315 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Interaction Networks in Massively Multiplayer Online Games

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    This article examines the co-evolution of players’ individual performance and their interaction network in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). The objective is to test whether the application of theories from the real world is valid in virtual worlds. While the results indicate that the structural effects and demographic variables active in the real world influence the evolution of the players’ interaction network in MMOGs (e.g. transitivity, reciprocity, and homophily), they do not provide evidence that players’ structural embeddedness in the interaction network influences player performance. These findings have important implications for researchers and practitioners who need to understand social processes in MMOGs (e.g., when launching marketing campaigns in MMOGs) or who study MMOGs and then use their findings to draw conclusions about the real world (e.g., when analyzing the relationship between employee performance and network structure)

    Adicción a los Videojuegos: ¿Qué podemos aprender desde la perspectiva de la neurociencia de la comunicación?

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    In recent years, video game addiction has received considerable empirical attention. Unfortunately, this research is stymied by inconsistencies in both conceptual and operational definitions of video game addiction. Moreover, the use of several video game addiction scales makes it difficult to estimate the prevalence and potential effects of video game addiction. While game genre is often treated as a predictor of video game addiction, existing measures often downplay the structural and social characteristics of video games that may contribute to behavioral outcomes such as increased playing time and addiction. In an effort to provide the clarity necessary to overcome these issues, we review research on video game addiction with a focus on the largely ignored unique characteristics of video games that are crucial for a more complete conceptualization of video game addiction. With this review in mind, we offer a conceptual framework for the integration of video game addiction within the broader context of behavioral addictions. Finally, we consider the neurological foundation of addiction and suggest opportunities for media neuroscientists to increase understanding and prediction of video game addiction and explore how game content features interact with reward systems in the brain.En los últimos años, la adicción a los videojuegos ha recibido una atención empírica considerable. Desafortunadamente, la investigación en este campo se encuentra obstaculizada por inconsistencias en definiciones conceptuales y operacionales de la adicción a los videojuegos. Por otro lado, el uso de varias escalas de adicción a los videojuegos dificulta la estimación de la prevalencia y los efectos potenciales de la adicción a los videojuegos. Mientras el género del juego es considerado frecuentemente como un predictor de la adicción a los videojuegos, las medidas existentes restan importancia a las características sociales y estructurales de los videojuegos que pueden contribuir a resultados conductuales tales como un incremento en el tiempo de juego y adicción. En un esfuerzo por proveer de claridad necesaria para subsanar estos problemas, se realiza una revisión sobre investigaciones relacionadas a la adicción a los videojuegos con un enfoque en las características de los videojuegos extensamente ignoradas y que son cruciales para una conceptualización más completa acerca de la adicción a los videojuegos. Con esta revisión, ofrecemos un marco conceptual para la integración de la adicción a los videojuegos dentro un contexto más amplio como el de las adicciones conductuales. Finalmente, consideramos la base neurológica de la adicción y sugerimos oportunidades para los neurocientíficos de la comunicación con el objetivo de incrementar la comprensión y predicción de la adicción a los videojuegos y explorar cómo los elementos de un juego interactúan con los sistemas de recompensa en el cerebro

    It Takes Two to Negotiate: Modeling Social Exchange in Online Multiplayer Games

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    Online games are dynamic environments where players interact with each other, which offers a rich setting for understanding how players negotiate their way through the game to an ultimate victory. This work studies online player interactions during the turn-based strategy game, Diplomacy. We annotated a dataset of over 10,000 chat messages for different negotiation strategies and empirically examined their importance in predicting long- and short-term game outcomes. Although negotiation strategies can be predicted reasonably accurately through the linguistic modeling of the chat messages, more is needed for predicting short-term outcomes such as trustworthiness. On the other hand, they are essential in graph-aware reinforcement learning approaches to predict long-term outcomes, such as a player's success, based on their prior negotiation history. We close with a discussion of the implications and impact of our work. The dataset is available at https://github.com/kj2013/claff-diplomacy.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to CSCW '24 and forthcoming the Proceedings of ACM HCI '2

    The Intersection of Internet Gaming Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Children and Adolescents: A Review of Literature

