15,742 research outputs found

    Practical guidance for the implementation of the CRISPR genome editing tool in filamentous fungi

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    Background: Within the last years, numerous reports described successful application of the CRISPR nucleases Cas9 and Cpf1 for genome editing in filamentous fungi. However, still a lot of efforts are invested to develop and improve protocols for the fungus and genes of interest with respect to applicability, scalability and targeting efficiencies. These efforts are often hampered by the fact that—although many different protocols are available— one have systematically analysed and compared different CRISPR nucleases and different application procedures thereof for the efficiency of single- and multiplex-targeting approaches in the same fungus. Results: We present here data for successful genome editing in the cell factory Thermothelomyces thermophilus, formerly known as Myceliophthora thermophila, using the three different nucleases SpCas9, FnCpf1, AsCpf1 guided to four different gene targets of our interest. These included a polyketide synthase (pks4.2), an alkaline protease (alp1), a SNARE protein (snc1) and a potential transcription factor (ptf1). For all four genes, guide RNAs were developed which enabled successful single-targeting and multiplex-targeting. CRISPR nucleases were either delivered to T. thermophilus on plasmids or preassembled with in vitro transcribed gRNA to form ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). We also evaluated the efficiency of single oligonucleotides for site-directed mutagenesis. Finally, we were able to scale down the transformation protocol to microtiter plate format which generated high numbers of positive transformants and will thus pave the way for future high-throughput investigations. Conclusion: We provide here the first comprehensive analysis and evaluation of different CRISPR approaches for a filamentous fungus. All approaches followed enabled successful genome editing in T. thermophilus; however, with different success rates. In addition, we show that the success rate depends on the respective nuclease and on the targeted gene locus. We finally present a practical guidance for experimental considerations aiming to guide the reader for successful implementation of CRISPR technology for other fungi.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Mapping the genetic architecture of gene expression in human liver

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    Genetic variants that are associated with common human diseases do not lead directly to disease, but instead act on intermediate, molecular phenotypes that in turn induce changes in higher-order disease traits. Therefore, identifying the molecular phenotypes that vary in response to changes in DNA and that also associate with changes in disease traits has the potential to provide the functional information required to not only identify and validate the susceptibility genes that are directly affected by changes in DNA, but also to understand the molecular networks in which such genes operate and how changes in these networks lead to changes in disease traits. Toward that end, we profiled more than 39,000 transcripts and we genotyped 782,476 unique single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in more than 400 human liver samples to characterize the genetic architecture of gene expression in the human liver, a metabolically active tissue that is important in a number of common human diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. This genome-wide association study of gene expression resulted in the detection of more than 6,000 associations between SNP genotypes and liver gene expression traits, where many of the corresponding genes identified have already been implicated in a number of human diseases. The utility of these data for elucidating the causes of common human diseases is demonstrated by integrating them with genotypic and expression data from other human and mouse populations. This provides much-needed functional support for the candidate susceptibility genes being identified at a growing number of genetic loci that have been identified as key drivers of disease from genome-wide association studies of disease. By using an integrative genomics approach, we highlight how the gene RPS26 and not ERBB3 is supported by our data as the most likely susceptibility gene for a novel type 1 diabetes locus recently identified in a large-scale, genome-wide association study. We also identify SORT1 and CELSR2 as candidate susceptibility genes for a locus recently associated with coronary artery disease and plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the process. © 2008 Schadt et al

    Selection of DNA Aptamers for Ovarian Cancer Biomarker CA125 Using One-Pot SELEX and High-Throughput Sequencing

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    CA125 is a mucin glycoprotein whose concentration in serum correlates with a woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer and also indicates response to therapy in diagnosed patients. Accurate detection of this large, complex protein in patient samples is of great clinical relevance. We suggest that powerful new diagnostic tools may be enabled by the development of nucleic acid aptamers with affinity for CA125. Here, we report on our use of One-Pot SELEX to isolate single-stranded DNA aptamers with affinity for CA125, followed by high-throughput sequencing of the selected oligonucleotides. This data-rich approach, combined with bioinformatics tools, enabled the entire selection process to be characterized. Using fluorescence anisotropy and affinity probe capillary electrophoresis, the binding affinities of four aptamer candidates were evaluated. Two aptamers, CA125_1 and CA125_12, both without primers, were found to bind to clinically relevant concentrations of the protein target. Binding was differently influenced by the presence of Mg2+ ions, being required for binding of CA125_1 and abrogating binding of CA125_12. In conclusion, One-Pot SELEX was found to be a promising selection method that yielded DNA aptamers to a clinically important protein target

    Oligonukleotiidide hübridisatsioonimudeli rakendamine PCR-i ja mikrokiipide optimeerimiseks

