a program, (2) ensure the program delivers expected outcomes. There are many approaches of software testing but complex product testing cannot be done through routine procedures, instead, it involves a process of investigation. The primary concern of software testing revolves around the selection of testing strategy to meet the specific testing requirements. Therefore, it can be commented that selection of the right strategy in right time can make the software testing efficient and effective. Software testing is a set of activities that intent to find errors in software. This attempts to detect the bugs that create software malfunctions and verifies and validates the functionality of the software. In this project, software testing by implementing smoke test technique on Online Application will help the company to test their product see whether this module will meet the customer requirements and also decrease the determines of producing faulty software. This is used to detect defects early in the software development lifecycle and give idea whether this module is ready or not to save the time and effort to start the further formal testing. Smoke test is probably the most important test, it gives the confidence that the application actually runs. If it does not run, smoke test should be able to give us some basic diagnostics as to whether this application is down because something it depends on is not working. With this process we can have preliminary testing on the product and able to gage the risk and the status from it. Testing process in this project involves: study and analysis requirements, design test cases, document them in detailed, writing test procedures in formal document, execute test cases, automated all written test cases by using selenium tool, and report all detected defects among test execution process. All detected defects were reported

    Testing techniques selection based on ODC fault types and software metrics

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    Software testing techniques differ in the type of faults they are more prone to detect, and their performance varies depending on the features of the application being tested. Practitioners often use informally their knowledge about the software under test in order to combine testing techniques for maximizing the number of detected faults. This work presents an approach to enable practitioners to select testing techniques according to the features of the software to test. A method to build a testing-related base of knowledge for tailoring the techniques selection process to the specific application(s) is proposed. The method grounds upon two basic steps: i) constructing, on an empirical basis, models to characterize the software to test in terms of fault types it is more prone to contain; ii) characterizing testing techniques with respect to fault types they are more prone to detect in the given context. Using the created base of knowledge, engineers within an organization can define the mix of techniques so as to maximize the effectiveness of the testing process for their specific software

    SOTESTER – Sistema de recomendación de técnicas de testing de software: Un enfoque colaborativo

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    Presenta un sistema de recomendación con enfoque colaborativo y basado en contenido que permite obtener recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software basado en la caracterización del proyecto objetivo y la evaluación de técnicas de testing instanciadas en proyectos similares. Se ha demostrado que el método propuesto SOTESTER realiza recomendaciones de buena calidad de manera similar a como las realiza un experto humano. La investigación busca medir la calidad de las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por el método propuesto SOTESTER respecto a las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por expertos, mide la coincidencia de los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan y mide la coincidencia del método propuesto SOTESTER con los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan.Tesi

    Classificação e resolução de defeitos em manutenção de software utilizando ODC e histórico de soluções

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    Nowadays with the increasing of demand in support services such as high availability and performance faced by customers and low cost operations to software maintenance and hosting enterprises, the resolution of software incidents in less time and defect prevention turned a key point. Moreover, the software maintenance is one most time consuming and effort demanding and by consequence cost in software development life cycle. Balancing effectiveness and costs turn a challenge to any enterprise that manages support in software maintenance. The approach used on this research defines a process to classify defects and boundary a set of best solutions associated to these classes from defects history and customer knowledge base. Also this classification separates different problem complexities that can be handled to different support teams. The base method used is the ODC (Orthogonal Defect Classification). With this research is possible to verify that the classification and solutions associations with problem class can undertake a time reduction in incidents resolution in software maintenance. It was verified using four service provider samples in two different customers (X and Y) that classification of defects, correct support team redirection and best solution grouping helps on reduction of incidents resolution time between 70% of incidents to customer Y and 92,5 % of incidents to customer X. The reduction was reached with reduction in number of transfers between supporting teams and incidents number reduction. The process is incremental because it is unfolded from history information and from effectiveness into solutions purposed. This process can leverage human resources nedded to support computational systems in service providers.Nos dias atuais, com o aumento da demanda de serviços de suporte, como, por exemplo, no campo da alta disponibilidade e do desempenho para o cliente e da demanda de custos mais baixos para as empresas de manutenção e hospedagem de software, a resolução de incidentes de software em um tempo menor junto ao cliente e a prevenção de defeitos tornaram-se um tópicos fundamentais. Além disso, a atividade de manutenção de software é uma das fases que consome mais tempo, esforço e consequentemente custo no ciclo de desenvolvimento de software. Balancear eficiência e custo torna-se um desafio para qualquer empresa de suporte em manutenção de software. A abordagem utilizada nesta pesquisa estabelece um processo para classificar defeitos e delinear um conjunto de melhores soluções para os defeitos classificados a partir do histórico de defeitos e a base de conhecimento do cliente. Esta classificação também separa complexidade de problemas para serem gerenciados pelo time de suporte mais adequado. O método base utilizado é o ODC (Classificação Ortogonal de Defeitos) e extensões voltadas ao suporte de software são propostas e utilizadas. Por meio desta pesquisa, é possível verificar se a classificação e associação de soluções podem acarretar em uma redução no tempo de atendimento dos incidentes de suporte. Foi observado em quatro amostras de dois clientes diferentes (X e Y) que utilizando a classificação dos defeitos, direcionamento correto aos times de suporte e agrupamento de soluções, promoveu uma redução no tempo de atendimento em 70% dos incidentes de suporte no cliente Y e 92,5% dos incidentes de suporte para o cliente X. A redução de tempo foi obtida pela redução no número de transferências entre os times de suporte e a redução de incidentes. O processo apresentado é incremental, pois é baseado no aumento das informações históricas e na eficácia das soluções propostas. Este método de soluções pode favorecer a redução dos recursos necessários para suportar sistemas computacionais em provedores de serviço