774 research outputs found

    Neonatal Seizure Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This study presents a novel end-to-end architecture that learns hierarchical representations from raw EEG data using fully convolutional deep neural networks for the task of neonatal seizure detection. The deep neural network acts as both feature extractor and classifier, allowing for end-to-end optimization of the seizure detector. The designed system is evaluated on a large dataset of continuous unedited multi-channel neonatal EEG totaling 835 hours and comprising of 1389 seizures. The proposed deep architecture, with sample-level filters, achieves an accuracy that is comparable to the state-of-the-art SVM-based neonatal seizure detector, which operates on a set of carefully designed hand-crafted features. The fully convolutional architecture allows for the localization of EEG waveforms and patterns that result in high seizure probabilities for further clinical examination.Comment: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processin

    Validating an SVM-based neonatal seizure detection algorithm for generalizability, non-inferiority and clinical efficacy

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    Neonatal seizure detection algorithms (SDA) are approaching the benchmark of human expert annotation. Measures of algorithm generalizability and non-inferiority as well as measures of clinical efficacy are needed to assess the full scope of neonatal SDA performance. We validated our neonatal SDA on an independent data set of 28 neonates. Generalizability was tested by comparing the performance of the original training set (cross -validation) to its performance on the validation set. Non-inferiority was tested by assessing inter-observer agreement between combinations of SDA and two human expert annotations. Clinical efficacy was tested by comparing how the SDA and human experts quantified seizure burden and identified clinically significant periods of seizure activity in the EEG. Algorithm performance was consistent between training and validation sets with no significant worsening in AUC (p > 0.05, n = 28). SDA output was inferior to the annotation of the human expert, however, re-training with an increased diversity of data resulted in non-inferior performance (delta kappa = 0.077, 95% CI:-0.002-0.232, n = 18). The SDA assessment of seizure burden had an accuracy ranging from 89 to 93%, and 87% for identifying periods of clinical interest. The proposed SDA is approaching human equivalence and provides a clinically relevant interpretation of the EEG.Peer reviewe

    Interobserver agreement for neonatal seizure detection using multichannel EEG

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    Objective To determine the interobserver agreement (IOA) of neonatal seizure detection using the gold standard of conventional, multichannel EEG. Methods A cohort of full-term neonates at risk of acute encephalopathy was included in this prospective study. The EEG recordings of these neonates were independently reviewed for seizures by three international experts. The IOA was estimated using statistical measures including Fleiss' kappa and percentage agreement assessed over seizure events (event basis) and seizure duration (temporal basis). Results A total of 4066 h of EEG recordings from 70 neonates were reviewed with an average of 2555 seizures detected. The IOA was high with temporal assessment resulting in a kappa of 0.827 (95% CI: 0.769–0.865; n = 70). The median agreement was 83.0% (interquartile range [IQR]: 76.6–89.5%; n = 33) for seizure and 99.7% (IQR: 98.9–99.8%; n = 70) for nonseizure EEG. Analysis of events showed a median agreement of 83.0% (IQR: 72.9–86.6%; n = 33) for seizures with 0.018 disagreements per hour (IQR: 0.000–0.090 per hour; n = 70). Observers were more likely to disagree when a seizure was less than 30 sec. Overall, 33 neonates were diagnosed with seizures and 28 neonates were not, by all three observers. Of the remaining nine neonates with contradictory EEG detections, seven presented with low total seizure burden. Interpretation The IOA is high among experts for the detection of neonatal seizures using conventional, multichannel EEG. Agreement is reduced when seizures are rare or have short duration. These findings support EEG-based decision making in the neonatal intensive care unit, inform EEG interpretation guidelines, and provide benchmarks for seizure detection algorithms.Peer reviewe

    Exploring temporal information in neonatal seizures using a dynamic time warping based SVM kernel

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    Seizure events in newborns change in frequency, morphology, and propagation. This contextual information is explored at the classifier level in the proposed patient-independent neonatal seizure detection system. The system is based on the combination of a static and a sequential SVM classifier. A Gaussian dynamic time warping based kernel is used in the sequential classifier. The system is validated on a large dataset of EEG recordings from 17 neonates. The obtained results show an increase in the detection rate at very low false detections per hour, particularly achieving a 12% improvement in the detection of short seizure events over the static RBF kernel based system

    Neonatal seizure detection based on single-channel EEG: instrumentation and algorithms

