16 research outputs found

    Traditional academic posters: a suitable medium for knowledge transfer?

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    ポスターによるプレゼンテーションは,学術会議におけるプレゼンテーションのツールとしても,また教室での学習機器としても,格下の扱いを受ける場合が少なくない。21世紀が第三の10年間を迎え,デジタル技術の発展が世界中のコミュニケーションを深化させ続けている今日,ポスターによるプレゼンテーションが,依然として紙や布という媒体を使い,おしなべて静的な表現手法に留まっているのは時代遅れのように見える。会議でのプロファイルを向上させるために,ポスターによるプレゼンテーションが,旧来の素材フォーマットによる制約から脱却し,モバイルのデジタル技術を駆使する時代が到来している。より聴衆を引きつけるプレゼンテーション・スタイルを作り出す,インタラクティブな技術を利用することで,ポスターによるプレゼンテーションはデジタルモバイルの時代に突入できることだろう。本論文では,紙または布のみを用いる現在のポスターの表現方法が,どうして時代遅れとなり,現代のデジタル世界とのつながりを失ってしまったかを明らかにする。また,プレゼンテーションの成果が,デジタル媒体に有効に対応し効果的なものとなるために,デジタルポスターのデザインに含むべき重要な検討事項を概説する。Poster presentations are often relegated to a second-class status both as a presentation tool at academic conferences and as a learning device within a classroom. As the 21st Century enters its third decade and digital technological advances continue to enhance how the world interacts, it seems outdated that poster presentations are still largely confined to a static method of delivery, such as through a paper or cloth medium. To improve their profile at conferences, it is time poster presentations evolved from the constraints of their traditional material format and embraced mobile digital technology. This would allow poster presentations to fully enter the digital mobile age by utilising interactive technology that creates a more immersive presentation style. This paper will explain why the current paper or cloth-only poster delivery method has become outdated and no longer relevant for the modern digital world. Additionally, it will outline key considerations that should be included in any digital poster design to ensure effective presentation results that correspond effectively to the digital medium

    Twittering about research : a case study of the world's first Twitter poster competition

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    The Royal Society of Chemistry held, to our knowledge, the world’s first Twitter conference at 9am on February 5th, 2015. This paper reports the details of the event and discusses the outcomes, such as the potential for the use of social media to enhance scientific communication at conferences. In particular, the present work argues that social media outlets such as Twitter broaden audiences, speed up communication, and force clearer and more concise descriptions of a researcher’s work. The benefits of poster presentations are also discussed in terms of potential knowledge exchange and networking. This paper serves as a proof-of-concept approach for improving both the public opinion of the poster, and the enhancement of the poster through an innovative online format that some may feel more comfortable with, compared to face-to-face communication

    Assessing Curriculum Planning for Humanities Inquiry: The Challenges and Opportunities of Poster Presentation

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    Authentic assessment has been promoted in teacher education as a means of addressing the challenge that pre-service teachers often face in translating theory into practice. In this article, we outline one approach to authentic assessment that utilises a poster format to present a humanities inquiry sequence. Drawing on a practice-based research project into inquiry learning, we explore the challenges and opportunities of this mode of assessment in meeting our curriculum aims. While we acknowledge limitations in this method, we conclude that posters provide a succinct and engaging means of organising, disseminating and assessing inquiry planning in humanities

    Relatório de estágio curricular na Novesem Portugal, Lda

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    Mestrado em Biomedicina FarmacêuticaIn recent years, pharmaceutical industry companies (Pharmaceutical Industry or Pharmaceutical Labs) have been requesting the participation of/partnership with CROs, mostly due to the lack of resources or business strategy in order to achieve a temporal flexibility in their processes, and also to save resources. Nowadays, CROs are considered an integral and fundamental part of clinical research and they are scattered all over the world. These are multidisciplinary companies that make diversity of offers and solutions their main strengths. The present work aims to report the various activities in a company providing services in clinical research.As empresas da indústria farmacêutica (a Industria Farmacêutica ou os laboratórios farmacêuticos) têm vindo nos últimos anos a solicitar uma maior participação/parceria de Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), muito por falta de recursos próprios ou estratégia comercial, de forma a conseguirem uma agilidade temporal nos seus processos bem como poupança de recursos. Hoje em dia, as CROs são consideradas como parte integrante e fundamental da investigação clínica e estão espalhadas um pouco por todo o mundo. São empresas multidisciplinares que fazem da diversidade de ofertas e soluções os seus pontos fortes. O presente trabalho propõe relatar as diversas actividades desenvolvidas numa empresa de prestação de serviços na área da investigação clínica

    The Coffee Project Revisited: Teaching Research Skills to Forensic Chemists

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    This study describes a new module design for teaching research skills to analytical chemists based on the use of a student-led, in-class experiment involving coffee. The module was redesigned in response to feedback from students, and aims to give them the skills they need to be productive in future research projects both within the institution and beyond. Over the course of 10 weeks, postgraduate MSc students at the University of Glasgow design, carry out, and write up an experiment to determine the effect of pH on the perceived taste of coffee. The module is structured to introduce students to key concepts in research such as experimental design, health and safety, ethics, and bias, which the students incorporate into their final experimental protocol. Evaluations of the module for the 2015−16 academic year were positive, and questionnaire data on the participants’ self-efficacy with certain research tasks showed an overall increase across the range of skills covered during the module