45,121 research outputs found

    Extending Context-Sensitivity in Term Rewriting

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    We propose a generalized version of context-sensitivity in term rewriting based on the notion of "forbidden patterns". The basic idea is that a rewrite step should be forbidden if the redex to be contracted has a certain shape and appears in a certain context. This shape and context is expressed through forbidden patterns. In particular we analyze the relationships among this novel approach and the commonly used notion of context-sensitivity in term rewriting, as well as the feasibility of rewriting with forbidden patterns from a computational point of view. The latter feasibility is characterized by demanding that restricting a rewrite relation yields an improved termination behaviour while still being powerful enough to compute meaningful results. Sufficient criteria for both kinds of properties in certain classes of rewrite systems with forbidden patterns are presented

    Singular and Plural Functions for Functional Logic Programming

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    Functional logic programming (FLP) languages use non-terminating and non-confluent constructor systems (CS's) as programs in order to define non-strict non-determi-nistic functions. Two semantic alternatives have been usually considered for parameter passing with this kind of functions: call-time choice and run-time choice. While the former is the standard choice of modern FLP languages, the latter lacks some properties---mainly compositionality---that have prevented its use in practical FLP systems. Traditionally it has been considered that call-time choice induces a singular denotational semantics, while run-time choice induces a plural semantics. We have discovered that this latter identification is wrong when pattern matching is involved, and thus we propose two novel compositional plural semantics for CS's that are different from run-time choice. We study the basic properties of our plural semantics---compositionality, polarity, monotonicity for substitutions, and a restricted form of the bubbling property for constructor systems---and the relation between them and to previous proposals, concluding that these semantics form a hierarchy in the sense of set inclusion of the set of computed values. We have also identified a class of programs characterized by a syntactic criterion for which the proposed plural semantics behave the same, and a program transformation that can be used to simulate one of them by term rewriting. At the practical level, we study how to use the expressive capabilities of these semantics for improving the declarative flavour of programs. We also propose a language which combines call-time choice and our plural semantics, that we have implemented in Maude. The resulting interpreter is employed to test several significant examples showing the capabilities of the combined semantics. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)Comment: 53 pages, 5 figure

    Automatic Sequences and Zip-Specifications

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    We consider infinite sequences of symbols, also known as streams, and the decidability question for equality of streams defined in a restricted format. This restricted format consists of prefixing a symbol at the head of a stream, of the stream function `zip', and recursion variables. Here `zip' interleaves the elements of two streams in alternating order, starting with the first stream. For example, the Thue-Morse sequence is obtained by the `zip-specification' {M = 0 : X, X = 1 : zip(X,Y), Y = 0 : zip(Y,X)}. Our analysis of such systems employs both term rewriting and coalgebraic techniques. We establish decidability for these zip-specifications, employing bisimilarity of observation graphs based on a suitably chosen cobasis. The importance of zip-specifications resides in their intimate connection with automatic sequences. We establish a new and simple characterization of automatic sequences. Thus we obtain for the binary zip that a stream is 2-automatic iff its observation graph using the cobasis (hd,even,odd) is finite. The generalization to zip-k specifications and their relation to k-automaticity is straightforward. In fact, zip-specifications can be perceived as a term rewriting syntax for automatic sequences. Our study of zip-specifications is placed in an even wider perspective by employing the observation graphs in a dynamic logic setting, leading to an alternative characterization of automatic sequences. We further obtain a natural extension of the class of automatic sequences, obtained by `zip-mix' specifications that use zips of different arities in one specification. We also show that equivalence is undecidable for a simple extension of the zip-mix format with projections like even and odd. However, it remains open whether zip-mix specifications have a decidable equivalence problem

    Termination of Rewriting with Right-Flat Rules Modulo Permutative Theories

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    We present decidability results for termination of classes of term rewriting systems modulo permutative theories. Termination and innermost termination modulo permutative theories are shown to be decidable for term rewrite systems (TRS) whose right-hand side terms are restricted to be shallow (variables occur at depth at most one) and linear (each variable occurs at most once). Innermost termination modulo permutative theories is also shown to be decidable for shallow TRS. We first show that a shallow TRS can be transformed into a flat (only variables and constants occur at depth one) TRS while preserving termination and innermost termination. The decidability results are then proved by showing that (a) for right-flat right-linear (flat) TRS, non-termination (respectively, innermost non-termination) implies non-termination starting from flat terms, and (b) for right-flat TRS, the existence of non-terminating derivations starting from a given term is decidable. On the negative side, we show PSPACE-hardness of termination and innermost termination for shallow right-linear TRS, and undecidability of termination for flat TRS.Comment: 20 page

    On Constructor Rewrite Systems and the Lambda Calculus

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    We prove that orthogonal constructor term rewrite systems and lambda-calculus with weak (i.e., no reduction is allowed under the scope of a lambda-abstraction) call-by-value reduction can simulate each other with a linear overhead. In particular, weak call-by- value beta-reduction can be simulated by an orthogonal constructor term rewrite system in the same number of reduction steps. Conversely, each reduction in a term rewrite system can be simulated by a constant number of beta-reduction steps. This is relevant to implicit computational complexity, because the number of beta steps to normal form is polynomially related to the actual cost (that is, as performed on a Turing machine) of normalization, under weak call-by-value reduction. Orthogonal constructor term rewrite systems and lambda-calculus are thus both polynomially related to Turing machines, taking as notion of cost their natural parameters.Comment: 27 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0904.412

    Definitions by Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions

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    The main novelty of this paper is to consider an extension of the Calculus of Constructions where predicates can be defined with a general form of rewrite rules. We prove the strong normalization of the reduction relation generated by the beta-rule and the user-defined rules under some general syntactic conditions including confluence. As examples, we show that two important systems satisfy these conditions: a sub-system of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions which is the basis of the proof assistant Coq, and the Natural Deduction Modulo a large class of equational theories.Comment: Best student paper (Kleene Award