7,816 research outputs found

    Onset Event Decoding Exploiting the Rhythmic Structure of Polyphonic Music

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    (c)2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5(6): 1228-1239, Oct 2011. DOI:10.1109/JSTSP.2011.214622

    Reliability-Informed Beat Tracking of Musical Signals

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    Abstract—A new probabilistic framework for beat tracking of musical audio is presented. The method estimates the time between consecutive beat events and exploits both beat and non-beat information by explicitly modeling non-beat states. In addition to the beat times, a measure of the expected accuracy of the estimated beats is provided. The quality of the observations used for beat tracking is measured and the reliability of the beats is automatically calculated. A k-nearest neighbor regression algorithm is proposed to predict the accuracy of the beat estimates. The performance of the beat tracking system is statistically evaluated using a database of 222 musical signals of various genres. We show that modeling non-beat states leads to a significant increase in performance. In addition, a large experiment where the parameters of the model are automatically learned has been completed. Results show that simple approximations for the parameters of the model can be used. Furthermore, the performance of the system is compared with existing algorithms. Finally, a new perspective for beat tracking evaluation is presented. We show how reliability information can be successfully used to increase the mean performance of the proposed algorithm and discuss how far automatic beat tracking is from human tapping. Index Terms—Beat-tracking, beat quality, beat-tracking reliability, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) regression, music signal processing. I

    Representation of Time-Varying Stimuli by a Network Exhibiting Oscillations on a Faster Time Scale

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    Sensory processing is associated with gamma frequency oscillations (30–80 Hz) in sensory cortices. This raises the question whether gamma oscillations can be directly involved in the representation of time-varying stimuli, including stimuli whose time scale is longer than a gamma cycle. We are interested in the ability of the system to reliably distinguish different stimuli while being robust to stimulus variations such as uniform time-warp. We address this issue with a dynamical model of spiking neurons and study the response to an asymmetric sawtooth input current over a range of shape parameters. These parameters describe how fast the input current rises and falls in time. Our network consists of inhibitory and excitatory populations that are sufficient for generating oscillations in the gamma range. The oscillations period is about one-third of the stimulus duration. Embedded in this network is a subpopulation of excitatory cells that respond to the sawtooth stimulus and a subpopulation of cells that respond to an onset cue. The intrinsic gamma oscillations generate a temporally sparse code for the external stimuli. In this code, an excitatory cell may fire a single spike during a gamma cycle, depending on its tuning properties and on the temporal structure of the specific input; the identity of the stimulus is coded by the list of excitatory cells that fire during each cycle. We quantify the properties of this representation in a series of simulations and show that the sparseness of the code makes it robust to uniform warping of the time scale. We find that resetting of the oscillation phase at stimulus onset is important for a reliable representation of the stimulus and that there is a tradeoff between the resolution of the neural representation of the stimulus and robustness to time-warp. Author Summary Sensory processing of time-varying stimuli, such as speech, is associated with high-frequency oscillatory cortical activity, the functional significance of which is still unknown. One possibility is that the oscillations are part of a stimulus-encoding mechanism. Here, we investigate a computational model of such a mechanism, a spiking neuronal network whose intrinsic oscillations interact with external input (waveforms simulating short speech segments in a single acoustic frequency band) to encode stimuli that extend over a time interval longer than the oscillation's period. The network implements a temporally sparse encoding, whose robustness to time warping and neuronal noise we quantify. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that a biophysically plausible model of oscillations occurring in the processing of auditory input may generate a representation of signals that span multiple oscillation cycles.National Science Foundation (DMS-0211505); Burroughs Wellcome Fund; U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Researc

