
Rainfall, runoff and temperature fluctuations in the Amazon basin and oscillation of global climate over the last century


Over the past century, the world's climate has been changing. The rainfall over the continents, the global stream water discharge, the global air temperature and the CO2 content in the atmosphere have together been increasing. However, in the Amazon basin, examination of data existing and the estimation of missing data reveal that for about the past century, between 1910 and 1990, the air temperature has been decreasing, and the rainfall and the river discharge have been increasing but showing very large fluctuations. It is shown that the evolution of the global climate, over continents becoming warmer and wetter, should not mask the following realities: (1) amplitudes of fluctuations are large; (2) regional and global trends do not necessarily move in the same directions and (3) regional and global fluctuations, even if of similar amplitude and of equal periodicity, are not synchronous

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