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Nukleiinhapped on orgaaniliste makromolekulide hulgas unikaalsed tänu oma võimele kodeerida, dekodeerida ja kanda üle digitaalset informatsiooni. See omadus on aluseks nende kasutamisele arenevates tehnoloogiavaldkondades, alates kliinilisest diagnostikast kuni nanotehnoloogia ja informatsiooni talletamiseni. On aga oluline mõista, et digitaalse informatsiooni töötlemise ja säilitamise aluseks nukleiinhapetes on nende keemilised omadused. Tähtsaim nendest on hübridiseerumine - nukleiinhapete võime moodustada spontaanselt kaheahelaline heeliks kahe komplementaarse või osaliselt komplementaarse üheahelalise molekuli liitumisel. Nukleiinhapete hübridisatsiooni termodünaamika arvestamine võimaldab selle protsessi käitumist suure täpsusega modelleerida ja täiustada paljusid biotehnoloogilisi protsesse. Käesolevas väitekirjas on hübridisatsioonimudelit kasutatud multipleks-PCR-i ja detektsiooni mikrokiipide optimeerimiseks. Me töötasime välja ökonoomse algoritmi jaotamaks PCR praimeripaarid multipleksigruppidesse vastavalt nende omavahelisele sobivusele. Algoritm on realiseeritud nii iseseisva programmi kui veebirakendusena. Me uurisime multipleks PCR ebaõnnestumise põhjuseid ja näitasime, et suur arv mittespetsiifilisi seondumiskohti lähte DNA-l vähendab praimerite töötamise edukust. Need praimeripaarid, millel oli liiga suur arv mittespetsiifilisi seondumisi mitte ainult ei töötanud ise halvasti, vaid vähendasid ka teiste nendega koos amplifiseeritud praimeripaaride õnnestumise tõenäosust. Me töötasime välja arvutiprogrammi genereerimaks täieliku nimekirja kõigist võimalikest bakteriaalse tmRNA hübridiseerimisproovidest mis eristaksid omavahel kahte gruppi organisme. Proovide valideerimise käigus me näitasime, et valides hübridisatsioonienergia läviväärtuse suurema kui 4 kcl/mol on võimalik täielikult vältida valepositiivseid signaale. Me uurisime võimalust suurendada bakteriaalse RNA hübridiseerumiskiirust lisades lühikesi spetsiifilisi oligonukleotiide, mis hübridiseerudes lähtemolekulile ei lase selle sekundaarstruktuuril moodustuda. Seda meetodit kasutades tõusis hübridiseerumiskiirus temperatuuril 37C neli korda.Nucleic acids are unique among all organic macromolecules by the ability to encode, decode and transmit digital information. This property is used in emergent technologies as diverse as medical diagnosis, nanoscale engineering and information storage. Still it is important to understand that the basis of this digital information processing are the chemical properties of nucleic acids, the most important being the spontaneous formation of double-stranded helix between complementary or semi-complementary single-stranded molecules, called hybridization. Taking into account the thermodynamic properties of nucleic acid hybridization allows researchers to model the process with great accuracy and thus improve many associated technologies. In current thesis the hybridization model is used to optimize multiplex PCR and microarray hybridization. We developed an efficient algorithm to distribute PCR primer pairs into multiplex groups based on their compatibility with each other. The algorithm is also implemented as both standalone and web-based computer program. We analyzed the probable causes of failure of multiplex PCR and demonstrated that the large number of nonspecific hybridization sites in template DNA is detrimental to PCR quality. Primer pairs with too many nonspecific hybridization sites not only worked poorly but caused the failure of other primer pairs as well. We developed a computer program to generate exhaustive list of all possible hybridization probes for the detection of bacterial tmRNA, capable of distinguishing between two groups of source RNA. The probes were evaluated on microarray and shown that by keeping the hybridization energy cutoff between target and non-target groups over 4 kcal/mol all false-positive signals were eliminated. We analyzed the possibility of increasing the hybridization speed of bacterial tmRNA on low temperatures by applying short specific oligonucleotides that selectively hybridize with template molecules and break their secondary structure. Using this method the hybridization speed was increased fourfold at 37C

    Rational design and validation of DNA fragments for gene assembly based on thermodynamics

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    Synthetic biology is a research field that involves the design and synthesis of genes and genomes. It has a wide range of applications in building gene circuits, activating biochemical pathways and metabolic engineering. Over the last decade, there has been rapid progress in developing efficient DNA synthesis technologies that improve the overall quality of the constructed DNA. Currently, there are several different methods available for successful DNA assembly of long genes. However, these methods have certain drawbacks such as presence of restriction sites (scars) within the assembled sequences or multi-step reaction process to assemble a high-number of fragments. Thus, new DNA assembly methods are applied in this work that overcome these challenges. This thesis discusses an overview of current advancements in synthetic biology with a focus on DNA assembly design tools, methods and applications. A computational tool is presented that helps in the rational design of DNA fragments based on thermodynamic analysis. The designed DNA fragments can be assembled using different techniques such as modified Gibson Assembly and no-erosion ligation based assembly method. The software predictions are validated for assembly of a high-number of DNA fragments using the two methods for a few genes. In addition, a collaborative bioinformatics project that reveals functional changes among scallop opsins after gene duplication events based on protein structure modeling is also part of this work

