19,006 research outputs found

    Chaining Test Cases for Reactive System Testing (extended version)

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    Testing of synchronous reactive systems is challenging because long input sequences are often needed to drive them into a state at which a desired feature can be tested. This is particularly problematic in on-target testing, where a system is tested in its real-life application environment and the time required for resetting is high. This paper presents an approach to discovering a test case chain---a single software execution that covers a group of test goals and minimises overall test execution time. Our technique targets the scenario in which test goals for the requirements are given as safety properties. We give conditions for the existence and minimality of a single test case chain and minimise the number of test chains if a single test chain is infeasible. We report experimental results with a prototype tool for C code generated from Simulink models and compare it to state-of-the-art test suite generators.Comment: extended version of paper published at ICTSS'1

    Reusing Test-Cases on Different Levels of Abstraction in a Model Based Development Tool

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    Seamless model based development aims to use models during all phases of the development process of a system. During the development process in a component-based approach, components of a system are described at qualitatively differing abstraction levels: during requirements engineering component models are rather abstract high-level and underspecified, while during implementation the component models are rather concrete and fully specified in order to enable code generation. An important issue that arises is assuring that the concrete models correspond to abstract models. In this paper, we propose a method to assure that concrete models for system components refine more abstract models for the same components. In particular we advocate a framework for reusing testcases at different abstraction levels. Our approach, even if it cannot completely prove the refinement, can be used to ensure confidence in the development process. In particular we are targeting the refinement of requirements which are represented as very abstract models. Besides a formal model of our approach, we discuss our experiences with the development of an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system in a model driven development process. This uses extensions which we implemented for our model-based development tool and which are briefly presented in this paper.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2012, arXiv:1202.582

    Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification

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    Modern Systems-on-Chip (SoC) designs are increasingly heterogeneous and contain specialized semi-programmable accelerators in addition to programmable processors. In contrast to the pre-accelerator era, when the ISA played an important role in verification by enabling a clean separation of concerns between software and hardware, verification of these "accelerator-rich" SoCs presents new challenges. From the perspective of hardware designers, there is a lack of a common framework for the formal functional specification of accelerator behavior. From the perspective of software developers, there exists no unified framework for reasoning about software/hardware interactions of programs that interact with accelerators. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a formal specification and high-level abstraction for accelerator functional behavior. It formalizes the concept of an Instruction Level Abstraction (ILA), developed informally in our previous work, and shows its application in modeling and verification of accelerators. This formal ILA extends the familiar notion of instructions to accelerators and provides a uniform, modular, and hierarchical abstraction for modeling software-visible behavior of both accelerators and programmable processors. We demonstrate the applicability of the ILA through several case studies of accelerators (for image processing, machine learning, and cryptography), and a general-purpose processor (RISC-V). We show how the ILA model facilitates equivalence checking between two ILAs, and between an ILA and its hardware finite-state machine (FSM) implementation. Further, this equivalence checking supports accelerator upgrades using the notion of ILA compatibility, similar to processor upgrades using ISA compatibility.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Syntactic Abstraction of B Models to Generate Tests

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    In a model-based testing approach as well as for the verification of properties, B models provide an interesting solution. However, for industrial applications, the size of their state space often makes them hard to handle. To reduce the amount of states, an abstraction function can be used, often combining state variable elimination and domain abstractions of the remaining variables. This paper complements previous results, based on domain abstraction for test generation, by adding a preliminary syntactic abstraction phase, based on variable elimination. We define a syntactic transformation that suppresses some variables from a B event model, in addition to a method that chooses relevant variables according to a test purpose. We propose two methods to compute an abstraction A of an initial model M. The first one computes A as a simulation of M, and the second one computes A as a bisimulation of M. The abstraction process produces a finite state system. We apply this abstraction computation to a Model Based Testing process.Comment: Tests and Proofs 2010, Malaga : Spain (2010

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac

    Formal Modelling, Testing and Verification of HSA Memory Models using Event-B

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    The HSA Foundation has produced the HSA Platform System Architecture Specification that goes a long way towards addressing the need for a clear and consistent method for specifying weakly consistent memory. HSA is specified in a natural language which makes it open to multiple ambiguous interpretations and could render bugs in implementations of it in hardware and software. In this paper we present a formal model of HSA which can be used in the development and verification of both concurrent software applications as well as in the development and verification of the HSA-compliant platform itself. We use the Event-B language to build a provably correct hierarchy of models from the most abstract to a detailed refinement of HSA close to implementation level. Our memory models are general in that they represent an arbitrary number of masters, programs and instruction interleavings. We reason about such general models using refinements. Using Rodin tool we are able to model and verify an entire hierarchy of models using proofs to establish that each refinement is correct. We define an automated validation method that allows us to test baseline compliance of the model against a suite of published HSA litmus tests. Once we complete model validation we develop a coverage driven method to extract a richer set of tests from the Event-B model and a user specified coverage model. These tests are used for extensive regression testing of hardware and software systems. Our method of refinement based formal modelling, baseline compliance testing of the model and coverage driven test extraction using the single language of Event-B is a new way to address a key challenge facing the design and verification of multi-core systems.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
