53,317 research outputs found

    Testing of Neural Networks

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    Research in Neural Networks is becoming more popular each year. Re- search has introduced different ways to utilize Neural Networks, but an important aspect is missing: Testing. There are only 16 papers that strictly address Testing Neural Networks with a majority of them focusing on Deep Neural Networks and a small part on Recurrent Neural Networks. Testing Re- current neural networks is just as important as testing Deep Neural Networks as they are used in products like Autonomous Vehicles. So there is a need to ensure that the recurrent neural networks are of high quality, reliable, and have the correct behavior. For the few existing research papers on the testing of recurrent neural networks, they only focused on LSTM or GRU recurrent neural network architectures, but more recurrent neural network architectures exist such as MGU, UGRNN, and Delta-RNN. This means we need to see if ex- isting test metrics works for these architectures or do we need to introduce new testing metrics. For this paper we have two objectives. First, we will do a comparative analysis of the 16 papers with research in Testing Neural Networks. We define the testing metrics and analyze the features such as code availability, programming languages, related testing software concepts, etc. We then perform a case study with the Neuron Coverage Test Metric. We will conduct an experiment using unoptimized RNN models trained by a tool within EXAMM, a RNN Framework and optimized RNN Models trained and optimized using ANTS. We compared the Neuron Coverage Outputs with the assumption that the Optimized Models will perform better

    Response Characterization for Auditing Cell Dynamics in Long Short-term Memory Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel method to interpret recurrent neural networks (RNNs), particularly long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) at the cellular level. We propose a systematic pipeline for interpreting individual hidden state dynamics within the network using response characterization methods. The ranked contribution of individual cells to the network's output is computed by analyzing a set of interpretable metrics of their decoupled step and sinusoidal responses. As a result, our method is able to uniquely identify neurons with insightful dynamics, quantify relationships between dynamical properties and test accuracy through ablation analysis, and interpret the impact of network capacity on a network's dynamical distribution. Finally, we demonstrate generalizability and scalability of our method by evaluating a series of different benchmark sequential datasets

    Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection

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    Sound events often occur in unstructured environments where they exhibit wide variations in their frequency content and temporal structure. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are able to extract higher level features that are invariant to local spectral and temporal variations. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are powerful in learning the longer term temporal context in the audio signals. CNNs and RNNs as classifiers have recently shown improved performances over established methods in various sound recognition tasks. We combine these two approaches in a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) and apply it on a polyphonic sound event detection task. We compare the performance of the proposed CRNN method with CNN, RNN, and other established methods, and observe a considerable improvement for four different datasets consisting of everyday sound events.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Special Issue on Sound Scene and Event Analysi

    Energy rating of a water pumping station using multivariate analysis

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    Among water management policies, the preservation and the saving of energy demand in water supply and treatment systems play key roles. When focusing on energy, the customary metric to determine the performance of water supply systems is linked to the definition of component-based energy indicators. This approach is unfit to account for interactions occurring among system elements or between the system and its environment. On the other hand, the development of information technology has led to the availability of increasing large amount of data, typically gathered from distributed sensor networks in so-called smart grids. In this context, data intensive methodologies address the possibility of using complex network modeling approaches, and advocate the issues related to the interpretation and analysis of large amount of data produced by smart sensor networks. In this perspective, the present work aims to use data intensive techniques in the energy analysis of a water management network. The purpose is to provide new metrics for the energy rating of the system and to be able to provide insights into the dynamics of its operations. The study applies neural network as a tool to predict energy demand, when using flowrate and vibration data as predictor variables

    Deep Captioning with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks (m-RNN)

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    In this paper, we present a multimodal Recurrent Neural Network (m-RNN) model for generating novel image captions. It directly models the probability distribution of generating a word given previous words and an image. Image captions are generated by sampling from this distribution. The model consists of two sub-networks: a deep recurrent neural network for sentences and a deep convolutional network for images. These two sub-networks interact with each other in a multimodal layer to form the whole m-RNN model. The effectiveness of our model is validated on four benchmark datasets (IAPR TC-12, Flickr 8K, Flickr 30K and MS COCO). Our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we apply the m-RNN model to retrieval tasks for retrieving images or sentences, and achieves significant performance improvement over the state-of-the-art methods which directly optimize the ranking objective function for retrieval. The project page of this work is: www.stat.ucla.edu/~junhua.mao/m-RNN.html .Comment: Add a simple strategy to boost the performance of image captioning task significantly. More details are shown in Section 8 of the paper. The code and related data are available at https://github.com/mjhucla/mRNN-CR ;. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.109
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