430 research outputs found

    The Evolution of First Person Vision Methods: A Survey

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    The emergence of new wearable technologies such as action cameras and smart-glasses has increased the interest of computer vision scientists in the First Person perspective. Nowadays, this field is attracting attention and investments of companies aiming to develop commercial devices with First Person Vision recording capabilities. Due to this interest, an increasing demand of methods to process these videos, possibly in real-time, is expected. Current approaches present a particular combinations of different image features and quantitative methods to accomplish specific objectives like object detection, activity recognition, user machine interaction and so on. This paper summarizes the evolution of the state of the art in First Person Vision video analysis between 1997 and 2014, highlighting, among others, most commonly used features, methods, challenges and opportunities within the field.Comment: First Person Vision, Egocentric Vision, Wearable Devices, Smart Glasses, Computer Vision, Video Analytics, Human-machine Interactio

    Egocentric Hand Detection Via Dynamic Region Growing

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    Egocentric videos, which mainly record the activities carried out by the users of the wearable cameras, have drawn much research attentions in recent years. Due to its lengthy content, a large number of ego-related applications have been developed to abstract the captured videos. As the users are accustomed to interacting with the target objects using their own hands while their hands usually appear within their visual fields during the interaction, an egocentric hand detection step is involved in tasks like gesture recognition, action recognition and social interaction understanding. In this work, we propose a dynamic region growing approach for hand region detection in egocentric videos, by jointly considering hand-related motion and egocentric cues. We first determine seed regions that most likely belong to the hand, by analyzing the motion patterns across successive frames. The hand regions can then be located by extending from the seed regions, according to the scores computed for the adjacent superpixels. These scores are derived from four egocentric cues: contrast, location, position consistency and appearance continuity. We discuss how to apply the proposed method in real-life scenarios, where multiple hands irregularly appear and disappear from the videos. Experimental results on public datasets show that the proposed method achieves superior performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods, especially in complicated scenarios

    Limbs detection and tracking of head-fixed mice for behavioral phenotyping using motion tubes and deep learning

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    The broad accessibility of affordable and reliable recording equipment and its relative ease of use has enabled neuroscientists to record large amounts of neurophysiological and behavioral data. Given that most of this raw data is unlabeled, great effort is required to adapt it for behavioral phenotyping or signal extraction, for behavioral and neurophysiological data, respectively. Traditional methods for labeling datasets rely on human annotators which is a resource and time intensive process, which often produce data that that is prone to reproducibility errors. Here, we propose a deep learning-based image segmentation framework to automatically extract and label limb movements from movies capturing frontal and lateral views of head-fixed mice. The method decomposes the image into elemental regions (superpixels) with similar appearance and concordant dynamics and stacks them following their partial temporal trajectory. These 3D descriptors (referred as motion cues) are used to train a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We use the features extracted at the last fully connected layer of the network for training a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network that introduces spatio-temporal coherence to the limb segmentation. We tested the pipeline in two video acquisition settings. In the first, the camera is installed on the right side of the mouse (lateral setting). In the second, the camera is installed facing the mouse directly (frontal setting). We also investigated the effect of the noise present in the videos and the amount of training data needed, and we found that reducing the number of training samples does not result in a drop of more than 5% in detection accuracy even when as little as 10% of the available data is used for training

    Unsupervised Green Object Tracker (GOT) without Offline Pre-training

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    Supervised trackers trained on labeled data dominate the single object tracking field for superior tracking accuracy. The labeling cost and the huge computational complexity hinder their applications on edge devices. Unsupervised learning methods have also been investigated to reduce the labeling cost but their complexity remains high. Aiming at lightweight high-performance tracking, feasibility without offline pre-training, and algorithmic transparency, we propose a new single object tracking method, called the green object tracker (GOT), in this work. GOT conducts an ensemble of three prediction branches for robust box tracking: 1) a global object-based correlator to predict the object location roughly, 2) a local patch-based correlator to build temporal correlations of small spatial units, and 3) a superpixel-based segmentator to exploit the spatial information of the target frame. GOT offers competitive tracking accuracy with state-of-the-art unsupervised trackers, which demand heavy offline pre-training, at a lower computation cost. GOT has a tiny model size (<3k parameters) and low inference complexity (around 58M FLOPs per frame). Since its inference complexity is between 0.1%-10% of DL trackers, it can be easily deployed on mobile and edge devices