5 research outputs found

    Modelación de una red Backhaul LTE utilizando software Open Source para mejorar el desempeño de red, ante el incremento de usuarios móviles.

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    El trabajo de titulación se desarrolló con el objetivo de modelar una red backhaul LTE utilizando software Open Source para mejorar el desempeño de red ante el incremento de usuarios móviles, el estudio surgió de la necesidad de mejorar el desempeño de una porción de red backhaul LTE de orden rural a medida que se incrementa el flujo de datos provocado por el tráfico de video streaming debido al aumento del número de equipos de usuario conectados a la red. El método utilizado en el desarrollo del trabajo de titulación fue el científico, también se utilizó el método sistémico el cual permitió la unión racional de los elementos de red para establecer el modelo de simulación. A través del software Open Source para la modelación y simulación de redes de datos se crearon cuatro escenarios de red con características técnicas de arquitectura funcional. Mediante la gestión de paquetes a través de la simulación se logró establecer la tasa de paquetes perdidos menor del 1% y asegurar que la disponibilidad de la red sea mayor al 99,4% tal como recomienda la Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (ARCOTEL). La modelación de red permitió mejorar el desempeño de red ante la inminente degradación, sin necesidad de intrusión a equipos, pruebas físicas que interrumpan operaciones o gastos de operatividad para las pruebas de carga. Se recomienda que para la modelación y simulación de red se disponga de un computador de mayor capacidad de procesamiento o clúster para incluir variedad de tráfico, elementos del plano de control, aumentar el número de nodos base evolucionados (E-NB) y que además permita realizar mayor número de simulaciones en menor tiempo.The degree work was developed with the objective of modeling an LTE backhaul network using Open Source software to improve network performance in the face of an increase in mobile users, the study arose from the need to improve the performance of a portion of LTE backhaul network rural order as the flow of data caused by video streaming traffic increases due to the increase in the number of user equipment connected to the network. The method used in the development of the present work was the scientific one, also the systemic method was used, which allowed the rational union of the network elements to establish the simulation model. Through Open Source software for the modeling and simulation of data networks, four network scenarios with functional architecture technical characteristics were created. Through package management via simulation, the lost packet rate of less than 1% was established and the availability of the network was greater than 99.4%, as recommended by the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (ARCOTEL). The network modeling allowed to improve network performance in the face of imminent degradation, without the need for equipment intrusion, physical tests that interrupt operations or operational expenses for load tests. It is recommended that for network modeling and simulation, a computer of greater processing capacity or cluster be available to include a variety of traffic, elements of the control plane, increase the number of evolved base nodes (E-NB) and also allow the performance of more number of simulations in less time

    Modelación de una red Backhaul LTE utilizando software Open Source para mejorar el desempeño de red, ante el incremento de usuarios móviles.

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    El trabajo de titulación se desarrolló con el objetivo de modelar una red backhaul LTE utilizando software Open Source para mejorar el desempeño de red ante el incremento de usuarios móviles, el estudio surgió de la necesidad de mejorar el desempeño de una porción de red backhaul LTE de orden rural a medida que se incrementa el flujo de datos provocado por el tráfico de video streaming debido al aumento del número de equipos de usuario conectados a la red. El método utilizado en el desarrollo del trabajo de titulación fue el científico, también se utilizó el método sistémico el cual permitió la unión racional de los elementos de red para establecer el modelo de simulación. A través del software Open Source para la modelación y simulación de redes de datos se crearon cuatro escenarios de red con características técnicas de arquitectura funcional. Mediante la gestión de paquetes a través de la simulación se logró establecer la tasa de paquetes perdidos menor del 1% y asegurar que la disponibilidad de la red sea mayor al 99,4% tal como recomienda la Agencia de Regulación y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (ARCOTEL). La modelación de red permitió mejorar el desempeño de red ante la inminente degradación, sin necesidad de intrusión a equipos, pruebas físicas que interrumpan operaciones o gastos de operatividad para las pruebas de carga. Se recomienda que para la modelación y simulación de red se disponga de un computador de mayor capacidad de procesamiento o clúster para incluir variedad de tráfico, elementos del plano de control, aumentar el número de nodos base evolucionados (E-NB) y que además permita realizar mayor número de simulaciones en menor tiempo.The degree work was developed with the objective of modeling an LTE backhaul network using Open Source software to improve network performance in the face of an increase in mobile users, the study arose from the need to improve the performance of a portion of LTE backhaul network rural order as the flow of data caused by video streaming traffic increases due to the increase in the number of user equipment connected to the network. The method used in the development of the present work was the scientific one, also the systemic method was used, which allowed the rational union of the network elements to establish the simulation model. Through Open Source software for the modeling and simulation of data networks, four network scenarios with functional architecture technical characteristics were created. Through package management via simulation, the lost packet rate of less than 1% was established and the availability of the network was greater than 99.4%, as recommended by the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (ARCOTEL). The network modeling allowed to improve network performance in the face of imminent degradation, without the need for equipment intrusion, physical tests that interrupt operations or operational expenses for load tests. It is recommended that for network modeling and simulation, a computer of greater processing capacity or cluster be available to include a variety of traffic, elements of the control plane, increase the number of evolved base nodes (E-NB) and also allow the performance of more number of simulations in less time

