115 research outputs found

    The Great Awakening

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    "As we enter a time of climate catastrophe, worsening inequality, and collapsing market/state systems, can human societies transcend the old, dysfunctional paradigms and build the world anew? There are many signs of hope. In The Great Awakening, twelve cutting-edge activists, scholars, and change-makers probe the deep roots of our current predicament while reflecting on the social DNA for a post-capitalist future. We learn about seed-sharing in agriculture, blockchain technologies for networked collaboration, cosmolocal peer production of houses and vehicles, creative hacks on law, and new ways of thinking and enacting a rich, collaborative future. This surge of creativity is propelled by the social practices of commoning new modes of life for creating and sharing wealth in fair-minded, ecologically respectful ways. It is clear that the multiple, entangled crises produced by neoliberal capitalism cannot be resolved by existing political and legal institutions, which are imploding under the weight of their own contradictions. Present and future needs can be met by systems that go beyond the market and state. With experiments and struggle, a growing pluriverse of commoners from Europe and the US to the Global South and cyberspace are demonstrating some fundamentally new ways of thinking, being and acting. This ontological shift of perspective is making new worlds possible.

    Para alĂ©m do controle: estratĂ©gias para a agĂȘncia do design no Antropoceno

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    This thesis provides a moral appeal. It sets out to inspire makers, doers and thinkers to strategically act, beyond control, in knocking at the door of socio-ecological crisis in Anthropocene. What is the role of design in the Anthropocene? What kind of ethical principles can be considered? And what does this imply for ‘response-able’ practices? These questions bind together the non-linear assemblage that this thesis is. Action, reflection, problem and solution are interdependent and unfold together, like the petals of a blooming rose. Complexity may be absorbed with honesty rather than with confidence. The voice in this thesis is an ‘I’, and ‘I’ am an ecological constructivist. The grounds for ecological constructivism are inter-personal or rather inter-actor relationships. Places, objects, processes and organisms are seen as entangled entities and are approached with a ‘tentacular’ sensitivity: the humanities’ object of study is no longer ‘man.’ Research and researcher, life and the living, site and situation are inevitably interwoven. Every ‘thing’ and every ‘action’ are data. The data is collected through a personal, subjective lens combining design practice with theory. It is assumed that when carried out trough time, with honesty and integrity, research (about, through and for design) can bring us closer to morphs of truth. With a creative hunch, I collect clues as a hunter-gather. By coding, categorizing and interpreting like a detective, with frames such as ‘entanglement’, ‘submergence’ and ‘contamination’ the research employs the method of abduction to develop constructs and theories. These are then used to build the argument for seven moral pleas meant as persuasions: normative aspirations for design agency in the Anthropocene. Design actions may focus on themes such as: unfolding together; responding beyond control; loving our monsters; an obligation to disobedience; form follows potential and being into Anthropocene fiction. The journey then concludes with a re-enchantment of decency towards all that matters, an animistic approach with pragmatic logic that sees the wellbeing of humans, animals and environments as deeply connected. Human interventions would preferably set out to enable autonomous ‘sympoeitic’ stewardship of the planet by including intentions for the unintentional. The implications of this research are related to context and method. A recursive use of a myriad of methodologies, playing their role at different moments of the research, may have given completely different results in another context, which may not appeal to all researchers. Eventually the exploratory, rather than explanatory nature of this research, revealed one thing: the main aim is not to achieve results, but to create a stage on which many perspectives can unfold: the result is that results are not all that counts. Attitude, rather than telos, lies at the heart of design agency beyond control.Esta tese oferece um apelo moral. Tem como objetivo inspirar os criadores, realizadores e pensadores a agirem estrategicamente, alĂ©m do controle, batendo Ă  porta da crise socioecolĂłgica no Antropoceno. Qual Ă© o papel do design no Antropoceno? Que tipo de princĂ­pios Ă©ticos podem ser considerados? E o que isso significa para prĂĄticas "capazes de responder"? Essas questĂ”es a nĂŁo linearidade metodolĂłgica desta tese. Ação, reflexĂŁo, problema e solução sĂŁo interdependentes e desdobram-se juntos, como as pĂ©talas de uma rosa desabrochando. A complexidade pode ser absorvida com honestidade e nĂŁo com confiança. A voz nesta tese Ă© um 'eu' e 'eu' sou um construtivista ecolĂłgico. As bases para o construtivismo ecolĂłgico sĂŁo as relaçÔes interpessoais, ou melhor, entre os atores. Lugares, objetos, processos e organismos sĂŁo vistos como entidades entrosadas e sĂŁo abordadas com uma sensibilidade 'tentacular': o objeto de estudo das humanidades nĂŁo Ă© mais 'homem'. Pesquisa e pesquisador, vida e vivĂȘncia, local e situação estĂŁo inevitavelmente entrelaçados. Cada "coisa" e cada "ação" sĂŁo dados. Os dados sĂŁo coletados por meio de lentes subjetivas e pessoais, combinando a prĂĄtica do design com a teoria. Presume-se que, quando realizada ao longo do tempo, com honestidade e integridade, a investigação (sobre, por meio de, e, para design) pode aproximar-nos de formas de verdade. Com um palpite criativo, coleto pistas como um caçador-coletor. Ao codificar, categorizar e interpretar como um detetive, com quadros como "entrosamento", "submersĂŁo" e "contaminação", a pesquisa emprega o mĂ©todo de abdução para desenvolver construçÔes e teorias. Estas sĂŁo entĂŁo usadas para construir o argumento para os sete fundamentos morais significados como persuasĂ”es: aspiraçÔes normativas para agĂȘncia de design no Antropoceno. As açÔes de design podem concentrar-se em temas como: desdobramento conjunto; respondendo alĂ©m do controle; amar nossos monstros; uma obrigação de desobediĂȘncia; a forma segue o potencial e o ser (existĂȘncia) na ficção do Antropoceno. A viagem entĂŁo termina com um reencantamento da decĂȘncia em relação a tudo o que importa, uma abordagem animista com uma lĂłgica pragmĂĄtica que vĂȘ o bem-estar de humanos, animais e ambientes profundamente conectados. IntervençÔes humanas seriam preferencialmente estabelecidas para permitir a administração "simpoeĂ­tica" autĂłnoma do planeta, incluindo as intençÔes para o nĂŁo ntencional. As implicaçÔes desta investigação estĂŁo relacionadas com o contexto e com o mĂ©todo. O uso recursivo de uma mirĂ­ade de metodologias, desempenhando o seu papel em diferentes momentos da investigação, poderĂĄ dar resultados diferentes em outros contextos, o que poderĂĄ nĂŁo ser consensual na comunidade cientĂ­fica. Por fim, o carĂĄter exploratĂłrio, ao invĂ©s de explicativo, desta investigação revelou que o objetivo principal nĂŁo Ă© alcançar resultados, mas criar um palco no qual muitas perspetivas possam desdobrar-se: o resultado Ă© que os resultados nĂŁo sĂŁo tudo o que conta em investigação mas a jornada Ă© em si tambĂ©m um aspeto importante. Atitude, ao invĂ©s de perseguir um fim (telos), estĂĄ na essĂȘncia de design agency consciente da impossibilidade de controle.Programa Doutoral em Desig

