1,524 research outputs found

    Tensor Based Knowledge Transfer Across Skill Categories for Robot Control

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    Advances in hardware and learning for control are enabling robots to perform increasingly dextrous and dynamic control tasks. These skills typically require a prohibitive amount of exploration for reinforcement learning, and so are commonly achieved by imitation learning from manual demonstration. The costly non-scalable nature of manual demonstration has motivated work into skill generalisation, e.g., through contextual policies and options. Despite good results, existing work along these lines is limited to generalising across variants of one skill such as throwing an object to different locations. In this paper we go significantly further and investigate generalisation across qualitatively different classes of control skills. In particular, we introduce a class of neural network controllers that can realise four distinct skill classes: reaching, object throwing, casting, and ball-in-cup. By factorising the weights of the neural network, we are able to extract transferrable latent skills, that enable dramatic acceleration of learning in cross-task transfer. With a suitable curriculum, this allows us to learn challenging dextrous control tasks like ball-in-cup from scratch with pure reinforcement learning

    DREAM Architecture: a Developmental Approach to Open-Ended Learning in Robotics

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    Robots are still limited to controlled conditions, that the robot designer knows with enough details to endow the robot with the appropriate models or behaviors. Learning algorithms add some flexibility with the ability to discover the appropriate behavior given either some demonstrations or a reward to guide its exploration with a reinforcement learning algorithm. Reinforcement learning algorithms rely on the definition of state and action spaces that define reachable behaviors. Their adaptation capability critically depends on the representations of these spaces: small and discrete spaces result in fast learning while large and continuous spaces are challenging and either require a long training period or prevent the robot from converging to an appropriate behavior. Beside the operational cycle of policy execution and the learning cycle, which works at a slower time scale to acquire new policies, we introduce the redescription cycle, a third cycle working at an even slower time scale to generate or adapt the required representations to the robot, its environment and the task. We introduce the challenges raised by this cycle and we present DREAM (Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines), a developmental cognitive architecture to bootstrap this redescription process stage by stage, build new state representations with appropriate motivations, and transfer the acquired knowledge across domains or tasks or even across robots. We describe results obtained so far with this approach and end up with a discussion of the questions it raises in Neuroscience

    Generalisation in deep reinforcement learning with multiple tasks and domains

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    A long standing vision of robotics research is to build autonomous systems that can adapt to unforeseen environmental perturbations and learn a set of tasks progressively. Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great success in a variety of robot control tasks because of recent advances in hardware and learning techniques. To further fulfil this long term goal, generalisation of RL arises as a demanding research topic as it allows learning agents to extract knowledge from past experience and transfer to new situations. This covers generalisation against sampling noise to avoid overfitting, generalisation against environmental changes to avoid domain shift, and generalisation over different but related tasks to achieve lifelong knowledge transfer. This thesis investigates these challenges in the context of RL, with a main focus on cross-domain and cross-task generalisation. We first address the problem of generalisation across domains. With a focus on continuous control tasks, we characterise the sources of uncertainty that may cause generalisation challenges in Deep RL, and provide a new benchmark and thorough empirical evaluation of generalisation challenges for state of the art Deep RL methods. In particular, we show that, if generalisation is the goal, then the common practice of evaluating algorithms based on their training performance leads to the wrong conclusions about algorithm choice. Moreover, we evaluate several techniques for improving generalisation and draw conclusions about the most robust techniques to date. From the evaluation, we can see that learning from multiple domains improves generalisation performance across domains. However, aggregating gradient information from different domains may make learning unstable. In the second work, we propose to update the policy to minimise the sum of distances to the new policies learned in each domain in every iteration, measured by Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of output (action) distributions. We show that our method improves both the training asymptotic reward and testing policy robustness against domain shifts in a variety of control tasks. We finally investigate generalisation across different classes of control tasks. In particular, we introduce a class of neural network controllers that can realise four distinct tasks: reaching, object throwing, casting, and ball-in-cup. By factorising the weights of the neural network, transferable latent skills are exacted which enable acceleration of learning in cross-task transfer. With a suitable curriculum, this allows us to learn challenging dexterous control tasks like ball-in-cup from scratch with only reinforcement learning

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page

    Modular Design Patterns for Hybrid Learning and Reasoning Systems: a taxonomy, patterns and use cases

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    The unification of statistical (data-driven) and symbolic (knowledge-driven) methods is widely recognised as one of the key challenges of modern AI. Recent years have seen large number of publications on such hybrid neuro-symbolic AI systems. That rapidly growing literature is highly diverse and mostly empirical, and is lacking a unifying view of the large variety of these hybrid systems. In this paper we analyse a large body of recent literature and we propose a set of modular design patterns for such hybrid, neuro-symbolic systems. We are able to describe the architecture of a very large number of hybrid systems by composing only a small set of elementary patterns as building blocks. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) a taxonomically organised vocabulary to describe both processes and data structures used in hybrid systems; 2) a set of 15+ design patterns for hybrid AI systems, organised in a set of elementary patterns and a set of compositional patterns; 3) an application of these design patterns in two realistic use-cases for hybrid AI systems. Our patterns reveal similarities between systems that were not recognised until now. Finally, our design patterns extend and refine Kautz' earlier attempt at categorising neuro-symbolic architectures.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Applied Intelligenc

    A survey of robot manipulation in contact

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    In this survey, we present the current status on robots performing manipulation tasks that require varying contact with the environment, such that the robot must either implicitly or explicitly control the contact force with the environment to complete the task. Robots can perform more and more manipulation tasks that are still done by humans, and there is a growing number of publications on the topics of (1) performing tasks that always require contact and (2) mitigating uncertainty by leveraging the environment in tasks that, under perfect information, could be performed without contact. The recent trends have seen robots perform tasks earlier left for humans, such as massage, and in the classical tasks, such as peg-in-hole, there is a more efficient generalization to other similar tasks, better error tolerance, and faster planning or learning of the tasks. Thus, in this survey we cover the current stage of robots performing such tasks, starting from surveying all the different in-contact tasks robots can perform, observing how these tasks are controlled and represented, and finally presenting the learning and planning of the skills required to complete these tasks

    How to Reuse and Compose Knowledge for a Lifetime of Tasks: A Survey on Continual Learning and Functional Composition

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    A major goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to create an agent capable of acquiring a general understanding of the world. Such an agent would require the ability to continually accumulate and build upon its knowledge as it encounters new experiences. Lifelong or continual learning addresses this setting, whereby an agent faces a continual stream of problems and must strive to capture the knowledge necessary for solving each new task it encounters. If the agent is capable of accumulating knowledge in some form of compositional representation, it could then selectively reuse and combine relevant pieces of knowledge to construct novel solutions. Despite the intuitive appeal of this simple idea, the literatures on lifelong learning and compositional learning have proceeded largely separately. In an effort to promote developments that bridge between the two fields, this article surveys their respective research landscapes and discusses existing and future connections between them