9 research outputs found

    Computing the Cassels–Tate pairing on the 3-Selmer group of an elliptic curve

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    We extend the method of Cassels for computing the Cassels-Tate pairing on the 2-Selmer group of an elliptic curve, to the case of 3-Selmer groups. This requires significant modifications to both the local and global parts of the calculation. Our method is practical in sufficiently small examples, and can be used to improve the upper bound for the rank of an elliptic curve obtained by 3-descent

    Explicit n-descent on elliptic curves. III. Algorithms

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    This is the third in a series of papers in which we study the n-Selmer group of an elliptic curve, with the aim of representing its elements as curves of degree n in P^{n-1}. The methods we describe are practical in the case n=3 for elliptic curves over the rationals, and have been implemented in Magma. One important ingredient of our work is an algorithm for trivialising central simple algebras. This is of independent interest: for example, it could be used for parametrising Brauer-Severi surfaces.Comment: 43 pages, comes with a file containing Magma code for the computations used for the examples. v2: some small edit

    Computing the Cassels-Tate pairing on the 2-Selmer group of a genus 2 Jacobian

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    We describe a method for computing the Cassels-Tate pairing on the 2-Selmer group of the Jacobian of a genus 2 curve. This can be used to improve the upper bound coming from 2-descent for the rank of the group of rational points on the Jacobian. Our method remains practical regardless of the Galois action on the Weierstrass points of the genus 2 curve. It does however depend on being able to find a rational point on a certain twisted Kummer surface. The latter does not appear to be a severe restriction in practice. In particular, we have used our method to unconditionally determine the ranks of all genus 2 Jacobians in the L-functions and modular forms database (LMFDB).Comment: 48 page