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    The literature review aims to explore the relationship between Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. The paper is based on a literature search using PubMed, ResearchGate, MDPI, and Google Scholar. This review included examinations of IGD and ADHD among children and adolescents separately and bi-directionally. Considering current trends and data indicate a consistent increase in correlations between IGD and ADHD among children and adolescents, particularly in impulsivity and behavioral disturbance symptoms. While these results have implications for all professionals working with children and adolescents, special attention is given to clinical mental health professionals. The review concludes by highlighting the need for continued research into developing a universally accepted, valid, and reliable measure for diagnosing IGD and further studies to ascertain potential bi-directionality with ADHD among children and adolescents

    Toward a consensus definition of pathological video-gaming: a systematic review of psychometric assessment tools

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    Pathological video-gaming, or its proposed DSM-V classification of "Internet Use Disorder", is of increasing interest to scholars and practitioners in allied health disciplines. This systematic review was designed to evaluate the standards in pathological video-gaming instrumentation, according to Cicchetti (1994) and Groth-Marnat's (2009) criteria and guidelines for sound psychometric assessment. A total of 63 quantitative studies, including eighteen instruments and representing 58,415 participants, were evaluated. Results indicated that reviewed instrumentation may be broadly characterized as inconsistent. Strengths of available measures include: (i) short length and ease of scoring, (ii) excellent internal consistency and convergent validity, and (iii) potentially adequate data for development of standardized norms for adolescent populations. However, key limitations included: (a) inconsistent coverage of core addiction indicators, (b) varying cut-off scores to indicate clinical status, (c) a lack of a temporal dimension, (d) untested or inconsistent dimensionality, and (e) inadequate data on predictive validity and inter-rater reliability. An emerging consensus suggests that pathological video-gaming is commonly defined by (1) withdrawal, (2) loss of control, and (3) conflict. It is concluded that a unified approach to assessment of pathological video-gaming is needed. A synthesis of extant research efforts by meta-analysis may be difficult in the context of several divergent approaches to assessment.Daniel L. King, Maria C. Haagsma, Paul H. Delfabbro, Michael Gradisar, Mark D. Griffith

    Neurobiological correlates of avatar identification processing and emotional inhibitory control in internet gaming disorder

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    Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is the most prevalent subcategory of internet addiction. It has been associated with self-concept deficits and related characteristics such as emotional as well as social competence deficits, increased social anxiety and a stronger identification with the own avatar (i.e. a graphical agent that often seems to be constructed according to gamers’ ideal). In addition, IGD seems to be linked with inhibitory control deficits, definable as impairments in the inhibition of reactions to irrelevant stimuli during the pursuit of cognitively represented goals. However, the neurobiological correlates of avatar compared to self and ideal-related identification processing as well as emotional inhibitory control in (socially) anxious contexts as potentially important factors in IGD development have not been explored yet. The brain region of the left angular gyrus (AG) has been associated with self-identification from a third-person perspective in healthy controls and showed avatar-related hyperactivation in long-term online gamers during a task on self and avatar reflection in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) seems to be involved in the integration of negative affect and cognitive control. Based on these observations, internet gaming addicts were neurobiologically examined by means of fMRI with a focus on the left AG as well as the dACC while completing specific tasks and compared to non-addicted controls as well as social media addicts. Hereby, participants’ concepts of self, ideal and avatar were assessed with a reflection task asking for the evaluation of characteristics regarding the self, ideal and own avatar. Emotional inhibitory control in a socially anxious context was neurobiologically explored by means of an emotional Stroop task (EST) assessing the inhibition on socially anxious words compared to positive, negative and neutral word stimuli under parallel reaction time recording. In addition, the emotional inhibitory control at anxious stimuli was examined neuropsychologically by means of an affective Go/No-Go task (AGN). Besides, psychometric questionnaires assessing impulsivity, emotional competence and social anxiety were applied. Internet gaming addicts showed significantly higher levels of impulsivity, social anxiety and emotional competence deficits relative to non-addicted controls in psychometric measures. Neurobiologically, internet gaming addicts exhibited left AG hyperactivations during the reflection on their own avatar relative to self and ideal reflection within their group as well as compared to non-addicted controls. In the EST, internet gaming addicts had longer reaction times during the inhibition on socially anxious compared to positive and negative words as well as compared to positive, negative and neutral words together. During the latter comparison, internet gaming addicts neurobiologically showed significant hypoactivations in the left middle and superior temporal gyrus (MTG and STG), which was also significantly lower relative to social media addicts. Functional alterations in the dACC were not observed. Neuropsychologically, no significant differences in emotional inhibitory control at anxious stimuli between internet gaming addicts and non-addicted controls were detected by means of the AGN. In summary, the virtually concretized avatar might replace the rather abstract ideal in IGD as a construct to identify with. The need for such a construct might arise from the urge to compensate dissatisfaction with the own person as a facet of self-concept deficits. The MTG and STG have previously been associated with the retrieval of words or expressions during communication, social perception and emotion regulation (based on a study in social anxiety disorder). The present finding of these regions’ hypoactivation in relation to socially anxious stimuli might indicate that 1) socially anxious words are less retrievable from the semantic storage of internet gaming addicts than positive, negative or neutral words, 2) in IGD, emotional inhibitory control in the socially anxious context is represented by brain regions involved in the processing of social information (such as the MTG and STG) and that 3) internet gaming addicts have deficiencies in the cognitive regulation of emotions as well as in the processing of social information, with the MTG and STG hypoactivation during socially anxious word blocks possibly serving as a neurobiological correlate of IGD-related social and emotional competence deficits as facets of self-concept impairments

