7 research outputs found

    A Functional Approach to Test and Debug of IEEE 1687 Reconfigurable Networks

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    The IEEE 1687 standard introduces several novelties, most notably Reconfigurable Scan Networks (RSNs), i.e., scan chains whose length can change dynamically. These architectures offer important advantages but can result in extremely complex integrity test following traditional structural approaches. In this paper, we will present an innovative approach to RSN test and debug based on the functional features of the standard, which is able to greatly speed up test generation time while guaranteeing a precise fault coverage

    Graceful Degradation of Reconfigurable Scan Networks

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    Modern integrated circuits (ICs) include thousands of on-chip instruments to ensure that specifications are met and maintained. Scalable and flexible access to these instruments is offered by reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), e.g. IEEE Std. 1687. As RSNs themselves can become faulty, there is a need to exclude and bypass faulty parts so that remaining instruments can be used. To avoid keeping track and updating description languages for each individual IC, we propose an on-chip hardware block that makes adjustments according to fault status of a particular IC. We show how this block enables test for faulty scan- chains, localization of faulty scan-chains, and repair by excluding faulty scan-chains. We made implementations and experiments to evaluate the overhead in terms of transported data and area

    Accessing general IEEE Std. 1687 networks via functional ports

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    Reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), like IEEE Std. 1687 networks, offer flexible and scalable access to embedded (on- chip) instruments. These networks are typically accessed from the outside via a dedicated test port, like the test access port (TAP) of IEEE Std. 1149.1. As not all integrated circuits have a dedicated test port, the IEEE Std. P1687.1 working group is exploring how existing functional ports can be used. Fundamental challenges are to determine what hardware to include in the component translating information between a functional port and an IEEE Std. 1687 network and to describe a protocol for the data transported over a functional interface. We have previously shown hardware and protocol to access a limited type of IEEE Std. 1687 networks, known as flat segment insertion bit (SIB)-based networks. In this paper, we present a solution to handle general IEEE Std. 1687 networks. We have made a number of implementations with various benchmarks on an FPGA to evaluate the data overhead and the area usage

    A New Technique to Generate Test Sequences for Reconfigurable Scan Networks

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    Nowadays, industries require reliable methods for accessing the instrumentations embedded within semiconductor devices. The situation led to the definition of standards, such as the IEEE 1687, for designing the required infrastructures, and the proposal of techniques to test them. So far, most of the test-generation approaches are either too computationally demanding to be applied in complex cases, or too approximate to yield high-quality tests. This paper exploits a recent idea: the state of a generic reconfigurable scan chain is modeled as a finite state automaton and a low-level fault, as an incorrect transition; it then proposes a new algorithm for generating a functional test sequence able to detect all incorrect transitions far more efficiently than previous ones. Such an algorithm is based on a greedy search, and it is able to postpone costly operations and eventually minimize their number. Experimental results on ITC’16 benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach is broadly applicable; has limited computational requirements; and the test sequences are order of magnitudes shorter than the ones previously generated by approximate methodologies

    A Novel Sequence Generation Approach to Diagnose Faults in Reconfigurable Scan Networks

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    With the complexity of nanoelectronic devices rapidly increasing, an efficient way to handle large number of embedded instruments became a necessity. The IEEE 1687 standard was introduced to provide flexibility in accessing and controlling such instrumentation through a reconfigurable scan chain. Nowadays, together with testing the system for defects that may affect the scan chains themselves, the diagnosis of such faults is also important. This article proposes a method for generating stimuli to precisely identify permanent high-level faults in a IEEE 1687 reconfigurable scan chain: the system is modeled as a finite state automaton where faults correspond to multiple incorrect transitions; then, a dynamic greedy algorithm is used to select a sequence of inputs able to distinguish between all possible faults. Experimental results on the widely-adopted ITC'02 and ITC'16 benchmark suites, as well as on synthetically generated circuits, clearly demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach: generated sequences are two orders of magnitude shorter compared to previous methodologies, while the computational resources required remain acceptable even for larger benchmarks

    Test of Reconfigurable Modules in Scan Networks

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    Modern devices often include several embedded instruments, such as BIST interfaces, sensors, calibration facilities. New standards, such as IEEE Std 1687, provide vehicles to access these instruments. In approaches based on reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), instruments are coupled with scan registers, connected into chains and interleaved with reconfigurable modules. Such modules embed reconfigurable multiplexers that permit a selective access to different parts of the chain. A similar scenario is also supported by IEEE Std 1149.1-2013. The test of permanent faults affecting an RSN requires to shift test vectors throughout a certain number of network configurations. This paper presents some methodologies to select the list of configurations that perform the complete test of the reconfigurable modules of the RSN. In particular, one method is presented that, by construction, can be proved to be able to apply the test in the minimum amount of clock cycles. Other methods are sub-optimal in terms of test application time (TAT), but scale well on large circuits. In order to provide a comparison between the proposed methods, experimental results on some benchmark RSNs are provided

    Test of Reconfigurable Modules in Scan Networks

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