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    Seizure activity in the perinatal period, which constitutes the most common neurological emergency in the neonate, can cause brain disorders later in life or even death depending on their severity. This issue remains unsolved to date, despite the several attempts in tackling it using numerous methods. Therefore, a method is still needed that can enable neonatal cerebral activity monitoring to identify those at risk. Currently, electroencephalography (EEG) and amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) have been exploited for the identification of seizures in neonates, however both lack automation. EEG and aEEG are mainly visually analysed, requiring a specific skill set and as a result the presence of an expert on a 24/7 basis, which is not feasible. Additionally, EEG devices employed in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are mainly designed around adults, meaning that their design specifications are not neonate specific, including their size due to multi-channel requirement in adults - adults minimum requirement is ≄ 32 channels, while gold standard in neonatal is equal to 10; they are bulky and occupy significant space in NICU. This thesis addresses the challenge of reliably, efficiently and effectively detecting seizures in the neonatal brain in a fully automated manner. Two novel instruments and two novel neonatal seizure detection algorithms (SDAs) are presented. The first instrument, named PANACEA, is a high-performance, wireless, wearable and portable multi-instrument, able to record neonatal EEG, as well as a plethora of (bio)signals. This device despite its high-performance characteristics and ability to record EEG, is mostly suggested to be used for the concurrent monitoring of other vital biosignals, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiration, which provide vital information about a neonate's medical condition. The two aforementioned biosignals constitute two of the most important artefacts in the EEG and their concurrent acquisition benefit the SDA by providing information to an artefact removal algorithm. The second instrument, called neoEEG Board, is an ultra-low noise, wireless, portable and high precision neonatal EEG recording instrument. It is able to detect and record minute signals (< 10 nVp) enabling cerebral activity monitoring even from lower layers in the cortex. The neoEEG Board accommodates 8 inputs each one equipped with a patent-pending tunable filter topology, which allows passband formation based on the application. Both the PANACEA and the neoEEG Board are able to host low- to middle-complexity SDAs and they can operate continuously for at least 8 hours on 3-AA batteries. Along with PANACEA and the neoEEG Board, two novel neonatal SDAs have been developed. The first one, termed G prime-smoothed (G ́_s), is an on-line, automated, patient-specific, single-feature and single-channel EEG based SDA. The G ́_s SDA, is enabled by the invention of a novel feature, termed G prime (G ́) and can be characterised as an energy operator. The trace that the G ́_s creates, can also be used as a visualisation tool because of its distinct change at a presence of a seizure. Finally, the second SDA is machine learning (ML)-based and uses numerous features and a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. It can be characterised as automated, on-line and patient-independent, and similarly to G ́_s it makes use of a single-channel EEG. The proposed neonatal SDA introduces the use of the Hilbert-Huang transforms (HHT) in the field of neonatal seizure detection. The HHT analyses the non-linear and non-stationary EEG signal providing information for the signal as it evolves. Through the use of HHT novel features, such as the per intrinsic mode function (IMF) (0-3 Hz) sub-band power, were also employed. Detection rates of this novel neonatal SDA is comparable to multi-channel SDAs.Open Acces

    The ILAE classification of seizures and the epilepsies: Modification for seizures in the neonate. Position paper by the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures

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    Seizures are the most common neurological emergency in the neonatal period and in contrast to those in infancy and childhood, are often provoked seizures with an acute cause and may be electrographic‐only. Hence, neonatal seizures may not fit easily into classification schemes for seizures and epilepsies primarily developed for older children and adults. A Neonatal Seizures Task Force was established by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) to develop a modification of the 2017 ILAE Classification of Seizures and Epilepsies, relevant to neonates. The neonatal classification framework emphasizes the role of electroencephalography (EEG) in the diagnosis of seizures in the neonate and includes a classification of seizure types relevant to this age group. The seizure type is determined by the predominant clinical feature. Many neonatal seizures are electrographic‐only with no evident clinical features; therefore, these are included in the proposed classification. Clinical events without an EEG correlate are not included. Because seizures in the neonatal period have been shown to have a focal onset, a division into focal and generalized is unnecessary. Seizures can have a motor (automatisms, clonic, epileptic spasms, myoclonic, tonic), non‐motor (autonomic, behavior arrest), or sequential presentation. The classification allows the user to choose the level of detail when classifying seizures in this age group

    Improvements in Neonatal Brain Monitoring after Perinatal Asphyxia

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    Perinatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality world-wide. Common sequelae in survivors include cerebral palsy (CP), epilepsy and sensory as well as cognitive problems. The consequences of HIE impose significant long-term personal and financial burden on the affected families and the society. The most cost-effective approach to reducing neonatal mortality world-wide would be to improve access to antenatal care4. However, even in developed countries, the exact factors triggering perinatal asphyxia as well as the time of onset of brain injury are often difficult to determine, and it remains a major clinical problem. Seizures commonly occur in the neonate with HIE and are often the only sign of serious underlying brain dysfunction6. Animal studies have shown that neonatal seizures in the context of HIE may cause additional brain injury and that their pharmacological suppression may improve outcome9. Monitoring of brain function using the electroencephalogram (EEG), continuously or by serial EEGs is well-suited to give insight into brain function and its dynamic changes in neonatal HIE and helps to guide treatment as well as prognostication. A good understanding of the pathophysiology of HIE is needed not only in the selection of suitable diagnostic tests and treatment methods, but also to develop new therapeutic strategies

    Building an Open Source Classifier for the Neonatal EEG Background: A Systematic Feature-Based Approach From Expert Scoring to Clinical Visualization

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    Neonatal brain monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) requires a continuous review of the spontaneous cortical activity, i.e., the electroencephalograph (EEG) background activity. This needs development of bedside methods for an automated assessment of the EEG background activity. In this paper, we present development of the key components of a neonatal EEG background classifier, starting from the visual background scoring to classifier design, and finally to possible bedside visualization of the classifier results. A dataset with 13,200 5-minute EEG epochs (8–16 channels) from 27 infants with birth asphyxia was used for classifier training after scoring by two independent experts. We tested three classifier designs based on 98 computational features, and their performance was assessed with respect to scoring system, pre- and post-processing of labels and outputs, choice of channels, and visualization in monitor displays. The optimal solution achieved an overall classification accuracy of 97% with a range across subjects of 81–100%. We identified a set of 23 features that make the classifier highly robust to the choice of channels and missing data due to artefact rejection. Our results showed that an automated bedside classifier of EEG background is achievable, and we publish the full classifier algorithm to allow further clinical replication and validation studies.Peer reviewe
