10 research outputs found

    Application of repeat-pass TerraSAR-X staring spotlight interferometric coherence to monitor pasture biophysical parameters: limitations and sensitivity analysis

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    This paper describes the potential and limitations of repeat-pass synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) to retrieve the biophysical parameters of intensively managed pastures. We used a time series of eight acquisitions from the TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight (TSX-ST) mode. The ST mode is different from conventional Stripmap mode; therefore, we adjusted the Doppler phase correction for interferometric processing. We analyzed the three interferometric pairs with an 11-day temporal baseline, and among these three pairs found only one gives a high coherence. The results show that the high coherence in different paddocks is due to the cutting of the grass in the month of June, however the temporal decorrelation in other paddocks is mainly due to the grass growth and high sensitivity of the X-band SAR signals to the vegetation cover. The InSAR coherence (over coherent paddocks) shows a good correlation with SAR backscatter (R2dB=0.65, p<0.05) and grassland biophysical parameters (R2Height=0.55, p<0.05, R2Biomass=0.75,p<0.05). It is thus possible to detect different management practices (e.g., grazing, mowing/cutting) using SAR backscatter (dB) and coherence information from high spatial short baseline X-band imagery; however, the rate of decorrelation over vegetated areas is high. Initial findings from the June pair show the possibility of change detection due to the grass growth, grazing, and mowing events by using InSAR coherence information. However, it is not possible to automatically categorize different paddocks undergoing these changes based only on the SAR backscatter and coherence values, due to the ambiguity caused by tall grass flattened by the wind

    Soil moisture estimation from Sentinel-1 interferometric observations over arid regions

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    We present a methodology based on interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time series analysis that can provide surface (top 5 cm) soil moisture (SSM) estimations. The InSAR time series analysis consists of five processing steps. A co-registered Single Look Complex (SLC) SAR stack as well as meteorological information are required as input of the proposed workflow. In the first step, ice/snow-free and zero-precipitation SAR images are identified using meteorological data. In the second step, construction and phase extraction of distributed scatterers (DSs) (over bare land) is performed. In the third step, for each DS the ordering of surface soil moisture (SSM) levels of SAR acquisitions based on interferometric coherence is calculated. In the fourth step, for each DS the coherence due to SSM variations is calculated. In the fifth step, SSM is estimated by a constrained inversion of an analytical interferometric model using coherence and phase closure information. The implementation of the proposed approach is provided as an open-source software toolbox (INSAR4SM) available at www.github.com/kleok/INSAR4SM. A case study over an arid region in California/Arizona is presented. The proposed workflow was applied in Sentinel- 1 (C-band) VV-polarized InSAR observations. The estimated SSM results were assessed with independent SSM observations from a station of the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) (RMSE: 0.027 m3/m3m^3/m^3 R: 0.88) and ERA5-Land reanalysis model data (RMSE: 0.035 m3/m3m^3/m^3 R: 0.71). The proposed methodology was able to provide accurate SSM estimations at high spatial resolution (~250 m). A discussion of the benefits and the limitations of the proposed methodology highlighted the potential of interferometric observables for SSM estimation over arid regions

    Temporal Coherence Estimators for GBSAR

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    Many Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR) applications demand preliminary analysis to select areas with high-quality signal. That is, areas in which the phase can be processed to extract the desired information. The interferometric coherence and the amplitude dispersion index are important tools widely used in the literature to assess the quality of GBSAR images. So far, no direct relation has been found between the two. Indeed, they are parameters of different natures: amplitude dispersion index is calculated with only amplitude values, while coherence provides information also on the signal phase. The purpose of this article is to find a relation between the two parameters. Indeed, the amplitude dispersion index provides some practical advantages if compared to coherence estimators, especially to perform fast preliminary analysis. In this article, a theoretical relation between amplitude dispersion index and coherence is retrieved. GBSAR measurements acquired in different scenarios, at different working frequencies are presented and used to validate such a relation

    SAR sensing of the atmosphere: stack-based processing for tropospheric and ionospheric phase retrieval