    Internet addiction: a systematic review of epidemiological research for the last decade

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    In the last decade, Internet usage has grown tremendously on a global scale. The increasing popularity and frequency of Internet use has led to an increasing number of reports highlighting the potential negative consequences of overuse. Over the last decade, research into Internet addiction has proliferated. This paper reviews the existing 68 epidemiological studies of Internet addiction that (i) contain quantitative empirical data, (ii) have been published after 2000, (iii) include an analysis relating to Internet addiction, (iv) include a minimum of 1000 participants, and (v) provide a full-text article published in English using the database Web of Science. Assessment tools and conceptualisations, prevalence, and associated factors in adolescents and adults are scrutinised. The results reveal the following. First, no gold standard of Internet addiction classification exists as 21 different assessment instruments have been identified. They adopt official criteria for substance use disorders or pathological gambling, no or few criteria relevant for an addiction diagnosis, time spent online, or resulting problems. Second, reported prevalence rates differ as a consequence of different assessment tools and cut-offs, ranging from 0.8% in Italy to 26.7% in Hong Kong. Third, Internet addiction is associated with a number of sociodemographic, Internet use, and psychosocial factors, as well as comorbid symptoms and disorder in adolescents and adults. The results indicate that a number of core symptoms (i.e., compulsive use, negative outcomes and salience) appear relevant for diagnosis, which assimilates Internet addiction and other addictive disorders and also differentiates them, implying a conceptualisation as syndrome with similar etiology and components, but different expressions of addictions. Limitations include the exclusion of studies with smaller sample sizes and studies focusing on specific online behaviours. Conclusively, there is a need for nosological precision so that ultimately those in need can be helped by translating the scientific evidence established in the context of Internet addiction into actual clinical practice

    A Review for the Online Social Networks Literature (2005-2011)

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    Although Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as MySpace, Facebook, and Youtube are still under development; they have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. There are hundreds of OSNs, with various technological affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices. However, impact of OSNs is increasingly pervasive and numerous researchers worked on different aspects on social networks. There is no research work for identification and classification of this literature. So, the purpose of this study is to presents a literature review for research works in OSNs. The review covers 132 journal articles published from 2005 to 2011. The reviewed articles classified OSNs literature into four distinct categories: the “Application”, “Survey and Analysis”, “Concept”, and “Technique”. The findings of our study reveal that “applications” were the most frequently category has been considered in the literature. Also, the subject of social networking is somehow overlooked in developing and under-developed countries. This review will provide a source for anyone interested in discovering research trends in social network sites literature, and will help to simulate further interest fields in the area. Keywords: Social network sites (SNSs), Online Social Networks (OSNs), Social media, Social networking