    Testing and troubleshooting with passive network measurements

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    Tämä diplomityö jakautuu kahteen osaan: kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja empiiriseen osioon. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään passiivisissa mittauksissa testaamiseen ja ongelmanratkaisuun nykyään käytettäviä tekniikoita ja metodeita. Empiirisessä osiossa mitataan kahta reaalimaailman verkkoa ja verkkokomponenttia. Ensimmäisessä esimerkissä selvitetään palveluhotellin tietoliikenneverkon ongelmia ja toisessa testataan yksittäisen tietoliikennelaitteen verkko-ominaisuuksia. Passiivisten mittausten mittaustekniikka on pohjimmiltaan pysynyt samana, ainoastaan uudet linkkiteknologiat ja -nopeudet ovat uudistaneet sitä. Nykyaikaisilla kotitietokoneilla voidaan hoitaa joitakin päästä päähän -tyyppisiä mittauksia vaivattomasti. Mittauksiin ja tulosten analysointiin liittyvien metodien kehittymisen, uudistamisen ja lisääntymisen myötä asioita voidaan nykyään mitata helpommin, luotettavammin ja vähemmän mittaustiedon varassa. Tietoverkko-ongelmien syiden etsimiseen tarkoitettujen mallien sopivuus riippuu tapauksesta, esimerkiksi poissulkevaa mallia käytettiin pääasiassa palveluhotelliesimerkissä. Suurimpana ongelmana teollisuus-PC:itä käytettäessä passiivisiin mittauksiin on yhä edelleen tarpeeksi tarkan ajan saaminen. Lisäksi 1 Gbit/s ja sitä suurempien linjanopeuksien täysi talteenottaminen on yhä ongelmallista. Passiivinen pakettimittaus on tehokas, mutta välillä melko hidas tapa verkko-ongelmien selvittämiseksi ja verkkolaitteiden testaamiseksi.This thesis is divided into two parts. In the theory part, the state-of-the-art of passive measurement methods and mechanisms are presented with particular regard to testing and troubleshooting. Secondly, a real world network and network device are measured. The first measurements concentrate on the troubleshooting in a network of the service hotel. The second case's tests cover the network properties of a single network device. It is found that the fundamental measuring techniques of passive monitoring have remained unchanged, only the link speeds and technologies have renewed it. With modern home computing comes the possibility of doing end-to-end measurements easily. There are new amended methods to measure things easier, more reliably, and requiring smaller amounts of captured data. Troubleshooting the networks does not need to be done just by searching reasons for problems randomly. In the network troubleshooting the suitable model depends on a case. In Case I "A Service Hotel Network" the exclusion model was used partly for searching reasons for problems. The largest problem still remains in time-related multipoint measurements: the availability of cost effective accurate clock synchronization methods for PCs. In addition, capturing data fully from the link speed of 1 Gbit/s and more, is still a problem. Passive packet monitoring is a powerful – yet sometimes quite slow – way for troubleshooting and testing network devices

