2,548 research outputs found

    A Survey of Techniques For Improving Energy Efficiency in Embedded Computing Systems

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    Recent technological advances have greatly improved the performance and features of embedded systems. With the number of just mobile devices now reaching nearly equal to the population of earth, embedded systems have truly become ubiquitous. These trends, however, have also made the task of managing their power consumption extremely challenging. In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to address this issue. In this paper, we survey the techniques for managing power consumption of embedded systems. We discuss the need of power management and provide a classification of the techniques on several important parameters to highlight their similarities and differences. This paper is intended to help the researchers and application-developers in gaining insights into the working of power management techniques and designing even more efficient high-performance embedded systems of tomorrow

    Energy challenges for ICT

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    The energy consumption from the expanding use of information and communications technology (ICT) is unsustainable with present drivers, and it will impact heavily on the future climate change. However, ICT devices have the potential to contribute signi - cantly to the reduction of CO2 emission and enhance resource e ciency in other sectors, e.g., transportation (through intelligent transportation and advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles), heating (through smart building control), and manu- facturing (through digital automation based on smart autonomous sensors). To address the energy sustainability of ICT and capture the full potential of ICT in resource e - ciency, a multidisciplinary ICT-energy community needs to be brought together cover- ing devices, microarchitectures, ultra large-scale integration (ULSI), high-performance computing (HPC), energy harvesting, energy storage, system design, embedded sys- tems, e cient electronics, static analysis, and computation. In this chapter, we introduce challenges and opportunities in this emerging eld and a common framework to strive towards energy-sustainable ICT

    Energy Aware Runtime Systems for Elastic Stream Processing Platforms

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    Following an invariant growth in the required computational performance of processors, the multicore revolution started around 20 years ago. This revolution was mainly an answer to power dissipation constraints restricting the increase of clock frequency in single-core processors. The multicore revolution not only brought in the challenge of parallel programming, i.e. being able to develop software exploiting the entire capabilities of manycore architectures, but also the challenge of programming heterogeneous platforms. The question of “on which processing element to map a specific computational unit?”, is well known in the embedded community. With the introduction of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) along with many-core processors on different system-on-chip platforms, heterogeneous parallel platforms are nowadays widespread over several domains, from consumer devices to media processing platforms for telecom operators. Finding mapping together with a suitable hardware architecture is a process called design-space exploration. This process is very challenging in heterogeneous many-core architectures, which promise to offer benefits in terms of energy efficiency. The main problem is the exponential explosion of space exploration. With the recent trend of increasing levels of heterogeneity in the chip, selecting the parameters to take into account when mapping software to hardware is still an open research topic in the embedded area. For example, the current Linux scheduler has poor performance when mapping tasks to computing elements available in hardware. The only metric considered is CPU workload, which as was shown in recent work does not match true performance demands from the applications. Doing so may produce an incorrect allocation of resources, resulting in a waste of energy. The origin of this research work comes from the observation that these approaches do not provide full support for the dynamic behavior of stream processing applications, especially if these behaviors are established only at runtime. This research will contribute to the general goal of developing energy-efficient solutions to design streaming applications on heterogeneous and parallel hardware platforms. Streaming applications are nowadays widely spread in the software domain. Their distinctive characiteristic is the retrieving of multiple streams of data and the need to process them in real time. The proposed work will develop new approaches to address the challenging problem of efficient runtime coordination of dynamic applications, focusing on energy and performance management.Efter en oförĂ€nderlig tillvĂ€xt i prestandakrav hos processorer, började den flerkĂ€rniga processor-revolutionen för ungefĂ€r 20 Ă„r sedan. Denna revolution skedde till största del som en lösning till begrĂ€nsningar i energieffekten allt eftersom klockfrekvensen kontinuerligt höjdes i en-kĂ€rniga processorer. Den flerkĂ€rniga processor-revolutionen medförde inte enbart utmaningen gĂ€llande parallellprogrammering, m.a.o. förmĂ„gan att utveckla mjukvara som anvĂ€nder sig av alla delelement i de flerkĂ€rniga processorerna, men ocksĂ„ utmaningen med programmering av heterogena plattformar. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen ”pĂ„ vilken processorelement skall en viss berĂ€kning utföras?” Ă€r vĂ€l kĂ€nt inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Efter introduktionen av grafikprocessorer för allmĂ€nna berĂ€kningar (GPGPU), signalprocesserings-processorer (DSP) samt flerkĂ€rniga processorer pĂ„ olika system-on-chip plattformar, Ă€r heterogena parallella plattformar idag omfattande inom mĂ„nga domĂ€ner, frĂ„n konsumtionsartiklar till mediaprocesseringsplattformar för telekommunikationsoperatörer. Processen att placera berĂ€kningarna pĂ„ en passande hĂ„rdvaruplattform kallas för utforskning av en designrymd (design-space exploration). Denna process Ă€r mycket utmanande för heterogena flerkĂ€rniga arkitekturer, och kan medföra fördelar nĂ€r det gĂ€ller energieffektivitet. Det största problemet Ă€r att de olika valmöjligheterna i designrymden kan vĂ€xa exponentiellt. Enligt den nuvarande trenden som förespĂ„r ökad heterogeniska aspekter i processorerna Ă€r utmaningen att hitta den mest passande placeringen av berĂ€kningarna pĂ„ hĂ„rdvaran Ă€nnu en forskningsfrĂ„ga inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Till exempel, den nuvarande schemalĂ€ggaren i Linux operativsystemet Ă€r inkapabel att hitta en effektiv placering av berĂ€kningarna pĂ„ den underliggande hĂ„rdvaran. Det enda mĂ€tsĂ€ttet som anvĂ€nds Ă€r processorns belastning vilket, som visats i tidigare forskning, inte motsvarar den verkliga prestandan i applikationen. AnvĂ€ndning av detta mĂ€tsĂ€tt vid resursallokering resulterar i slöseri med energi. Denna forskning hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n observationerna att dessa tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt inte stöder det dynamiska beteendet hos ström-processeringsapplikationer (stream processing applications), speciellt om beteendena bara etableras vid körtid. Denna forskning kontribuerar till det allmĂ€nna mĂ„let att utveckla energieffektiva lösningar för ström-applikationer (streaming applications) pĂ„ heterogena flerkĂ€rniga hĂ„rdvaruplattformar. Ström-applikationer Ă€r numera mycket vanliga i mjukvarudomĂ€n. Deras distinkta karaktĂ€r Ă€r inlĂ€sning av flertalet dataströmmar, och behov av att processera dem i realtid. Arbetet i denna forskning understöder utvecklingen av nya sĂ€tt för att lösa det utmanade problemet att effektivt koordinera dynamiska applikationer i realtid och fokus pĂ„ energi- och prestandahantering

