11 research outputs found

    Software-in-the-loop testing for product testing software in label test process

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    Manufacturing software are widely being used in automating production lines as it makes the process faster, ensure safety of the workers, and costs less in long term. As technology advances, the software used also updates as its job requirement for these types of software goes more complex. To ensure that the software does it job, software testing is performed. However, performing manual software testing consumes a lot of time and manpower, so it has become costly for business. By looking for solutions, some manufacturing companies has found ways to overcome this software testing issue by utilizing virtual testing methods. In this study, it is proposed to use Software in the Loop (SIL) method on testing ParTest. SIL is increasingly known in testing software embedded in microchips. This technique is used to allow the development of the software in parallel with the development of the hardware without waiting for the actual hardware to be ready. Through a technology survey, the SIL implement ParTest is evaluated according to its usefulness. By implementing this method, it shows that it can help produce better software and shorten the turnaround time for projects, which results to a more cost efficient method

    A Deep Learning Framework for Generation and Analysis of Driving Scenario Trajectories

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    We propose a unified deep learning framework for generation and analysis of driving scenario trajectories, and validate its effectiveness in a principled way. In order to model and generate scenarios of trajectories with different length, we develop two approaches. First, we adapt the Recurrent Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (RC-GAN) by conditioning on the length of the trajectories. This provides us flexibility to generate variable-length driving trajectories, a desirable feature for scenario test case generation in the verification of self-driving cars. Second, we develop an architecture based on Recurrent Autoencoder with GANs in order to obviate the variable length issue, wherein we train a GAN to learn/generate the latent representations of original trajectories. In this approach, we train an integrated feed-forward neural network to estimate the length of the trajectories to be able to bring them back from the latent space representation. In addition to trajectory generation, we employ the trained autoencoder as a feature extractor, for the purpose of clustering and anomaly detection, in order to obtain further insights on the collected scenario dataset. We experimentally investigate the performance of the proposed framework on real-world scenario trajectories obtained from in-field data collection

    A Deep Learning Framework for Generation and Analysis of Driving Scenario Trajectories

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    We propose a unified deep learning framework for the generation and analysis of driving scenario trajectories, and validate its effectiveness in a principled way. To model and generate scenarios of trajectories with different lengths, we develop two approaches. First, we adapt the Recurrent Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (RC-GAN) by conditioning on the length of the trajectories. This provides us the flexibility to generate variable-length driving trajectories, a desirable feature for scenario test case generation in the verification of autonomous driving. Second, we develop an architecture based on Recurrent Autoencoder with GANs to obviate the variable length issue, wherein we train a GAN to learn/generate the latent representations of original trajectories. In this approach, we train an integrated feed-forward neural network to estimate the length of the trajectories to be able to bring them back from the latent space representation. In addition to trajectory generation, we employ the trained autoencoder as a feature extractor, for the purpose of clustering and anomaly detection, to obtain further insights into the collected scenario dataset. We experimentally investigate the performance of the proposed framework on real-world scenario trajectories obtained from in-field data collection

    Pre-Deployment Testing of Low Speed, Urban Road Autonomous Driving in a Simulated Environment

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    Low speed autonomous shuttles emulating SAE Level L4 automated driving using human driver assisted autonomy have been operating in geo-fenced areas in several cities in the US and the rest of the world. These autonomous vehicles (AV) are operated by small to mid-sized technology companies that do not have the resources of automotive OEMs for carrying out exhaustive, comprehensive testing of their AV technology solutions before public road deployment. Due to the low speed of operation and hence not operating on roads containing highways, the base vehicles of these AV shuttles are not required to go through rigorous certification tests. The way the driver assisted AV technology is tested and allowed for public road deployment is continuously evolving but is not standardized and shows differences between the different states where these vehicles operate. Currently, AVs and AV shuttles deployed on public roads are using these deployments for testing and improving their technology. However, this is not the right approach. Safe and extensive testing in a lab and controlled test environment including Model-in-the-Loop (MiL), Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) and Autonomous-Vehicle-in-the-Loop (AViL) testing should be the prerequisite to such public road deployments. This paper presents three dimensional virtual modeling of an AV shuttle deployment site and simulation testing in this virtual environment. We have two deployment sites in Columbus of these AV shuttles through the Department of Transportation funded Smart City Challenge project named Smart Columbus. The Linden residential area AV shuttle deployment site of Smart Columbus is used as the specific example for illustrating the AV testing method proposed in this paper

    Search-based Test Generation for Automated Driving Systems: From Perception to Control Logic

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    abstract: Automated driving systems are in an intensive research and development stage, and the companies developing these systems are targeting to deploy them on public roads in a very near future. Guaranteeing safe operation of these systems is crucial as they are planned to carry passengers and share the road with other vehicles and pedestrians. Yet, there is no agreed-upon approach on how and in what detail those systems should be tested. Different organizations have different testing approaches, and one common approach is to combine simulation-based testing with real-world driving. One of the expectations from fully-automated vehicles is never to cause an accident. However, an automated vehicle may not be able to avoid all collisions, e.g., the collisions caused by other road occupants. Hence, it is important for the system designers to understand the boundary case scenarios where an autonomous vehicle can no longer avoid a collision. Besides safety, there are other expectations from automated vehicles such as comfortable driving and minimal fuel consumption. All safety and functional expectations from an automated driving system should be captured with a set of system requirements. It is challenging to create requirements that are unambiguous and usable for the design, testing, and evaluation of automated driving systems. Another challenge is to define useful metrics for assessing the testing quality because in general, it is impossible to test every possible scenario. The goal of this dissertation is to formalize the theory for testing automated vehicles. Various methods for automatic test generation for automated-driving systems in simulation environments are presented and compared. The contributions presented in this dissertation include (i) new metrics that can be used to discover the boundary cases between safe and unsafe driving conditions, (ii) a new approach that combines combinatorial testing and optimization-guided test generation methods, (iii) approaches that utilize global optimization methods and random exploration to generate critical vehicle and pedestrian trajectories for testing purposes, (iv) a publicly-available simulation-based automated vehicle testing framework that enables application of the existing testing approaches in the literature, including the new approaches presented in this dissertation.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201