4 research outputs found

    Temporal update dynamics under blind sampling

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    Abstract—Network applications commonly maintain local copies of remote data sources in order to provide caching, indexing, and data-mining services to their clients. Modeling performance of these systems and predicting future updates usually requires knowledge of the inter-update distribution at the source, which can only be estimated through blind sampling – periodic downloads and comparison against previous copies. In this paper, we first introduce a stochastic modeling framework for this problem, where the update and sampling processes are both renewal. We then show that all previous approaches are biased unless the observation rate tends to infinity or the update process is Poisson. To overcome these issues, we propose four new algorithms that achieve various levels of consistency, which depend on the amount of temporal information revealed by the source and capabilities of the download process. I

    Learning to Crawl

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    Web crawling is the problem of keeping a cache of webpages fresh, i.e., having the most recent copy available when a page is requested. This problem is usually coupled with the natural restriction that the bandwidth available to the web crawler is limited. The corresponding optimization problem was solved optimally by Azar et al. [2018] under the assumption that, for each webpage, both the elapsed time between two changes and the elapsed time between two requests follow a Poisson distribution with known parameters. In this paper, we study the same control problem but under the assumption that the change rates are unknown a priori, and thus we need to estimate them in an online fashion using only partial observations (i.e., single-bit signals indicating whether the page has changed since the last refresh). As a point of departure, we characterise the conditions under which one can solve the problem with such partial observability. Next, we propose a practical estimator and compute confidence intervals for it in terms of the elapsed time between the observations. Finally, we show that the explore-and-commit algorithm achieves an O(T)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T}) regret with a carefully chosen exploration horizon. Our simulation study shows that our online policy scales well and achieves close to optimal performance for a wide range of the parameters.Comment: Published at AAAI 202

    Distributed Synchronization Under Data Churn

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    Nowadays an increasing number of applications need to maintain local copies of remote data sources to provide services to their users. Because of the dynamic nature of the sources, an application has to synchronize its copies with remote sources constantly to provide reliable services. Instead of push-based synchronization, we focus on pull-based strategy because it doesn’t require source cooperation and has been widely adopted by existing systems. The scalability of the pull-based synchronization comes at the expense of increased inconsistency of the copied content. We model this system under non-Poisson update/refresh processes and obtain sample-path averages of various metrics of staleness cost, generalizing previous results and studying its statistical properties. Computing staleness requires knowledge of the inter-update distribution at the source, which can only be estimated through blind sampling – periodic downloads and comparison against previous copies. We show that all previous approaches are biased unless the observation rate tends to infinity or the update process is Poisson. To overcome these issues, we propose four new algorithms that achieve various levels of consistency, which depend on the amount of temporal information revealed by the source and capabilities of the download process. Then we focus on applying freshness to P2P replication systems. We extend our results to several more difficult algorithms – cascaded replication, cooperative caching, and redundant querying from the clients. Surprisingly, we discover that optimal cooperation involves just a single peer and that redundant querying can hurt the ability of the system to handle load (i.e., may lead to lower scalability)

    Temporal Update Dynamics Under Blind Sampling

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