    Power Management Techniques for Data Centers: A Survey

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    With growing use of internet and exponential growth in amount of data to be stored and processed (known as 'big data'), the size of data centers has greatly increased. This, however, has resulted in significant increase in the power consumption of the data centers. For this reason, managing power consumption of data centers has become essential. In this paper, we highlight the need of achieving energy efficiency in data centers and survey several recent architectural techniques designed for power management of data centers. We also present a classification of these techniques based on their characteristics. This paper aims to provide insights into the techniques for improving energy efficiency of data centers and encourage the designers to invent novel solutions for managing the large power dissipation of data centers.Comment: Keywords: Data Centers, Power Management, Low-power Design, Energy Efficiency, Green Computing, DVFS, Server Consolidatio

    Minimizing Peak Temperature for Pipelined Hard Real-time Systems

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    An Energy and Performance Exploration of Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    In this paper, we explore the designs of a circuit-switched router, a wormhole router, a quality-of-service (QoS) supporting virtual channel router and a speculative virtual channel router and accurately evaluate the energy-performance tradeoffs they offer. Power results from the designs placed and routed in a 90-nm CMOS process show that all the architectures dissipate significant idle state power. The additional energy required to route a packet through the router is then shown to be dominated by the data path. This leads to the key result that, if this trend continues, the use of more elaborate control can be justified and will not be immediately limited by the energy budget. A performance analysis also shows that dynamic resource allocation leads to the lowest network latencies, while static allocation may be used to meet QoS goals. Combining the power and performance figures then allows an energy-latency product to be calculated to judge the efficiency of each of the networks. The speculative virtual channel router was shown to have a very similar efficiency to the wormhole router, while providing a better performance, supporting its use for general purpose designs. Finally, area metrics are also presented to allow a comparison of implementation costs

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    CoMeT: An Integrated Interval Thermal Simulation Toolchain for 2D, 2.5 D, and 3D Processor-Memory Systems

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    Processing cores and the accompanying main memory working in tandem enable the modern processors. Dissipating heat produced from computation, memory access remains a significant problem for processors. Therefore, processor thermal management continues to be an active research topic. Most thermal management research takes place using simulations, given the challenges of measuring temperature in real processors. Since core and memory are fabricated on separate packages in most existing processors, with the memory having lower power densities, thermal management research in processors has primarily focused on the cores. Memory bandwidth limitations associated with 2D processors lead to high-density 2.5D and 3D packaging technology. 2.5D packaging places cores and memory on the same package. 3D packaging technology takes it further by stacking layers of memory on the top of cores themselves. Such packagings significantly increase the power density, making processors prone to heating. Therefore, mitigating thermal issues in high-density processors (packaged with stacked memory) becomes an even more pressing problem. However, given the lack of thermal modeling for memories in existing interval thermal simulation toolchains, they are unsuitable for studying thermal management for high-density processors. To address this issue, we present CoMeT, the first integrated Core and Memory interval Thermal simulation toolchain. CoMeT comprehensively supports thermal simulation of high- and low-density processors corresponding to four different core-memory configurations - off-chip DDR memory, off-chip 3D memory, 2.5D, and 3D. CoMeT supports several novel features that facilitate overlying system research. Compared to an equivalent state-of-the-art core-only toolchain, CoMeT adds only a ~5% simulation-time overhead. The source code of CoMeT has been made open for public use under the MIT license.Comment: https://github.com/marg-tools/CoMe
