168 research outputs found

    Roto-Translation Covariant Convolutional Networks for Medical Image Analysis

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    We propose a framework for rotation and translation covariant deep learning using SE(2)SE(2) group convolutions. The group product of the special Euclidean motion group SE(2)SE(2) describes how a concatenation of two roto-translations results in a net roto-translation. We encode this geometric structure into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) via SE(2)SE(2) group convolutional layers, which fit into the standard 2D CNN framework, and which allow to generically deal with rotated input samples without the need for data augmentation. We introduce three layers: a lifting layer which lifts a 2D (vector valued) image to an SE(2)SE(2)-image, i.e., 3D (vector valued) data whose domain is SE(2)SE(2); a group convolution layer from and to an SE(2)SE(2)-image; and a projection layer from an SE(2)SE(2)-image to a 2D image. The lifting and group convolution layers are SE(2)SE(2) covariant (the output roto-translates with the input). The final projection layer, a maximum intensity projection over rotations, makes the full CNN rotation invariant. We show with three different problems in histopathology, retinal imaging, and electron microscopy that with the proposed group CNNs, state-of-the-art performance can be achieved, without the need for data augmentation by rotation and with increased performance compared to standard CNNs that do rely on augmentation.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted at MICCAI 201

    Roto-Translation Equivariant Convolutional Networks: Application to Histopathology Image Analysis

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    Rotation-invariance is a desired property of machine-learning models for medical image analysis and in particular for computational pathology applications. We propose a framework to encode the geometric structure of the special Euclidean motion group SE(2) in convolutional networks to yield translation and rotation equivariance via the introduction of SE(2)-group convolution layers. This structure enables models to learn feature representations with a discretized orientation dimension that guarantees that their outputs are invariant under a discrete set of rotations. Conventional approaches for rotation invariance rely mostly on data augmentation, but this does not guarantee the robustness of the output when the input is rotated. At that, trained conventional CNNs may require test-time rotation augmentation to reach their full capability. This study is focused on histopathology image analysis applications for which it is desirable that the arbitrary global orientation information of the imaged tissues is not captured by the machine learning models. The proposed framework is evaluated on three different histopathology image analysis tasks (mitosis detection, nuclei segmentation and tumor classification). We present a comparative analysis for each problem and show that consistent increase of performances can be achieved when using the proposed framework

    Principled Design and Implementation of Steerable Detectors

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    We provide a complete pipeline for the detection of patterns of interest in an image. In our approach, the patterns are assumed to be adequately modeled by a known template, and are located at unknown position and orientation. We propose a continuous-domain additive image model, where the analyzed image is the sum of the template and an isotropic background signal with self-similar isotropic power-spectrum. The method is able to learn an optimal steerable filter fulfilling the SNR criterion based on one single template and background pair, that therefore strongly responds to the template, while optimally decoupling from the background model. The proposed filter then allows for a fast detection process, with the unknown orientation estimation through the use of steerability properties. In practice, the implementation requires to discretize the continuous-domain formulation on polar grids, which is performed using radial B-splines. We demonstrate the practical usefulness of our method on a variety of template approximation and pattern detection experiments

    Limits of economy and fidelity for programmable assembly of size-controlled triply-periodic polyhedra

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    We propose and investigate an extension of the Caspar-Klug symmetry principles for viral capsid assembly to the programmable assembly of size-controlled triply-periodic polyhedra, discrete variants of the Primitive, Diamond, and Gyroid cubic minimal surfaces. Inspired by a recent class of programmable DNA origami colloids, we demonstrate that the economy of design in these crystalline assemblies -- in terms of the growth of the number of distinct particle species required with the increased size-scale (e.g. periodicity) -- is comparable to viral shells. We further test the role of geometric specificity in these assemblies via dynamical assembly simulations, which show that conditions for simultaneously efficient and high-fidelity assembly require an intermediate degree of flexibility of local angles and lengths in programmed assembly. Off-target misassembly occurs via incorporation of a variant of disclination defects, generalized to the case of hyperbolic crystals. The possibility of these topological defects is a direct consequence of the very same symmetry principles that underlie the economical design, exposing a basic tradeoff between design economy and fidelity of programmable, size controlled assembly.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 6 supporting movies (linked), Supporting Appendi

    On deep generative modelling methods for protein-protein interaction

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    Proteins form the basis for almost all biological processes, identifying the interactions that proteins have with themselves, the environment, and each other are critical to understanding their biological function in an organism, and thus the impact of drugs designed to affect them. Consequently a significant body of research and development focuses on methods to analyse and predict protein structure and interactions. Due to the breadth of possible interactions and the complexity of structures, \textit{in sillico} methods are used to propose models of both interaction and structure that can then be verified experimentally. However the computational complexity of protein interaction means that full physical simulation of these processes requires exceptional computational resources and is often infeasible. Recent advances in deep generative modelling have shown promise in correctly capturing complex conditional distributions. These models derive their basic principles from statistical mechanics and thermodynamic modelling. While the learned functions of these methods are not guaranteed to be physically accurate, they result in a similar sampling process to that suggested by the thermodynamic principles of protein folding and interaction. However, limited research has been applied to extending these models to work over the space of 3D rotation, limiting their applicability to protein models. In this thesis we develop an accelerated sampling strategy for faster sampling of potential docking locations, we then address the rotational diffusion limitation by extending diffusion models to the space of SO(3)SO(3) and finally present a framework for the use of this rotational diffusion model to rigid docking of proteins

    The Impact of Dynamics in Protein Assembly

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    Predicting the assembly of multiple proteins into specific complexes is critical to understanding their biological function in an organism, and thus the design of drugs to address their malfunction. Consequently, a significant body of research and development focuses on methods for elucidating protein quaternary structure. In silico techniques are used to propose models that decode experimental data, and independently as a structure prediction tool. These computational methods often consider proteins as rigid structures, yet proteins are inherently flexible molecules, with both local side-chain motion and larger conformational dynamics governing their behaviour. This treatment is particularly problematic for any protein docking engine, where even a simple rearrangement of the side-chain and backbone atoms at the interface of binding partners complicates the successful determination of the correct docked pose. Herein, we present a means of representing protein surface, electrostatics and local dynamics within a single volumetric descriptor, before applying it to a series of physical and biophysical problems to validate it as representative of a protein. We leverage this representation in a protein-protein docking context and demonstrate that its application bypasses the need to compensate for, and predict, specific side-chain packing at the interface of binding partners for both water-soluble and lipid-soluble protein complexes. We find little detriment in the quality of returned predictions with increased flexibility, placing our protein docking approach as highly competitive versus comparative methods. We then explore the role of larger, conformational dynamics in protein quaternary structure prediction, by exploiting large-scale Molecular Dynamics simulations of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein to elucidate possible high-order spike-ACE2 oligomeric states. Our results indicate a possible novel path to therapeutics following the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, we find that the structure of a protein alone is inadequate in understanding its function through its possible binding modes. Therefore, we must also consider the impact of dynamics in protein assembly