118,145 research outputs found

    Génératrice à aimants permanents à flux axial à grand diamÚtre avec entrefer immergé

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    Cette Ă©tude propose une mĂ©thode de modĂ©lisation et de conception adaptĂ©e aux machines Ă  flux axial et Ă  Double Stator (poly-entrefer) destinĂ©e Ă  ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©e comme gĂ©nĂ©ratrice pour une hydrolienne RIM-DRIVEN de grande puissance. La particularitĂ© du concept RIM-DRIVEN ou Ă  entrainement circonfĂ©rentiel rĂ©side dans le fait que la machine Ă©lectrique se situe sur la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de l’hĂ©lice. De plus, dans cette Ă©tude, l’entrefer de la machine est considĂ©rĂ© immergĂ© dans l’eau de mer. Les particularitĂ©s du systĂšme imposent de mettre au point des modĂšles de dimensionnement adaptĂ©s. Ainsi, un modĂšle Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique analytique 2D inversĂ© permettant le calcul des dimensions gĂ©omĂ©triques principales est prĂ©sentĂ©. De mĂȘme, un modĂšle thermique spĂ©cifique aux machines Ă  entrefer immergĂ© est dĂ©crit. Ces modĂšles permettent d’estimer la masse et le coĂ»t des parties actives. Cette machine Ă  flux axial est comparĂ©e en termes de coĂ»ts matiĂšres, masses et comportement thermique avec une machine Ă  flux radial Ă  aimants permanents dimensionnĂ©e pour un mĂȘme cahier des charges. Il en ressort clairement que la machine Ă  flux axial double stator est thermiquement moins contrainte que les machines Ă  simple stator

    Rainfall, runoff and temperature fluctuations in the Amazon basin and oscillation of global climate over the last century

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    Over the past century, the world's climate has been changing. The rainfall over the continents, the global stream water discharge, the global air temperature and the CO2 content in the atmosphere have together been increasing. However, in the Amazon basin, examination of data existing and the estimation of missing data reveal that for about the past century, between 1910 and 1990, the air temperature has been decreasing, and the rainfall and the river discharge have been increasing but showing very large fluctuations. It is shown that the evolution of the global climate, over continents becoming warmer and wetter, should not mask the following realities: (1) amplitudes of fluctuations are large; (2) regional and global trends do not necessarily move in the same directions and (3) regional and global fluctuations, even if of similar amplitude and of equal periodicity, are not synchronous

    Mesure de température par pyrométrie 2D à bande spectrale et pyrométrie spectrale de métaux chauffés par laser dans un environnement fortement oxydant

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    La calibration et la validation de deux techniques de mesure de température complémentaires basées toutes les deux sur la pyrométrie optique (pyrométrie 2D monobande et pyrométrie spectrale), utilisables dans le cadre de l'étude des métaux chauffés dans des conditions hautement oxydantes et plus généralement au cours des procédés laser sur des métaux dans la gamme de température 2000-4000 K ont été réalisées. Une bonne correspondance des résultats des deux méthodes est obtenue lorsque l'émissivité de l'objet est connue et varie peu, mais seule la pyrométrie spectrale est performante lors de grandes variations d'émissivité, fournissant à la fois une mesure de température et d'émissivité au cours du procédé. Les incertitudes ont été calculées et représentent respectivement 6 et 3% dans une gamme de 1800 à 4500 K pour la pyrométrie 2D et la pyrométrie spectrale

    Water temperature modeling in the Garonne River (France)

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    Stream water temperature is one of the most important parameters for water quality and ecosystem studies. Temperature can influence many chemical and biological processes and therefore impacts on the living conditions and distribution of aquatic ecosystems. Simplified models such as statistical models can be very useful for practitioners and water resource management. The present study assessed two statistical models – an equilibrium-based model and stochastic autoregressive model with exogenous inputs – in modeling daily mean water temperatures in the Garonne River from 1988 to 2005. The equilibrium temperature-based model is an approach where net heat flux at the water surface is expressed as a simpler form than in traditional deterministic models. The stochastic autoregressive model with exogenous inputs consists of decomposing the water temperature time series into a seasonal component and a short-term component (residual component). The seasonal component was modeled by Fourier series and residuals by a second-order autoregressive process (Markov chain) with use of short-term air temperatures as exogenous input. The models were calibrated using data of the first half of the period 1988–2005 and validated on the second half. Calibration of the models was done using temperatures above 20 ◩C only to ensure better prediction of high temperatures that are currently at stake for the aquatic conditions of the Garonne River, and particularly for freshwater migrating fishes such as Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.). The results obtained for both approaches indicated that both models performed well with an average root mean square error for observed temperatures above 20 ◩C that varied on an annual basis from 0.55 ◩C to 1.72 ◩C on validation, and good predictions of temporal occurrences and durations of three temperature threshold crossings linked to the conditions of migration and survival of Atlantic Salmon

    Seasonal changes in the population dynamics of Aurelia aurita in Thau lagoon

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    Seasonal dynamics of the scyphomedusae, Aurelia aurita, was investigated twice a month from January 2010 to June 2011 and related to environmental conditions in Thau lagoon, southwestern Mediterranean Sea. Strobilation, indicated by the presence of 1 mm ephyrae, occurred from November to the middle of April. Maximum abundances up to 330 ind.100 m-3 were reached in May 2011, few weeks after the last ephyrae release. The population declines afterwards steadily until disappearing from the water column. Concurrent with increased water temperature and mesozooplankton predation during May, growth rates increased from 0.04 mm.day-1 to a peak of 4.5 mm.day-1, with a maximum bell diameter of 11.3 cm reached on the 7th May. During the study period, there was no advection of A. aurita between Thau lagoon and the coastal waters
