6 research outputs found

    Semantic Web Datatype Inference: Towards Better RDF Matching

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    International audienceIn the context of RDF document matching/integration, the datatype information, which is related to literal objects, is an important aspect to be analyzed in order to better determine similar RDF documents. In this paper, we propose a datatype inference process based on four steps: (i) predicate information analysis (i.e., deduce the datatype from existing range property); (ii) analysis of the object value itself by a pattern-matching process (i.e., recognize the object lexical-space); (iii) semantic analysis of the predicate name and its context; and (iv) generalization of numeric and binary datatypes to ensure the integration. We evaluated the performance and the accuracy of our approach with datasets from DBpedia. Results show that the execution time of the inference process is linear and its accuracy can increase up to 97.10%. \textcopyright 2017, Springer International Publishing AG

    Testing Erlang data types with quviq quickcheck

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    When creating software, data types are the basic bricks. Most of the time a programmer will use data types defined in library modules, therefore being tested by many users over many years. But sometimes, the appropriate data type is unavailable in the libraries and has to be constructed from scratch. In this way, new basic bricks are created, and potentially used in many products in the future. It pays off to test such data types thoroughly.This paper presents a structured methodology to follow when testing data types using Quviq QuickCheck, a tool for random testing against specifications. The validation process will be explained carefully, from the convenience of defining a model for the datatype to be tested, to a strategy for better shrinking of failing test cases, and including the benefits of working with symbolic representations.The leading example in this paper is a data type implemented for a risk management information system, a commercial product developed in Erlang, that has been used on a daily basis for several years

    HERMIT: Mechanized Reasoning during Compilation in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler

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    It is difficult to write programs which are both correct and fast. A promising approach, functional programming, is based on the idea of using pure, mathematical functions to construct programs. With effort, it is possible to establish a connection between a specification written in a functional language, which has been proven correct, and a fast implementation, via program transformation. When practiced in the functional programming community, this style of reasoning is still typically performed by hand, by either modifying the source code or using pen-and-paper. Unfortunately, performing such semi-formal reasoning by directly modifying the source code often obfuscates the program, and pen-and-paper reasoning becomes outdated as the program changes over time. Even so, this semi-formal reasoning prevails because formal reasoning is time-consuming, and requires considerable expertise. Formal reasoning tools often only work for a subset of the target language, or require programs to be implemented in a custom language for reasoning. This dissertation investigates a solution, called HERMIT, which mechanizes reasoning during compilation. HERMIT can be used to prove properties about programs written in the Haskell functional programming language, or transform them to improve their performance. Reasoning in HERMIT proceeds in a style familiar to practitioners of pen-and-paper reasoning, and mechanization allows these techniques to be applied to real-world programs with greater confidence. HERMIT can also re-check recorded reasoning steps on subsequent compilations, enforcing a connection with the program as the program is developed. HERMIT is the first system capable of directly reasoning about the full Haskell language. The design and implementation of HERMIT, motivated both by typical reasoning tasks and HERMIT's place in the Haskell ecosystem, is presented in detail. Three case studies investigate HERMIT's capability to reason in practice. These case studies demonstrate that semi-formal reasoning with HERMIT lowers the barrier to writing programs which are both correct and fast