    Throughput Scaling Of Convolution For Error-Tolerant Multimedia Applications

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    Convolution and cross-correlation are the basis of filtering and pattern or template matching in multimedia signal processing. We propose two throughput scaling options for any one-dimensional convolution kernel in programmable processors by adjusting the imprecision (distortion) of computation. Our approach is based on scalar quantization, followed by two forms of tight packing in floating-point (one of which is proposed in this paper) that allow for concurrent calculation of multiple results. We illustrate how our approach can operate as an optional pre- and post-processing layer for off-the-shelf optimized convolution routines. This is useful for multimedia applications that are tolerant to processing imprecision and for cases where the input signals are inherently noisy (error tolerant multimedia applications). Indicative experimental results with a digital music matching system and an MPEG-7 audio descriptor system demonstrate that the proposed approach offers up to 175% increase in processing throughput against optimized (full-precision) convolution with virtually no effect in the accuracy of the results. Based on marginal statistics of the input data, it is also shown how the throughput and distortion can be adjusted per input block of samples under constraints on the signal-to-noise ratio against the full-precision convolution.Comment: IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 201

    Revealing spatio-spectral electroencephalographic dynamics of musical mode and tempo perception by independent component analysis.

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    BackgroundMusic conveys emotion by manipulating musical structures, particularly musical mode- and tempo-impact. The neural correlates of musical mode and tempo perception revealed by electroencephalography (EEG) have not been adequately addressed in the literature.MethodThis study used independent component analysis (ICA) to systematically assess spatio-spectral EEG dynamics associated with the changes of musical mode and tempo.ResultsEmpirical results showed that music with major mode augmented delta-band activity over the right sensorimotor cortex, suppressed theta activity over the superior parietal cortex, and moderately suppressed beta activity over the medial frontal cortex, compared to minor-mode music, whereas fast-tempo music engaged significant alpha suppression over the right sensorimotor cortex.ConclusionThe resultant EEG brain sources were comparable with previous studies obtained by other neuroimaging modalities, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). In conjunction with advanced dry and mobile EEG technology, the EEG results might facilitate the translation from laboratory-oriented research to real-life applications for music therapy, training and entertainment in naturalistic environments

    An Automated Approach Towards Sparse Single-Equation Cointegration Modelling

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    In this paper we propose the Single-equation Penalized Error Correction Selector (SPECS) as an automated estimation procedure for dynamic single-equation models with a large number of potentially (co)integrated variables. By extending the classical single-equation error correction model, SPECS enables the researcher to model large cointegrated datasets without necessitating any form of pre-testing for the order of integration or cointegrating rank. Under an asymptotic regime in which both the number of parameters and time series observations jointly diverge to infinity, we show that SPECS is able to consistently estimate an appropriate linear combination of the cointegrating vectors that may occur in the underlying DGP. In addition, SPECS is shown to enable the correct recovery of sparsity patterns in the parameter space and to posses the same limiting distribution as the OLS oracle procedure. A simulation study shows strong selective capabilities, as well as superior predictive performance in the context of nowcasting compared to high-dimensional models that ignore cointegration. An empirical application to nowcasting Dutch unemployment rates using Google Trends confirms the strong practical performance of our procedure

    Identifying Cover Songs Using Information-Theoretic Measures of Similarity

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/This paper investigates methods for quantifying similarity between audio signals, specifically for the task of cover song detection. We consider an information-theoretic approach, where we compute pairwise measures of predictability between time series. We compare discrete-valued approaches operating on quantized audio features, to continuous-valued approaches. In the discrete case, we propose a method for computing the normalized compression distance, where we account for correlation between time series. In the continuous case, we propose to compute information-based measures of similarity as statistics of the prediction error between time series. We evaluate our methods on two cover song identification tasks using a data set comprised of 300 Jazz standards and using the Million Song Dataset. For both datasets, we observe that continuous-valued approaches outperform discrete-valued approaches. We consider approaches to estimating the normalized compression distance (NCD) based on string compression and prediction, where we observe that our proposed normalized compression distance with alignment (NCDA) improves average performance over NCD, for sequential compression algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate that continuous-valued distances may be combined to improve performance with respect to baseline approaches. Using a large-scale filter-and-refine approach, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance for cover song identification using the Million Song Dataset.The work of P. Foster was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Account studentship