    Preferable Futures

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    'Preferable Futures' delves into the question of possible, probable, and desirable futures amidst the pressures of climate change and digitalization. Through a diverse range of perspectives, the book explores ways to negotiate and create desirable futures using the concept of transformation design in theory and practice, economic business simulations, and recent humanistic theories. This thought-provoking read challenges us to imagine and (re)shape a future we cannot predict and find ways to make a difference right now

    Fictocritical Cyberfeminism: A Paralogical Model for Post-Internet Communication

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    This dissertation positions the understudied and experimental writing practice of fictocriticism as an analog for the convergent and indeterminate nature of “post-Internet” communication as well a cyberfeminist technology for interfering and in-tervening in metanarratives of technoscience and technocapitalism that structure contemporary media. Significant theoretical valences are established between twen-tieth century literary works of fictocriticism and the hybrid and ephemeral modes of writing endemic to emergent, twenty-first century forms of networked communica-tion such as social media. Through a critical theoretical understanding of paralogy, or that countercultural logic of deploying language outside legitimate discourses, in-volving various tactics of multivocity, mimesis and metagraphy, fictocriticism is ex-plored as a self-referencing linguistic machine which exists intentionally to occupy those liminal territories “somewhere in among/between criticism, autobiography and fiction” (Hunter qtd. in Kerr 1996). Additionally, as a writing practice that orig-inated in Canada and yet remains marginal to national and international literary scholarship, this dissertation elevates the origins and ongoing relevance of fictocriti-cism by mapping its shared aims and concerns onto proximal discourses of post-structuralism, cyberfeminism, network ecology, media art, the avant-garde, glitch feminism, and radical self-authorship in online environments. Theorized in such a matrix, I argue that fictocriticism represents a capacious framework for writing and reading media that embodies the self-reflexive politics of second-order cybernetic theory while disrupting the rhetoric of technoscientific and neoliberal economic forc-es with speech acts of calculated incoherence. Additionally, through the inclusion of my own fictocritical writing as works of research-creation that interpolate the more traditional chapters and subchapters, I theorize and demonstrate praxis of this dis-tinctively indeterminate form of criticism to empirically and meaningfully juxtapose different modes of knowing and speaking about entangled matters of language, bod-ies, and technologies. In its conclusion, this dissertation contends that the “creative paranoia” engendered by fictocritical cyberfeminism in both print and digital media environments offers a pathway towards a more paralogical media literacy that can transform the terms and expectations of our future media ecology

    Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies

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    Taking as its premise that the proposed geologic epoch of the Anthropocene is necessarily an aesthetic event, this book explores the relationship between contemporary art and knowledge production in an era of ecological crisis, with contributions from artists, curators, theorists and activists. Contributors include Amy Balkin, Ursula Biemann, Amanda Boetzkes, Lindsay Bremner, Joshua Clover & Juliana Spahr, Heather Davis, Sara Dean, Elizabeth Ellsworth & Jamie Kruse (smudge studio), Irmgard Emmelhainz, Anselm Franke, Peter Galison, Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard, Laurent Gutierrez & Valérie Portefaix (MAP Office), Terike Haapoja & Laura Gustafsson, Laura Hall, Ilana Halperin, Donna Haraway & Martha Kenney, Ho Tzu Nyen, Bruno Latour, Jeffrey Malecki, Mary Mattingly, Mixrice (Cho Jieun & Yang Chulmo), Natasha Myers, Jean-Luc Nancy & John Paul Ricco, Vincent Normand, Richard Pell & Emily Kutil, Tomås Saraceno, Sasha Engelmann & Bronislaw Szerszynski, Ada Smailbegovic, Karolina Sobecka, Zoe Todd, Richard Streitmatter-Tran & Vi Le, Anna-Sophie Springer, SylvÚre Lotringer, Peter Sloterdijk, Etienne Turpin, Pinar Yoldas, and Una Chaudhuri, Fritz Ertl, Oliver Kellhammer & Marina Zurkow

    Liminal: A Collection of Short Stories and Analysis

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    LIMINAL is a collection of short stories that attempts to combine the themes of ecology or ‘the Anthropocene’ and travel narratives through the aesthetic mode of the Weird. The collection opens with a series of short work before transitioning into a long-form interactive narrative: ‘Under, Under the Earth’. Following this is an exegesis explaining the theoretical synchronicities between its elements as well as to connect these elements to relevant bodies of theoretical and fictional work

    Towards data justice unionism? A labour perspective on AI governance

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    We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous. But we have not even started asking the right questions, let alone developed an understanding of the consequences. Urgently needed is debate that asks and answers fundamental questions about power. This book brings together critical interrogations of what constitutes AI, its impact and its inequalities in order to offer an analysis of what it means for AI to deliver benefits for everyone. The book is structured in three parts: Part 1, AI: Humans vs. Machines, presents critical perspectives on human-machine dualism. Part 2, Discourses and Myths About AI, excavates metaphors and policies to ask normative questions about what is ‘desirable’ AI and what conditions make this possible. Part 3, AI Power and Inequalities, discusses how the implementation of AI creates important challenges that urgently need to be addressed. Bringing together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and regional contexts, this book offers a vital intervention on one of the most hyped concepts of our times

    AI for Everyone?

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    We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous. But we have not even started asking the right questions, let alone developed an understanding of the consequences. Urgently needed is debate that asks and answers fundamental questions about power. This book brings together critical interrogations of what constitutes AI, its impact and its inequalities in order to offer an analysis of what it means for AI to deliver benefits for everyone. The book is structured in three parts: Part 1, AI: Humans vs. Machines, presents critical perspectives on human-machine dualism. Part 2, Discourses and Myths About AI, excavates metaphors and policies to ask normative questions about what is ‘desirable’ AI and what conditions make this possible. Part 3, AI Power and Inequalities, discusses how the implementation of AI creates important challenges that urgently need to be addressed. Bringing together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and regional contexts, this book offers a vital intervention on one of the most hyped concepts of our times