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    This paper is intended to summarize the research conducted during the first 2 years of the Dragon 5 project 59,332 (geophysical and atmospheric retrieval from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data stacks over natural scenarios). Monitoring atmospheric phenomena, encompassing both tropospheric and ionospheric conditions, holds pivotal significance for various scientific and practical applications. In this paper, we present an exploration of advanced techniques for estimating tropospheric and ionospheric phase screens using stacks of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Our study delves into the current state-of-the-art in atmospheric monitoring with a focus on spaceborne SAR systems, shedding light on their evolving capabilities. For tropospheric phase screen estimation, we propose a novel approach that jointly estimates the tropospheric component from all the images. We discuss the methodology in detail, highlighting its ability to recover accurate tropospheric maps. Through a series of quantitative case studies using real Sentinel-1 satellite data, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique in capturing tropospheric variability over different geographical regions. Concurrently, we delve into the estimation of ionospheric phase screens utilizing SAR image stacks. The intricacies of ionospheric disturbances pose unique challenges, necessitating specialized techniques. We dissect our approach, showcasing its capacity to mitigate ionospheric noise and recover precise phase information. Real data from the Sentinel-1 satellite are employed to showcase the efficacy of our method, unraveling ionospheric perturbations with improved accuracy. The integration of our techniques, though presented separately for clarity, collectively contributes to a comprehensive framework for atmospheric monitoring. Our findings emphasize the potential of SAR-based approaches in advancing our knowledge of atmospheric processes, thus fostering advancements in weather prediction, geophysics, and environmental management

    Monitoring Water Level Change and Seasonal Vegetation Change in the Coastal Wetlands of Louisiana Using L-Band Time-Series

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    Coastal wetlands are productive ecosystems driven by highly dynamic hydrological processes such as tides and river discharge, which operate at daily to seasonal timescales, respectively. The scientific community has been calling for landscape-scale measurements of hydrological variables that could help understand the flow of water and transport of sediment across coastal wetlands. While in situ water level gauge data have enabled significant advances, they are limited in coverage and largely unavailable in many parts of the world. In preparation for the NISAR mission, we investigate the use of spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations of phase and coherence at L-band for landscape-scale monitoring of water level change and vegetation cover in coastal wetlands across seasons. We use L-band SAR images acquired by ALOS/PALSAR from 2007 to 2011 to study the impact of seasonal changes in vegetation cover on InSAR sensitivity to water level change in the wetlands of the Atchafalaya basin located in coastal Louisiana, USA. Seasonal variations are observed in the interferometric coherence (γ) time-series over wetlands, with higher coherence during the winter and lower coherence during the summer. We show with InSAR time-series that coherence is inversely correlated with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Our analysis of polarimetric scattering mechanisms demonstrates that double-bounce is the dominant mechanism in swamps while its weakness in marshes hinders estimation of water level changes. In swamps, water level change maps derived from InSAR are highly correlated (r2 = 0.83) with in situ data from the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). From October to December, we observed that the water level may be below wetland elevation and thus not inundating wetlands significantly. Our analysis shows that water level can only be retrieved when both images used for InSAR are acquired when wetlands are inundated. The L-band derived-maps of water level change show large scale gradients originating from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway rather than the main delta trunk channel, confirming its significant role as a source of hydrologic connectivity across these coastal wetlands. These results indicate that NISAR, with its InSAR observations every 12 days, will provide the measurements necessary to reveal large scale hydrodynamic processes that occur in swamps across seasons

    Monitoring Water Level Change and Seasonal Vegetation Change in the Coastal Wetlands of Louisiana Using L-Band Time-Series

