3,455 research outputs found

    Reliability-Informed Beat Tracking of Musical Signals

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    Abstract—A new probabilistic framework for beat tracking of musical audio is presented. The method estimates the time between consecutive beat events and exploits both beat and non-beat information by explicitly modeling non-beat states. In addition to the beat times, a measure of the expected accuracy of the estimated beats is provided. The quality of the observations used for beat tracking is measured and the reliability of the beats is automatically calculated. A k-nearest neighbor regression algorithm is proposed to predict the accuracy of the beat estimates. The performance of the beat tracking system is statistically evaluated using a database of 222 musical signals of various genres. We show that modeling non-beat states leads to a significant increase in performance. In addition, a large experiment where the parameters of the model are automatically learned has been completed. Results show that simple approximations for the parameters of the model can be used. Furthermore, the performance of the system is compared with existing algorithms. Finally, a new perspective for beat tracking evaluation is presented. We show how reliability information can be successfully used to increase the mean performance of the proposed algorithm and discuss how far automatic beat tracking is from human tapping. Index Terms—Beat-tracking, beat quality, beat-tracking reliability, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) regression, music signal processing. I

    Onset Event Decoding Exploiting the Rhythmic Structure of Polyphonic Music

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    (c)2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5(6): 1228-1239, Oct 2011. DOI:10.1109/JSTSP.2011.214622

    Beat histogram features for rhythm-based musical genre classification using multiple novelty functions

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    In this paper we present beat histogram features for multiple level rhythm description and evaluate them in a musical genre classification task. Audio features pertaining to various musical content categories and their related novelty functions are extracted as a basis for the creation of beat histograms. The proposed features capture not only amplitude, but also tonal and general spectral changes in the signal, aiming to represent as much rhythmic information as possible. The most and least informative features are identified through feature selection methods and are then tested using Support Vector Machines on five genre datasets concerning classification accuracy against a baseline feature set. Results show that the presented features provide comparable classification accuracy with respect to other genre classification approaches using periodicity histograms and display a performance close to that of much more elaborate up-to-date approaches for rhythm description. The use of bar boundary annotations for the texture frames has provided an improvement for the dance-oriented Ballroom dataset. The comparably small number of descriptors and the possibility of evaluating the influence of specific signal components to the general rhythmic content encourage the further use of the method in rhythm description tasks

    Towards a style-specific basis for computational beat tracking

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    Outlined in this paper are a number of sources of evidence, from psychological, ethnomusicological and engineering grounds, to suggest that current approaches to computational beat tracking are incomplete. It is contended that the degree to which cultural knowledge, that is, the specifics of style and associated learnt representational schema, underlie the human faculty of beat tracking has been severely underestimated. Difficulties in building general beat tracking solutions, which can provide both period and phase locking across a large corpus of styles, are highlighted. It is probable that no universal beat tracking model exists which does not utilise a switching model to recognise style and context prior to application
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