    Accurate SNP and mutation detection by targeted custom microarray-based genomic enrichment of short-fragment sequencing libraries

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    Microarray-based enrichment of selected genomic loci is a powerful method for genome complexity reduction for next-generation sequencing. Since the vast majority of exons in vertebrate genomes are smaller than 150 nt, we explored the use of short fragment libraries (85–110 bp) to achieve higher enrichment specificity by reducing carryover and adverse effects of flanking intronic sequences. High enrichment specificity (60–75%) was obtained with a relative even base coverage. Up to 98% of the target-sequence was covered more than 20× at an average coverage depth of about 200×. To verify the accuracy of SNP/mutation detection, we evaluated 384 known non-reference SNPs in the targeted regions. At ∼200× average sequence coverage, we were able to survey 96.4% of 1.69 Mb of genomic sequence with only 4.2% false negative calls, mostly due to low coverage. Using the same settings, a total of 1197 novel candidate variants were detected. Verification experiments revealed only eight false positive calls, indicating an overall false positive rate of less than 1 per ∼200 000 bp. Taken together, short fragment libraries provide highly efficient and flexible enrichment of exonic targets and yield relatively even base coverage, which facilitates accurate SNP and mutation detection. Raw sequencing data, alignment files and called SNPs have been submitted into GEO database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ with accession number GSE18542

    Comprehensive analysis of tobacco pollen transcriptome unveils common pathways in polar cell expansion and underlying heterochronic shift during spermatogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many flowering plants produce bicellular pollen. The two cells of the pollen grain are destined for separate fates in the male gametophyte, which provides a unique opportunity to study genetic interactions that govern guided single-cell polar expansion of the growing pollen tube and the coordinated control of germ cell division and sperm cell fate specification. We applied the Agilent 44 K tobacco gene chip to conduct the first transcriptomic analysis of the tobacco male gametophyte. In addition, we performed a comparative study of the Arabidopsis root-hair trichoblast transcriptome to evaluate genetic factors and common pathways involved in polarized cell-tip expansion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Progression of pollen grains from freshly dehisced anthers to pollen tubes 4 h after germination is accompanied with > 5,161 (14.9%) gametophyte-specific expressed probes active in at least one of the developmental stages. In contrast, > 18,821 (54.4%) probes were preferentially expressed in the sporophyte. Our comparative approach identified a subset of 104 pollen tube-expressed genes that overlap with root-hair trichoblasts. Reverse genetic analysis of selected candidates demonstrated that Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase 1 (CSD1), a WD-40 containing protein (BP130384), and Replication factor C1 (NtRFC1) are among the central regulators of pollen-tube tip growth. Extension of our analysis beyond the second haploid mitosis enabled identification of an opposing-dynamic accumulation of core regulators of cell proliferation and cell fate determinants in accordance with the progression of the germ cell cycle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current study provides a foundation to isolate conserved regulators of cell tip expansion and those that are unique for pollen tube growth to the female gametophyte. A transcriptomic data set is presented as a benchmark for future functional studies using developing pollen as a model. Our results demonstrated previously unknown functions of certain genes in pollen-tube tip growth. In addition, we highlighted the molecular dynamics of core cell-cycle regulators in the male gametophyte and postulated the first genetic model to account for the differential timing of spermatogenesis among angiosperms and its coordination with female gametogenesis.</p

    mRNA fusion constructs serve in a general cell‐based assay to profile oligonucleotide activity

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    A cellular assay has been developed to allow measurement of the inhibitory activity of large numbers of oligonucleotides at the protein level. The assay is centred on an mRNA fusion transcript construct comprising of a full‐length reporter gene with a target region of interest inserted into the 3′‐untranslated region. Luciferase and fluorescent reporter genes were used in the constructs. The insert can be from multiple sources (uncharacterised ESTs, partial or full‐length genes, genes from alternate species, etc.). Large numbers of oligonucleotides were screened for antisense activity against a number of such constructs bearing different reporters, in different cell lines and the inhibitory profiles obtained were compared with those observed through screening the oligonucleotides against the corresponding endogenous genes assayed at the mRNA level. A high degree of similarity in the profiles was obtained indicating that the fusion constructs are suitable surrogates for the endogenous messages for characterisation of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs). Furthermore, the results support the hypothesis that the secondary structure of mRNAs are divided into domains, the nature of which is determined by primary nucleotide sequence. Oligonucleotides whose activity is dependent on the local structure of their target mRNAs (e.g. ASOs, short interfering RNAs) can be characterised via such fusion RNA construct