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    Coastal wetlands are productive ecosystems driven by highly dynamic hydrological processes such as tides and river discharge, which operate at daily to seasonal timescales, respectively. The scientific community has been calling for landscape-scale measurements of hydrological variables that could help understand the flow of water and transport of sediment across coastal wetlands. While in situ water level gauge data have enabled significant advances, they are limited in coverage and largely unavailable in many parts of the world. In preparation for the NISAR mission, we investigate the use of spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations of phase and coherence at L-band for landscape-scale monitoring of water level change and vegetation cover in coastal wetlands across seasons. We use L-band SAR images acquired by ALOS/PALSAR from 2007 to 2011 to study the impact of seasonal changes in vegetation cover on InSAR sensitivity to water level change in the wetlands of the Atchafalaya basin located in coastal Louisiana, USA. Seasonal variations are observed in the interferometric coherence (γ) time-series over wetlands, with higher coherence during the winter and lower coherence during the summer. We show with InSAR time-series that coherence is inversely correlated with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Our analysis of polarimetric scattering mechanisms demonstrates that double-bounce is the dominant mechanism in swamps while its weakness in marshes hinders estimation of water level changes. In swamps, water level change maps derived from InSAR are highly correlated (r2 = 0.83) with in situ data from the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS). From October to December, we observed that the water level may be below wetland elevation and thus not inundating wetlands significantly. Our analysis shows that water level can only be retrieved when both images used for InSAR are acquired when wetlands are inundated. The L-band derived-maps of water level change show large scale gradients originating from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway rather than the main delta trunk channel, confirming its significant role as a source of hydrologic connectivity across these coastal wetlands. These results indicate that NISAR, with its InSAR observations every 12 days, will provide the measurements necessary to reveal large scale hydrodynamic processes that occur in swamps across seasons

    Complex Surface Displacements above the Storage Cavern Field at Epe, NW-Germany, Observed by Multi-Temporal SAR-Interferometry

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    The storage cavern field at Epe has been brined out of a salt deposit belonging to the lower Rhine salt flat, which extends under the surface of the North German lowlands and part of the Netherlands. Cavern convergence and operational pressure changes cause surface displacements that have been studied for this work with the help of SAR interferometry (InSAR) using distributed and persistent scatterers. Vertical and East-West movements have been determined based on Sentinel-1 data from ascending and descending orbit. Simple geophysical modeling is used to support InSAR processing and helps to interpret the observations. In particular, an approach is presented that allows to relate the deposit pressures with the observed surface displacements. Seasonal movements occurring over a fen situated over the western part of the storage site further complicate the analysis. Findings are validated with ground truth from levelling and groundwater level measurements

    TerraSAR-X and Wetlands: A Review

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    Since its launch in 2007, TerraSAR-X observations have been widely used in a broad range of scientific applications. Particularly in wetland research, TerraSAR-X\u27s shortwave X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) possesses unique capabilities, such as high spatial and temporal resolution, for delineating and characterizing the inherent spatially and temporally complex and heterogeneous structure of wetland ecosystems and their dynamics. As transitional areas, wetlands comprise characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic features, forming a large diversity of wetland types. This study reviews all published articles incorporating TerraSAR-X information into wetland research to provide a comprehensive study of how this sensor has been used with regard to polarization, and the function of the data, time-series analyses, or the assessment of specific wetland ecosystem types. What is evident throughout this literature review is the synergistic fusion of multi-frequency and multi-polarization SAR sensors, sometimes optical sensors, in almost all investigated studies to attain improved wetland classification results. Due to the short revisiting time of the TerraSAR-X sensor, it is possible to compute dense SAR time-series, allowing for a more precise observation of the seasonality in dynamic wetland areas as demonstrated in many of the reviewed studies

    InSAR Deformation Analysis with Distributed Scatterers: A Review Complemented by New Advances

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    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a powerful remote sensing technique able to measure deformation of the earth’s surface over large areas. InSAR deformation analysis uses two main categories of backscatter: Persistent Scatterers (PS) and Distributed Scatterers (DS). While PS are characterized by a high signal-to-noise ratio and predominantly occur as single pixels, DS possess a medium or low signal-to-noise ratio and can only be exploited if they form homogeneous groups of pixels that are large enough to allow for statistical analysis. Although DS have been used by InSAR since its beginnings for different purposes, new methods developed during the last decade have advanced the field significantly. Preprocessing of DS with spatio-temporal filtering allows today the use of DS in PS algorithms as if they were PS, thereby enlarging spatial coverage and stabilizing algorithms. This review explores the relations between different lines of research and discusses open questions regarding DS preprocessing for deformation analysis. The review is complemented with an experiment that demonstrates that significantly improved results can be achieved for preprocessed DS during parameter estimation if their statistical properties are used