3 research outputs found

    The Subgraph Testing Model

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    We initiate a study of testing properties of graphs that are presented as subgraphs of a fixed (or an explicitly given) graph. The tester is given free access to a base graph G=([n],E), and oracle access to a function f:E -> {0,1} that represents a subgraph of G. The tester is required to distinguish between subgraphs that posses a predetermined property and subgraphs that are far from possessing this property. We focus on bounded-degree base graphs and on the relation between testing graph properties in the subgraph model and testing the same properties in the bounded-degree graph model. We identify cases in which testing is significantly easier in one model than in the other as well as cases in which testing has approximately the same complexity in both models. Our proofs are based on the design and analysis of efficient testers and on the establishment of query-complexity lower bounds

    Testing read-once formula satisfaction

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    We study the query complexity of testing for properties defined by read once formulas, as instances of {\em massively parametrized properties}, and prove several testability and non-testability results. First we prove the testability of any property accepted by a Boolean read-once formula involving any bounded arity gates, with a number of queries exponential in ϵ\epsilon, doubly exponential in the arity, and independent of all other parameters. When the gates are limited to being monotone, we prove that there is an {\em estimation} algorithm, that outputs an approximation of the distance of the input from satisfying the property. For formulas only involving And/Or gates, we provide a more efficient test whose query complexity is only quasipolynomial in ϵ\epsilon. On the other hand, we show that such testability results do not hold in general for formulas over non-Boolean alphabets; specifically we construct a property defined by a read-once arity 22 (non-Boolean) formula over an alphabet of size 44, such that any 1/41/4-test for it requires a number of queries depending on the formula size. We also present such a formula over an alphabet of size 55 that additionally satisfies a strong monotonicity condition