    Implantação e análise do protocolo IPv6 com foco na mobilidade

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência Da Computação, 2015.A Internet tem crescido exponencialmente desde a sua implantação comercial em meados de 1980. A pilha de protocolo TCP / IP foi projetada para permitir a comunicação entre os hosts através de redes. Na sua versão 4, o protocolo IP foi capaz de suportar o crescimento da Internet até ao presente momento, mas o seu endereçamento de 32 bits está esgotado, e não há mais endereços disponíveis para uma redistribuição. Além deste fato, há o conceito de utilização de dispositivos com suporte a mobilidade, uma realidade que requer soluções robustas e acessíveis. Esse assunto é o cerne do desenvolvimento deste trabalho. O problema abordado nesta pesquisa é como implementar o protocolo IPv6 em uma rede corporativa, seguindo as normas, sem interferir com a sua capacidade operacional e fazer uso deste recurso de mobilidade, dando condições para alcançar uma otimização na transmissão de dados entre as Organizações Militares (OM ), distribuídas por todo o país, realizando uma análise a respeito tanto a migração do IPv4 para o IPv6 nas infra-estruturas de rede do Exército Brasileiro, com foco em mobilidade no âmbito deste novo protocolo. Este trabalho pretende alertar os envolvidos nos setores brasileiros de tecnologia do Exército sobre o atraso atual em relação ao resto do mundo na adoção deste protocolo, estreitar o ponto sob conceitos de mobilidade para comunicação, seus laços dando uma atenção especial que com este aplicação, todo o pessoal poderia ser capaz de se conectar em diferentes organizações militares, usando suas credenciais de sua organização, permitindo que um único registro pode ser usado em diferentes pontos sem perda ou restrição de qualquer acesso aos serviços. Através do estudo e análise das normas e requisitos de transição do IPv4 para o IPv6, bem como o uso de IPv6 móvel, este estudo se concentra na identificação configurações físicas e lógicas que podem apoiar ou impedir a sua correta aplicação por meio de um ambiente simulado em uma organização específica exército brasileiro descrito como uma prova de conceito. Este ambiente teve uma análise topológica e verificação das métricas de QoS das aplicações instaladas sobre o meio ambiente e com isso foi possível avaliar a sua viabilidade e impacto sobre os ambientes envolvidos.The Internet has grown exponentially since its commercial deployment in the middle of 1980's. The stack of TCP / IP protocol was designed to enable communication between hosts over networks. In its version 4, the IP protocol was able to support the growth of the Internet until the present time, but its 32-bit addressability is exhausted, and there is no more addresses available to be redistributed. In addition to this fact there is the concept of using devices with mobility support, a reality that requires robust and affordable solutions. That subject is the core of the development of this work. The problem addressed in this research is how to deploy IPv6 protocol in a corporate network by following the standards, without interfering with its operational capacity and make use of this mobility feature, giving conditions to achieve an optimization in data transmission between the Military Organizations (OM), distributed all over the country, performing an analysis regarding both the migration from IPv4 to IPv6 in the Brazilian Army network infrastructures, focusing on under this new protocol mobility. This work intend to alert those involved in Brazilian Army technology sectors about the current delay in relation to the rest of the world in the adoption of this protocol, narrow the point under concepts of mobility to communication, their ties giving an special attention that with this implementation, all personnel could be able to connect in different military organizations, using their credentials from their organization, allowing a single register can be used in different points without loss or restriction of any access to services. Through the study and analysis of standards and requirements of transition from IPv4 to IPv6, as well as the use of mobile IPv6, this study is focused on identifying physical and logical configurations that may support or prevent the its correct implementation by using an simulated environment in an specific Brazilian Army organization described as a Proof of Concept. This environment had a topological analysis and verification of QoS metrics of applications installed on the environment and with this was possible to assess their feasibility and impact on the involved environments

    Terminology for IP Multicast Benchmarking

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